iMovie and iLife make up some of the most common songs you'll hear in some YouTube videos. I didn't really realize this until I once heard a certain song in a video back on January 13, 2012. I heard some songs on YouTube that I can remember hearing a bit often in some YouTube videos. My first inclination was that these were probably popular songs from the likes of Kevin Macleod or something. While his music is popular, most of what I've heard in a lot of videos has been from a different source- jingles from iLive and iMovie. So imagine my amazement as I finally got to hear some of these songs and figure out what they are. To show you how popular these songs from iLive and iMovie are, I will use this blog post to showcase these songs in these videos.
I will mention iMovie a lot, but these are also from iLife. To avoid confusion, I will mostly refer to these under iMovie rather than iLife.
WARNING: This post contains lots of YouTube videos. Your browsing may be slow because of this. You may want to view these videos from YouTube by clicking on the YouTube icon in each video to view the video on YouTube rather than just see them here.
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If you watch a lot of YouTube videos, you will have heard a lot of songs that have been commonly used. I have thought for the longest that some of the most commonly-heard songs in videos were from Kevin Macleod or somebody. In the context of this blog post, though, I learned that these are all songs made by Apple (or at least licensed by Apple Computer Inc.) for iMovie and iLife. The songs that will be showcased in this blog post are some of many iMovie/iLife songs used in various videos I've seen before. In iMovie, these songs come in three different varieties- Short, Medium, and Long; and they are all referred to as Jingles, since they are all supposed to be relatively short pieces.
To set the mood for this blog post, this was the song I heard first, leading to my curiosity about other iMovie songs used in videos:
Here is a list of songs I will be featuring here, all from Apple, and all from iMovie/iLife. The item in parentheses () are examples of where I have personally heard these songs used before. Here are the featured songs:
• Headspin (a commercial for a college, some older FastLaneDaily videos, HotForWords, etc.)
• Catwalk (Smosh)
• Torn Jeans (AUTOCAR)
• Breakbeat
• Yearbook (fiveawesomegirls, and one video from HitomiNeko)
• Three Pointer (HotForWords)
• Gleaming
• Stepping Out (fafinettex3)
• Curtain Call (once in an NDTitanLady video)
• Wild Card
• Sprightly
• Celestial Body (HotForWords - intro to some videos)
• Pendulum (kandeejohnson)
• Pastel Slide
• Fireside (communitychannel)
What does it say for so many of these songs to be used in YouTube videos? It means two things to me- (1) these are all very good and popular songs, and (2) iMovie runs circles around Windows' Movie Maker series (speaking as a Windows user). A number of videos made using Apple products have featured many of the songs that I will share in this post. Upon researching YouTube channels for this blog post, the ever-popular Shane Dawson has featured many of iMovie's songs.
Next section awaits.
Popular iMovie Song Samples
This here is the main focal point of this post. Each featured song comes from certain YouTube video searches I have done. They are all based on iMovie songs I have heard before and consider to be very popular. I have tried to find rather brief videos so you could just hear the song in a video and move on to the next one. If there is an iMovie song I haven't heard in at least one video, I will not feature it here; and it isn't like I look at everybody's channel (including some of YouTube's most famous channels). All videos are provided for educational purposes.
PERSONAL NOTE: I would like to thank everyone who allowed their videos to be embedded.
Here is how each section works:
[heading]. (click on the heading to hear a sample to each song before I show you the video that features the song).
hint on where/when to listen to hear the song in question
(song name)
Okay? So when you see a heading for one song, click on the heading to hear the best-possible, non-interrupted version of each song I could find on YouTube. Then, watch the sample video that includes the song I introduced. Let's begin!
The first song I heard that had me intrigued and curious about other songs I've heard before began with "Headspin." This song is an upbeat hip-hop style song with a few rock guitar riffs mixed in for some diversity. Quite a few YouTube videos have featured this song. I even once heard it in a commercial for some college. If you've never heard "Headspin" before, or if you don't know what Headspin sounds like; have a listen. The introduction to this video features this song:Headspin sample:
^ from "HotForWords"
You think I'm done after posting just one video? Think again! I am providing this Jump Break to improve the performance of this blog. So if you are not viewing the entire blog post, please click "Read More" to continue reading this blog post!
