On November 8, 2008; "JohnMarineTube" was born on YouTube. I made my debut on YouTube on that day, then posted my first video of any kind a week later. It has been a long journey. For the longest, I wanted to make a return to YouTube, but never found the courage or came up with a proper video to show I'm back and haven't forgotten my YouTube audience. For this blog post, I want to offer thoughts on my 10th Anniversary on YouTube.
NOV 15 2018 - added my first video on YouTube; edited postMy YouTube Journey.
I joined YouTube on November 8, 2008. A week later, I would post my first video, and you can see that video here:^ "Introducing Myself"
For one thing, YouTube is a lot of work to make quality material consistently. I began mostly with a Creative webcam at 320x200 resolution videos and using a USB headset to offer audio. I later would go to pick up a Logitech webcam at about the same resolution. I really did not begin to feel in control until I got the Logitech QuickCam Pro 900- which was at the time, one of the best webcams to use. I later went from doing 320x200 videos to 640x480 videos. Windows Movie Maker used to be what I used to edit my videos. That is, until I bought Sony Vegas Movie Studio. I had a bit more control and even could create videos that didn't tax my computer's hard drive. I felt that I needed something better if I wanted to make videos away from my PC. And so therefore, I was looking for my first video camera. My first video camera was the Sony Bloggie. The Bloggie served me well in taking pictures and in the occasional video. I loved using it. The next step was a more proper camcorder. In that regard, I got myself an Insignia camcorder capable of HD-quality video. I don't think I ever successfully created a video 720p or greater with it and released it online. When I wanted something a bit better, I looked at the budget-friendly Samsung HMX-F90. Besides that, I went with a newer version of Sony Vegas Movie Studio (Version 13), and I even used Corel VideoStudio Pro X6. Even once, I made videos for YouTube using VSDC Free Video Editor as well as OBS Studio.
All the while, I tried all kinds of software and all kinds of tricks to try to expand my array of videos and video topics. I have been fairly pleased with my work.
Dealing With the Audience.
Even before I joined YouTube, I knew what I was getting into. I would deal with loads of people who have interests and personalities different from what I would consider normal. I knew I would encounter trolls, racists, homophobes, and people like that. I knew I wasn't going to be any kind of superstar, but I hated to be on the receiving end of somebody's hate.Two things I learned: (1) be careful posting any video regarding government, ethnicity, religion, or anything like that; and (2) don't make current event videos. Case in point for my first point: I made a video about black college football. The whole thing was taken out of context, and I ended up with some pathetic comments. The second point regards making a video shortly after certain current events. I can't feel too bad about this because one of those current event videos ended up being one of my most-viewed. I posted a video about KanYe West interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards once. The video got up to 4,000 views in just two days. Then sadly, it would reach 5,000 views nine months later. I got the attention, but it was never enough to be one of the most popular videos around the time I posted it.
If something keeps me away from YouTube at times, it is dealing with a fickle audience on YouTube. Like I want to try to be more popular than I already am; but I have to deal consistently with people who just think I'm some big-lipped, robot-sounding person from Houston, Texas, USA. There was a time where the popular YouTuber "Rooster Teeth" died. Some commenters said that the lady who got emotional at this tragedy was crying fake tears. That just made me feel horrible that I am among this crowd trying to make my own videos.
Memorable Moments.
There was one YouTuber who wanted to set up a podcast or something to interview certain YouTubers. I had the honor of being one of those individuals. Me and this individual had about a 45-minute Skype chat. Unfortunately, the podcaster didn't save the material. We still had a great chat. I won't disclose names, but I wanted to offer that as Honorable Mention in my YouTube career.Another cool moment to me was when "Inside Sim Racing" saw one of my videos and commented. It was nice to know some small-time YouTuber can get a decent comment from a major channel.
At one point, I asked a former YouTuber if she would entertain the thought of returning to YouTube. And as she returned, this lady even shouted out to me and thanked me for getting back on YouTube even if only briefly. I want to honor this lady if she's reading this. This is a lady named Candy. So thanks for adding to my YouTube career, Candy! :)
Plans for the Future.
"JohnMarineTube" has 430+ subscribers in the 10 years I've been on YouTube. I posted a few videos of different topics and styles. I have planned a return for the longest. However, I never got around to doing anything of interest. Once I find the strength to make something interesting, I will return to the YouTube circuit as if I never left.Never Been to My YouTube Channel?
"JohnMarineTube" is my YouTube channel. To begin your journey into my YouTube realm, click on the link below:JohnMarineTube
Thank all of you on YouTube who support my work and have supported my work.
This concludes my blog post about my YouTube channel. However here, I am still banging out solid blog posts. So be sure to Follow/Subscribe in some capacity if you enjoy my work. Following can go from you bookmarking my blogs to even Following using FeedBurner or Bloglovin. So PLEASE show your support any way you can! Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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