BRIEF NOTE: The initial date of this blog post (January 23, 2016) marks the seventh anniversary of "John's Blog Space!" Thanks to everyone who have supported my blog in any such way throughout this blog's history.
The lady known as Adele Laurie Blue Adkins (or just Adele) is below:

^ from: (Twitter) - Adele is a British superstar from London.
The (born: May 5, 1988)-year old British singer named Adele is one of the hottest acts in music today. Adele somewhat reminds me of old-style singing in this postmodern time of music. Her singing style is along the lines of soulful pop. She is surely talented. Adele provides passionate and powerful singing with kind of an old time style to her music. For you English Premier League fans, she's from Tottenham Hotspur country! That is... she was born in Tottenham, London, UK.
I'll be honest... though a lot of people love Adele's music, I think she's alright. I don't hate her- I just don't like her music as wildly as a lot of other people do. One song in particular is my absolute favorite of hers. That song I am referring to is the first of the featured songs:
Rolling in the Deep.
Even though I'm not really into Adele's music, this is my favorite of hers. It is a catchy tune with a nice flow to it. I still find myself grooving to it when I hear it. You're free to groove yourself to it if you like. You know you want to during or after hearing this:^ "Adele - Rolling in the Deep"
Fire to the Rain.
Here's another Adele track for you. I chose this video to represent this fine song. Enjoy!^ "Adele - Set fire to the rain"
Someone Like You.
This one would probably be a third favorite of mine.^ "Adele - Someone Like You"
Here is a more modern Adele piece. Some time after Adele gave birth, she came along with this song. Have a listen if you've never heard this hit song before. By the way... this video has one billion hits on YouTube! Enjoy:^ "Adele - Hello"
After having visited this section, you can't say you have no idea who Adele is or what her music sounds like. You are now educated on Adele. You're welcome.
Adele: Final Thoughts and Commentary
Adele is not one of my favorite singers, but I do vastly respect her music and her singing ability. I just don't like her music all that much. There is definitely one thing I think almost anyone can appreciate about Adele- she is pure talent. She doesn't have to be someone who tries to market herself on sex appeal or trying to be super-slim. Adele is completely real and natural. I even remember once watching "The Wendy Williams Show" during one of her Hot Topics segments about how Beyoncé was being the least bit jealous of Adele, since she's garnering a certain level of success that sort of rivals what all Beyoncé has accomplished. If you read my very old blog post on Beyoncé, you probably know my thoughts on one of my fellow Houstonians. Even still, Adele is someone to surely admire and respect. I don't like Adele's music too much personally, but I don't hate her in any way.
In a way, you can say that Adele represents a lost culture in today's music. Adele earns her fans through pure talent and is not at all on trying to win over fans with any kind of overbearing personality or overly sexy style. It is reasons like these as to why (at least to me) Adele is so respected in today's music. There is nothing completely wrong with today's music culture, but Adele is just... different. Distinctive. Unique. Most of all- real.
What I Would Tell Adele (if she were to read this)
You are someone who is completely real and down-to-earth. You aren't anything fancy or over-the-top. Keep being you and keep being amazing. You have my full respect.Would I Want to Meet Adele (if given the chance)?
I know I said I don't really like her music that much, but I do think she is a wonderful person. So I would be honored to meet Adele if I actually had the opportunity to do so.For More Information...
You probably want more Adele if you enjoyed her in this blog post. If so, here are ways to get social with this British superstar:• Adele official
• Adele on Facebook
• Adele on Twitter
• Adele on YouTube (VEVO)
• Adele on Instagram
Or you may also check out Adele on Amazon
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