I tend to find long hair to be beautiful. Some have modestly long hair, and some others have extremely long hair. I've known many femmes who have long hair. Some long hair extends down to about just below the shoulders. Some long-haired femmes I've seen or known have long hair that extends down to the lower back or even down to the waistline. In some extreme cases, I've seen (especially with a model named Lena Li) long hair extend down to about the knees. Hair that is both long and natural is beautiful to me. But sometimes, you have extreme cases of long hair to where the hair is longer than a femme's height! Long-haired ladies I talked with say that long hair is just tougher to manage. I think some even just put their hair in a ponytail or something.
PERSONAL NOTE: This is my most popular and most-visited blog post ever in my two years blogging on John's Blog Space. Thanks to all of you for visiting and this blog post! I am unsure as to exactly why this post is so popular with people around the world. The fact it is so popular, however, is something I'm proud of. It is great you have found something that has appealed to you.
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--- Long Hair in Pictures ---
Here are some examples of long hair, from acceptable to extreme:Acceptable Long Hair.

^ from: public.iastate.edu - a young college girl with long hair.
This is what I consider basic long hair. Hair that extends down from the shoulders and well down the shoulders is what I consider long hair. The picture where I got this from was on how this lady cut her long hair to a short hairstyle. Hair that just extends down past the shoulders is what I classify as basic long hair.
Somewhat Acceptable Long Hair.
I say "somewhat acceptable" based on how other people would feel if they saw someone with fairly long hair.
^ from: photobucket.com - a young lady at the beach with very long hair.
Some people think long hair is a turn-off. I think long hair is only a turn-off when it isn't styled beautifully. Think about it. This long hair would be ugly if it weren't styled well. As this young lady's hair is blowing into the wind, I'm sure it's still a beautiful look if she were doing a modeling shot or something. The hair seems to extend down to about mid-thigh if she were standing perfectly up.
Extreme Long Hair.
Here are two extreme examples of long hair:
^ from: babble.com - former country music star, Crystal Gayle with knee-length hair.
While I am not a country music person at all (excluding being a Taylor Swift fan), country star Crystal Gayle has what I would consider extremely long hair. The picture I've supplemented would make you think she is a brunette version of Rapunzel. She does look like a beautiful princess in this picture I provided.
Crystal Gayle has long hair, but look at how long THIS lady's hair is:

^ from: community.travelchinaguide.com - Xia Aifeng's extremely long hair.
This lady is Xia Aifeng. She stands 1.6 meters tall (5.24 feet) and has 2.42 meters (7.94 feet) of hair. Imagine having hair that is two feet longer than you are! Unless you find other ways to manage your hair, this is an extreme of long hair. Because of people who found this blog searching for Xia Aifeng, I am pleased to include a video for you all. This is one video featuring Xia Aifeng and her 2.75 meters (or just over nine feet) of hair. Xia is essentially a Chinese Rapunzel. Check this out:
The channel where this video came from... there are two more videos with Xia showing off her massively long hair. So if you see any other related YouTube videos on her, you need to see just how long this lady's hair is. It is incredibly long!
Then too, this is also an extreme case of long hair:
^ This lady is amazingly beautiful, but can you imagine having to walk with extremely long hair ALL THE WAY DOWN? You'll have to wrap your hair up or something to be safe. Extremely long hair can prove dangerous in certain situations and in certain places.
ADDED: 3/6/2010 And as one last little bonus, here is a picture of Lena Li and her long hair. This is a bonus to all of you for giving my blog traffic for this blog entry:

^ from: benchpresschampion.com - Lena Li boasts knee-length long hair. But according to a certain loyal reader, she no longer has such long hair anymore. :(
Her hair actually extends down to about the knees.
--- Men Can Have Long Hair Too? ---
Yes. I even once known a young man whom, when I've first seen him, had beautiful long hair. He was gay, but had lovely long hair... until he ultimately had to have it cut for some reason or purpose. His hair extended down to his lower back.Here is a long-haired guy for you ladies to go crazy over below... :)

^ from: www.pollsb.com - a long-haired male. Go ahead, ladies... it's okay to be mesmerized by his amazing looks! ;)
Some guys can be pretty handsome with long hair. And I'm talking about well-past-the-shoulders long hair. It's rare you see a guy with long hair to rival even the most beautiful women, but there are those long-haired guys. And also, they aren't just for rock music types.
--- Go Long? ---
It all depends on you. Can you consistently manage your hair, or would you rather cut your hair short? I think if you're going to have long hair, it should all be as long and as beautiful flowing down your back. Long hair is beautiful whether straight or curly. I am not sure how some femmes with very long hair are able to manage their hair at times. It's still just beautiful seeing hair flow down like a waterfall. That's a compliment I like to use for femmes with beautifully long hair.But if you want to cut your hair, here are two options. You could cut as much of your hair as you like. Cut hair to a more manageable level, whether you want to retain your long hair or not. Some who just get rid of long hair entirely tend to look a lot different with a cropped hairstyle or even a bob.
The other option? Donate your hair to the Locks of Love organization. LOL is a non-profit organization that provides kids dealing with alopecia areata (which has no real cause or cure) regain their hair through generous donations from other people with hair. A few times on old episodes of The Maury Show, I've seen where long-haired people had their long locks of hair cut and are donated to those who most need new hairpieces.
For more information on Locks of Love, please visit locksoflove.org.
Here are two YouTube channels that highlight on long hair:
* longhairaddiction on YouTube
* longhairyo on YouTube
Thanks to all of you for reading! I find long hair to be very beautiful. So all of you have and show off your own style with long hair. Take care, everyone!
You'll need to take care of your hair, regardless of whatever style hair you have. So find yourself some hair care products on Amazon as my way of saying thanks to you for reading (please read "An Important Amazon Note" on featured items here):
Now that you've read my blog on long hair (thank you!), I've blogged about short hair! Be sure to check it out if you get a chance. And also...