Brave Browser
Time to be brave! Here is my post on the Brave browser...

^ from: (Computerworld) - The Brave browser is indicated by this lion logo. Besides, how many non-brave lions do you know of?
Brave sets out to provide fast browsing as well as limit target-based advertising. It is a browser designed for you to freely browse the Internet without having to worry about having a lot of your personal information being distributed. Today's Brave should be familiar to you if you are used to Chrome-based browsers. A lot of the Chrome infrastructure is prevalent in the design of Brave. In my reviewing of Brave, however, I have not gone crazy with adding Extensions to Brave, and I am not sure if many of them work with Brave as they would with Chrome.
Most of my testing of Brave is with Windows 10 and Android.
When you browse with Brave, it does a unique job of limiting the amount of ads you see. The system in play involves the use of the Brave Shields. It is unique in that you don't get as many notices from some websites that request you whitelist them (those who get sites blocked by ad blockers).In addition to browsing, the Brave browser offers up private ads you can view independently. These ads are served based on your browsing history and your interests. This is different from (for example) when Google tracks most of your Internet activity and serves you ads based on sites you have visited before. While it seems good to get ads served to you based on your interests on Google, you may find yourself getting ads based on some sites and some topics you are not as interested in. The advertising method is blockchain-based.
What happens is that from time to time, you will get a notification pointing you towards a certain advertisement. This way, you can view the suggested ad privately by simply clicking on it on your time. The ad being pointed to will open a new tab in Brave for you to view.
Paying it Forward.
Not only is Brave about fast and unobtrusive browsing, it also is about helping support users and the content they view. The browser has a facility which allows users to independently support the content viewed by using a cryptocurrency called BAT. BAT can be earned and exchanged simply by following and supporting your favorite websites through Brave. So this is a browser meant to not only browse properly, but also be able to support the content you enjoy.Speaking of that BAT...
The Brave browser uses a form of cryptocurrency called BAT, or the Basic Attention Token. The BAT currency is based on Ethereum cryptocurrency. BAT can be earned by viewing private ads or by converting your funds over to BAT from actual money or other cryptocurrencies (such as BitCoin). Brave allows you to offer tips to your favorite sites so they can get supported for their work. This can all be accessed if you have Brave Rewards enabled. If you are a content creator, you can earn BAT funds by signing up to Brave Rewards as a Publisher. The way BAT works is that it does away with the middlemen to provide some sort of method in which the user's viewing data ends up helping compensate for publishers and advertisers.At present, the BAT cryptocurrency is not seen as a very viable one compared to the likes of BitCoin. The cryptocurrency is still in its infant stages mostly.
NOTE: I may make a separate blog post regarding cryptocurrency in the future. So if you enjoy my blog, please Follow so you can see more of my posts.
I have provided an overview of Brave, but how does it compare to the aforementioned Chrome? Take a look at the next section.
Brave vs. Chrome
Actually, I found myself using Brave more than Google Chrome in the few weeks to a month I have tried out Brave. Chrome has had a reputation of being a resources hog. Brave mostly seems faster and more efficient than the Chrome interface it is based on. Brave itself claims to be eight times faster than Chrome and Safari (for you Apple users). I think Brave runs faster more for its efficiency and rather than its ad blocking ability, though the ad blocking through Brave Shields is a nice touch.
Final thoughts on Brave are coming up.
Brave Browser: Final Thoughts
Brave Browser offers up an unobtrusive and guilt-free browsing experience that is tough to rival against. It is not so much the browser itself being anything special, it is more of what this browser has to offer in addition to trying to "give back" to publishers and advertisers. Brave rather lives up to its name in being brave enough to allow for both users and content providers to benefit rather than bombard you with loads of content that only slows down simple browsing. You can even earn some currency through the BAT cryptocurrency, not to mention make and give it! If you happen to be a regular Chrome browser user, then you will mostly feel at home with Brave but not have to worry so much about certain ad choices as well as invasion of privacy. So definitely try out Brave for yourself. I approve of the Brave browser.
And one last rather unimportant piece of commentary... I posted this on Blogger/Blogspot through Brave. ;)
For More Information...
If my look at Brave interested you and if you want to try it for yourself, please visit If Brave's BAT cryptocurrency interests you and the Brave Rewards system, learn more about Brave Rewards and BAT at About Brave Rewards.This post is over, and so thank you for visiting! I hope you decide to drop by this blog (and my others) for your reading pleasure regularly. Do not just read and leave; get involved! Make my material as useful as possible to as many people as possible. That's what I hope to do every post! Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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