This blog post is a look at Trophies/Accomplishments in today's modern gaming realm. It is kind of a topic I wanted to post about for a long time but never completed until now.
Trophies and Accomplishments in Gaming
I will use a picture to help set the mood. If I can't use it, then I will find something different to replace it.

^ from: - Do you play games to play through them, or do you try to focus on gaming and certain in-game challenges?
In modern gaming culture, it is not enough to just play through a game completing any and all different challenges. You sometimes want to find a new way to play the same old game. Enter the realm of Trophies/Accomplishments. These are in-game challenges made by either the game developer or by certain others designed to test your ability to complete such challenges. Despite the intrigue offered by these Trophy/Accomplishment challenges, there are a number of positives and negatives involved in the gaming experience with such goals to accomplish.
I will talk through a number of aspects regarding these gaming goals. So let's talk Trophies/Accomplishments in general!
Positives and Negatives to Trophies/Accomplishments in Gaming.
Playing to accomplish certain tasks can help make playing a certain game more fun and offer a more interesting sense of gratification to complete. On the other hand, these tasks could ruin the experience of playing a game because it makes you want to play a game outside of how you actually want to play it. For example, when I played "Need for Speed SHIFT," I want to try to be as clean of a driver as I could; but there were some goals in-game and as extra challenges to drive dirty. I had to basically play outside of how I want to play just to clear these extra tasks. That kind of drew me off.Also, some of the Trophy/Accomplishment tasks can make you want to play a game in a way with things to may not enjoy. For example, a Trophy/Accomplishment may ask you to complete a game within a certain amount of time. You might hate speedruns and have to eventually try to complete a game in the quickest amount of time if you're trying to complete all of the tasks. So you may end up having to do things you may not normally enjoy but have to do anyways to accomplish something- just like in life sometimes.
One other problem with Trophies/Accomplishments is that some tasks require certain things that may not be accessible to you. And if those things are not accessible, you may also never will accomplish that feat to clear the set of challenges. I am especially talking about certain challenges that can only be completed through online or multiplayer objectives. If your goal is 100% completion of Trophy/Accomplishment tasks, not having online access can ruin your chances of clearing all Trophy/Accomplishment objectives.
One of the reasons why any Trophy/Accomplishment goals aren't revealed is because they may sometimes spoil the game. For example, certain goals for you to accomplish can offer some spoilers that you have to keep mind of that may ruin the game for you. One Trophy/Accomplishment may require you to keep a certain character alive or you may have to participate in a certain task that can ruin your experience of a certain game. Most people would want to experience certain moments for themselves rather than try to follow certain in-game goals or challenges to help dictate one's playing experience. That is why most game developers and gaming media companies often do not disclose Trophy/Accomplishment goals for their games if available. Disclosing such items can mostly give people a false idea of what a game has to entail than almost any really useful element(s) of a game.
Do Trophies/Accomplishments Help or Hurt Gaming?
I think Trophies/Accomplishments mostly add some extra value and incentive to playing certain games. However, one has to be careful that such goals to complete can spoil certain games based on how much you want to avoid certain spoilers. Definitely look into taking on certain challenges if you are curious or if you want to try to play the same game but in a different way.Even still, it is still plenty intriguing to want to follow games primarily for the various elements that make them shine.
Trophies and Accomplishments in Gaming: Final Thoughts
If you need reasons to play a game for longer and find new enjoyment, it is best to follow any Trophies/Accomplishments offered for a game. Such elements help add challenge to a game as well as add a good amount of replay value. Conversely, these elements can spoil games or even severely alter the real experience to be offered through playing such games. Enjoy playing certain games basically for the gaming experience. Worry about things like Trophies/Accomplishments later. Most of these extra challenges should be secondary to playing certain games. If you could, perhaps try to complete a game first before trying to take on certain goals of Trophies/Accomplishments. It is paramount to try to enjoy what a game has to offer before trying to hunt down any number of Trophy/Accomplishment goals.
I do not condemn Trophies/Accomplishments; I just think you should not put as much interest towards playing a game to 100% its Trophy/Accomplishment goals.
I hope you enjoyed this blog and this blog post. The majority of what I want to cover is over. If you want to discuss this topic, then let me ask you...
Are you for or against Trophies/Accomplishments in gaming? What do you love or loathe most about these gaming goals?
Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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