Do you shop for inexpensive denim or expensive denim? There are denim brands for people ranging from penny pinchers to designer divas (and divos). Some are turned on to bigger names than something at a department store or low-end retailer. If one person had $300 USD to spend on a good pair of jeans, would he/she shop at a JCPenney or at Neiman Marcus? Are you getting what you're paying? According to a report on the April 24, 2010 edition of ABC's Good Morning America Weekend, a conclusion was made that what you're really paying for (especially with more expensive denims) is the fabric. Two pairs of jeans from two different stores were put to the test. One pair of jeans was bought at Saks Fifth Avenue while the other was at an Old Navy. Both jeans were durable in tests. The cheaper pair fades after a number of washes while the more expensive denim remains in great condition. To see the full report and view the corresponding video, please visit this link concerning the "Denim Dilemma: Does Paying a Lot Mean Getting a Lot," aired 4/24/2010 on ABC's Good Morning America Weekend.
This is a blog entry about denim- inexpensive vs. expensive. How much is too much for denim garments (not necessarily jeans)? Do you prefer inexpensive denim or expensive denim? Later in this blog entry, I will show you denim garments on Amazon that I want you to check out if you're looking for some denim garments to add to your wardrobe. So this blog is two parts- Part 1 is commentary on inexpensive vs. expensive denim, and Part 2 features many denim garments on Amazon if you're looking for some denim garments to wear or buy. And yes- I'll feature expensive denim. Don't believe me? Read on later in this blog entry. One pair of jeans later in this blog entry costs over $500 USD!
APR 7 2012 - updated some material--- Denim: Inexpensive vs. Expensive ---
The model here is on various kinds of denim. I am mostly discussing denim jeans, but this can pertain to ANY denim. Denim is denim is denim. Now let's look at some examples:Inexpensive Denim.
^ from: - flap-pocket jeans from Paris Blues, a Sears-exclusive brand
Here are some makers of inexpensive/affordable denim:
• Wrangler
• Levi's (makes some premium denim as well)
• Vigoss
• Arizona Jean Company
• Old Navy
• Vanilla Star
Most of these are what you'd find at commonplace retailers like JCPenney. This is where you seek a pair of jeans that look good and fit great. These are the denims made for those who don't want to splurge to have great style.
Here are some makers of more expensive denims:
^ from: - True Religion jeans for women.
• Rock and Republic
• Diesel
• Rich and Skinny
• Level 99
• 18th Amendment
• 7 For All Mankind
• True Religion
These are the more high-end denim makers for those discontent with everyday jeans, and for those who prefer expressing their own style many others can't afford.
--- Go Inexpensive or Expensive? ---
My mindset is that denim is almost exclusively casual. So because of this, I don't think I'd want to pay much more than I would like to in finding a good pair of jeans. Jeans should be inexpensive and shouldn't have to cost an arm and a leg just to enjoy the world's favorite fabric and the world's favorite garment.Want some insight on what some of the most expensive jeans are? If so, read more about the Top Ten Most Expensive Jeans. And as a hint, the most expensive jeans come from a company you've likely never heard of.
What's more important to you- getting a good pair of jeans, or getting a good pair of jeans if money weren't an object? It's all up to you. Define your style however you please. Wear your denim however you wish and with whatever clothes you wish. Some people just want casual and good-fitting denim rather than have to waste more than they'd like to. But then too, you have those people who simply just don't want to wear any fashions from any everyday department store or retailer. That even includes denims that can be bought from non retail stores (for example: clothing from flea markets, specialty fashion retailers, etc.). Some care more about high-end denim as an expression of who they are and their style.
I'd like to try to find some denim for you, whether shopping for cheaply-priced denim or expensive denim. You can find some denim jeans on Amazon if you click on the graphic below. But if you want to see a combination of inexpensive denim and expensive denim that I want you to check out, read on after this page break. Thank you for reading so far. Care to continue reading the rest of this blog entry? Click "Read More" now!
I will be moving my Amazon material to my secondary blog. So if you want to shop for shop for various denims of various prices, PLEASE click on the image below. If you read on past the Jump Break, be warned that some of the items may not be available to purchase on Amazon, so I greatly recommend you visit John's Shop Space if you plan on shopping for denim of various prices:

Or if you want to shop for various denims from various designers, check these links out:
Where can you find denim from both inexpensive and expensive denim makers? Here are some official websites of denim makers, and those who offer denim items. These designers and retailers offer denim for both males and females.
(Threshold: Expensive denims are those priced $75 USD or more, and/or if the majority of their denims are priced $75 USD or more)
--- Inexpensive Denim Makers ---
• Old Navy
• Levi's (includes some high-priced denim)
• Paris Blues
• L.e.i. jeans
• Vigoss
• Boom Boom Jeans (wholesale only, you need to sign up with them and be approved to shop there)
• Rocawear
• Baby Phat
--- Expensive Denim Makers ---
7 for All Mankind
• Rock and Republic
• True Religion
• J Brand
• Joe's Jeans
• Paige Premium Denim
• Citizens of Humanity
• William Rast
• Pepe Jeans
• Miss Me
• Evisu
Last call... visit "John's Shop Space" to see more items I've found for you on Amazon. Click on the graphic below to begin!

Whether you seek inexpensive denim or expensive denim, you just want want something that fits right and looks great. Some simply go for higher-end denims for status and for personality. Some go for the more expensive denims because of fit and quality. So by all means, go buy denim you can be proud to wear and incorporate to your wardrobe. By the way... the world's most expensive jeans sold for about like $1,300,000 USD!
No matter what the price of the denim you buy, your beauty, personality, and charm while wearing these denim items are priceless. There are some things money can't buy. They are among some of the only things that cannot be bought at any store- whether minor or major. So rock your denim style to perfection!
Thank you for reading my blog entry. Hope you subscribe to show your continued support! Take care and have an outstanding day/night!
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