Supposedly, the YouTube channel Smosh features this song in videos. This is an electronic dance music song that has some rock guitar in it for somewhat of a rocker touch. This is the kind of song that could be used for technology news or some other news-type show. Apparently, this song was sort of made famous by YouTube heavyweight "Smosh" in his "Male Model" video from 2007. "Catwalk" starts to play at about 1:05 in "Male Model," shown below:"Catwalk" sample:
^ from "smosh"
BONUS MATERIAL! - Andy Claux is the original creator of this song, and its original name "Instant Incertains." Click on the link below to check out this bonus video I have to share with you!
Andy Claux - Instant Incertains (Bonus YouTube video!)
Torn Jeans.
"Torn Jeans" is a rock song that sounds more like a good theme for a car show on TV. I usually hear this during videos from AUTOCAR. It sounds (to me) like good theme music for a TV car show featuring classic American cars or cruiser motorcycles. You are about to hear this song in this sample video below. The introduction to AUTOCAR's videos feature "Torn Jeans" being played. So just listen to the video's introduction to hear "Torn Jeans", but don't forget about the cool car featured in this video! :)"Torn Jeans" sample:
^ from "autocar"
The breaks provided by Apple in this song is another song that would be great to use for technology news shows, coverage of certain expo shows, and things like that. The YouTube channel, "RayFloTvOfficial," is known for using this song at the start of videos. "Breakbeat" is played for most of this video I semi-randomly found; and I somewhat question the choice of fashion this lady chose, but that's another story for another time:"Breakbeat" sample:
^ from: "yachtnaughty"
My blogging and YouTube friend, HitomiNeko, had a video that featured "Yearbook." Most others are familiar hearing this song from the YouTube channel, "fiveawesomegirls" (or 5AG). This is a rock song that starts off with a good drumline that leads into some heavy alternative rock. I've even once heard it when I was watching TV coverage of a Houston Rockets game. This entire video features "Yearbook" just about all video long:"Yearbook" sample:
^ Yearbook Long | iMovie Song-Music
Three Pointer.
"Three Pointer" is a hip-hop style song loaded with an urban edge. In some of HotForWords' past videos, this song would play as an intro as well as an outro to her videos. You're about to get a sample of this song being used in a video... as well as learning something new. Aren't you glad you visited John's Blog Space for such quality material? :) The intro and outro have the same song playing."Three Pointer" sample:
^ from: "HotForWords"
To keep the hip-hop love going, "Gleaming" is much heavier on the beats and with some lovely instrumentals compared to "Three Pointer." The flow of "Gleaming" is somewhat befitting of beauty channels, channels with beautiful women being featured, and things like that. The appeal of "Gleaming" has an urban edge that is harder than "Three Pointer." You can hear "Gleaming" for yourself by watching the video below. It plays for about 75% of the entire video:"Gleaming" sample:
^ from: "DeliriumReal"
Stepping Out.
A true rhythm and blues style track is how you would define "Stepping Out." This is the kind of urban sexy track that I've heard in a number of videos. It is the kind of song you'd play as you're enjoying a day in a big city. Having said this, you can see why this song is probably called "Stepping Out." I usually hear this when I've seen some videos of fafinettex3- a very popular YouTube beauty channel. A video would usually start out with Aubrey showcasing a certain look followed by a tutorial on how you can achieve the look. Speaking of Aubrey (whom I featured in my "Southeast Asian Beauties" blog post), here is a sample of "Stepping Out" being played in a video. Just see the introduction to hear "Stepping Out" being played:"Stepping Out" sample:
^ from: "fafinettex3"
BONUS MATERIAL! - The original creator of this song and its name are as follows- the original song is "Summer Groove" by Isaiah Stewart. Click on the link below to check out this bonus video I have to share with you!
Isaiah Stewart - Summer Groove (Bonus YouTube video!)
Curtain Call (best preview I could find).
