Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Caro Emerald

John B. Marine | 4/21/2020 07:42:00 AM | | |
Caro Emerald is an electro swing singer. She brings old time jazzy melodies with a punch of modern beats. I learned of her watching a fashion video on YouTube. This video takes a look at Caro Emerald and her fine music and style. Perhaps I may interest you in her fine musical work with this post. Let's begin!

Caro Emerald

More about Caro Emerald coming up. But first...

Caro Emerald
^ from: (Discogs) - Get to know Caro Emerald- an electro swing singer who brilliantly merges old time jazzy melodies with modern beats.

Caro Emerald is the stage name of (born: April 26, 1981)-year old Caroline Esmeralda van der Leeuw. This Dutch singing diva from Amsterdam, Netherlands was one I discovered when I heard a song from when I did my fashion blog post on Stop Staring! Designs. I was compelled listening to a song she did in which I wanted to hear more of her music on YouTube. Caro Emerald is signed under the label Grandmoon Records. Caro remains active on the singing circuit having started back in 2007. Her first hit was "A Night Like This." In 2009, she would deliver another smashing song with "Back it Up." Her first album was released in 2010 and was called "Deleted Scenes From the Cutting Room Floor," and it was a great hit. Caro has since put on many great performances at concerts and various other functions.

Caro Emerald is known for delivering old-style jazzy singing with a sweet modern twist. The moment I heard "Back it Up," I was in love! That song was such a banger! I later went on to try to hear some of her other songs. My subscription to her on YouTube was surely warranted. Speaking of her music...

Music Samples of Caro Emerald

Here are some samples of this vintage style singer:

"Back It Up."

This was the first song of hers that got me into her. Have a listen to this catchy and fun electro swing song. Trust me- it is a VERY fun and catchy song! It is natural to groove to a feel-good style song like this! Hear for yourself:

^ Caro Emerald - Back It Up (Official Video)

"That Man."

Here is another song of hers with a fun vintage style. Have a listen to this:

^ Caro Emerald - That Man (Official Video)

"A Night Like This."

The final song I want to showcase is this. While the video seems outside of the realm of Caro Emerald and her singing style, the song is still remotely in the same vein as her music style. It has a style that is a bit more modern while still having somewhat of a 1950s style vibe to it. It also seems like a song that you'd hear in a musical. Try this tune:

^ Caro Emerald - A Night Like This (Official Video)

Now you know about her singing.

Caro Emerald: Final Thoughts

To me, Caro Emerald is an amazing performer. Her old style of singing merged with modern beats makes her music fun to listen to. It is like she takes you back to the 1950s with her jazzy electro swing style music. She does so in a charming and catchy way. Caro Emerald's singing is a stylish convergence of old time 1950s style jazz melodies with a 21st Century kick. She may be an emerald; but to me, she is as beautiful and as charming as a diamond. Truly a one-of-a-kind singing talent.

If Caro is Reading This...

You do a great job, and I enjoy your music completely! Keep up the great work with all you do.

Would I Like to Meet Caro?

Sure! She seems very fun and is an incredible singer.

Bonus Video!

Here is one more video of Caro Emerald. This time, the aforementioned video where I first learned of her and when I began to love hearing "Back It Up":

^ Stop Staring! fashion show

To view the blog post I made about Stop Staring! Designs, please visit this post in my fashion/beauty blog: "Stop Staring!" (StyleSpace by JBM).

For More Information...

Learn more about Caro Emerald by visiting her official website at: www.caroemerald.com. From there, you can connect through the different profiles of hers including Spotify and YouTube.

This post is over, and I'm glad you could drop by! Hopefully I introduced you proper to a fabulous personality that you can tell others about. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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