A Special Hello...
I'd like to say hello to any of you from Belarus or of Belarusian descent to "John's Blog Space." I do often times note that I get blog posts from Belarus. So in that sense, I welcome all of you to my fine online abode.--- Anita Kurkach ---
So who is Anita Kurkach? That would be this lady in this picture:
^ from: (her Twitter feed) - This is fashionista and recording artist Anita Kurkach from the eastern European nation of Belarus.
When I blogged about eastern European beauties, I mentioned (born: February 26, 19??) Anita Kurkach. So some of you veteran readers of "John's Blog Space" may have seen me make mention to her. Anita is a fellow blogger who runs the blog "The Anita Kurkach Diaries." Here are some extra bits of mine to share on Anita.
Anita Kurkach: Fashion.
I first learned of Anita Kurkach on the LOOKBOOK circuit. This Belarusian beauty from Minsk, Belarus is someone with a unique and charming fashion style. Many of her outfits are casual. At times, she does incorporate elements of edge as well as some very girly pieces. She loves to perform not only with fashion, but also in music. For the most part, she has fun with fashion is mostly upbeat and positive- smiling often all the while.Personally, I think Anita Kurkach is a very beautiful lady. Her smile is very sweet, and her face looks lovely. She has angelic long hair. Whether wrapped up or hung downwards, Anita's hair is about as lovely as her smile. Anita even goes with ombré hair colors adding some color to her beautifully long hair. She normally goes with wavy hair, but she also has some wonderful braided hair at times. To say the least, she looks angelic.
So what is her fashion style like in action? Here is a brief video showcasing only a small sample size of her varied sense of style:
^ "...Pastel outfits!"
You can visit Anita Kurkach's YouTube channel to see some of her different fashion videos. This link will appear again later in this post.
Anita Kurkach: Music.
Here is some musical insight on the lovely Anita Kurkach. The first three videos are all original pieces by Anita Kurkach. I added the final video as another bit of her singing talent. Enjoy!^ "Anita Kurkach - Alive (Official Music Video)"
^ Melody (Anita Kurkach) - One life (original song)
I must warn you that you may need to turn up the volume with this video. Here is another original track of hers. This time... a non-English song:
^ Melody ( Anita Kurkach ) - Ya si sera (original song )
The previous three videos are original songs of hers. This video, however, here is one of the different cover songs she has sung before. Check this out:
^ Lost Stars (Begin Again Soundtrack Cover) - Anita Kurkach
I curiously found "One Life" from Anita Kurkach and enjoyed it.
--- What I Would Tell Anita Kurkach (if she were to read this) ---
You are a beautiful lady with unique and charming style. Since learning of you first on LOOKBOOK, I am very appreciative and admirable of your style in fashion and in music. I would like to wish you the very best in all arenas of life important and intimate to you. I wish you also great success and fortune in all that you do.And most of all, greetings to you from the United States! :)
Would I Want to Meet Anita Kurkach (if given the chance)?
Absolutely. Her personality and charm are incredible to not want to meet her.For More Information...
Did you enjoy this post and Anita Kurkach? Here are more ways to get social with her:• Anita Kurkach's blog
• Follow Anita Kurkach on Twitter!
• Anita Kurkach on YouTube
• Anita Kurkach on Instagram
• Anita Kurkach on Google+
• Anita Kurkach on Google Play
That just about does it. Now I've introduced and showcased Anita Kurkach to all of you.
Thank you for visiting!
Are you a fan of Anita Kurkach? What do you think of her fashion style? Her singing?
John's Blog Space, and all of my other blogs, are meant to be enjoyed with lots of entertaining and/or factual material. I even get on the serious side with some personal commentary often times. If you enjoy my blogging work, PLEASE get social with me as well as Subscribing and Following my blogging work. Until next time, thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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