The "Curtain Call" jimgle is a cinematic piece with some 1920s style. A song like this would better suited for certain old-style videos or melodies 1969 or earlier. I have heard this song only once (that I can remember), and it was in this old video by NDTitanLady. Very early in the video, Natalie is slow dancing in the second scene, and "Curtain Call" plays:"Curtain Call" sample:
^ from "NDTitanLady"
Wild Card.
I think I've heard this before in videos, but can't really recall where I've last heard this hip-hop song. It is kind of like "Three Pointer," but a bit more deep. You can hear "Wild Card" in this video below, but it fades in after a while before the song eventually plays. It also plays very lightly. Still, this song has "Wild Card" in it as part of the video. Start listening a bit around the 33-second mark:"Wild Card" sample:
^ from: "diethealth"
Of all the iMovie jingles, "Sprightly" is the only real iMovie song that is completely worthy of being called a jingle because of its length. It is more like an introductory piece rather than some full-on song. In fact, it lasts only six seconds long. So consider this one a good introductory piece. It is a song that sounds like it will be accompanied by hip-hop beats. It just has that flow to it. Though I said it is an introductory song, "Sprighty" can be heard at the end of this video below:"Sprighty" sample:
^ Sprightly | iMovie Song-Music
Celestial Body.
"Celestial Body" combines ambient melodies with Bhangra. The end result is a song very good for introductions. It could be used for videos and shows in which some sort of Middle Eastern or South Asian feel will spice things up. I remember hearing this song in some of HotForWords' videos. Here is a sample of "Celestial Body" being played. Watch the video by just before the one-minute mark to hear a brief piece of "Celestial Body":"Celestial Body" sample:
^ from "HotForWords"
An acoustic guitar with a mellow melody helps define "Pendulum" and its charm. The way this song sounds makes it seem like you are expecting harder guitars and harder drum beats are forthcoming. Kandee Johnson's video below begins with "Pendulum." Have a listen."Pendulum" sample:
^ from "kandeejohnson"
Pastel Slide.
One YouTube commenter referenced the beauty channel "kandeejohnson" with this song. However, I never found a video featuring this song when I was preparing this post. Pastel Slide is a mellow song with sweet charm. Like "Pendulum," an acoustic guitar is featured. Unlike "Pendulum," however, this song is VERY mellow. Almost like a song perhaps suitable for outdoor adventures or educational videos. Most of this video features this lovely melody:"Pastel Slide" sample:
^ from "dmacdonald001"
As a fan of "communitychannel" on YouTube, Natalie of this channel has a segment where she responds to comments posted in previous videos, usually the funny/sarcastic ones. This music plays in the background; and apparently... it is ANOTHER iMovie/iLife song! "Fireside" has some sexy undertones to it when you hear it. It does sound a lot like music you would hear in steamy love scenes in movies and TV shows. "Fireside" begins towards the end of this video:"Fireside" Sample:
^ Fireside | iMovie Song-Music
There are likely some others, but these are the many iMovie songs that come to mind immediately for me. How many other commonly-used iMovie jingles can you think of?
Final Thoughts
This says two things about the usage of these songs. For one thing, it shows just how amazingly well done these songs are. Those bestowed with iMovie or iLife have songs like these to listen to and use in videos. It also speaks volumes to how well-respected iMovie must be and how the songs must all be for so many Apple users to use these in their videos. You will know when you've heard so many different videos all featuring some of the more popular iMovie/iLife songs. That one curious moment listening to "Headspin" in the intro to this post led me to find some of the commonly-used songs I've heard so many times before.
It is because of such songs that I have been expressing interest in doing videos with iMovie. Do you find it the least bit surprising how many videos have featured so many of the songs featured here? A lot of people credit Shane Dawson for featuring a number of the iMovie/iLife jingles you've heard here. I just think Apple's built themselves a solid product if people continually use these jingles for their videos. The same could be said for proper companies who use these songs in shows and episodes in YouTube videos. Not sure if it's a cost-cutting deal so that more unique music could be played, but when publications and other businesses use these iMovie songs in videos, it's saying something about how good these songs are to use in media.
You know a song has to be good if lots of people are using the same song(s) for their work.
Another blog post on "John's Blog Space" is complete. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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