Before I begin... yes. This blog entry is a re-do! I've re-done this blog to make it better in expressing the topic at hand. This blog entry concerns sandal boots. And if you want to shop for some sandal boots online, I'll work on a blog entry on my other blog where I can concentrate more on finding sandal boots for all of you without having to focus on a proper blog entry AND find sandal boots for you all here. That's why all of the shopping-specific content content I post gets moved to my other blog because I want my primary blog to basically be about certain topics, and I want my secondary blog to be where people can actually shop for content relevant to my blog. That is why I do this. Anyhow, my ideas on sandal boots will be discussed here.
(ADDED: January 31, 2012)
I've learned that some of these boot-like sandals are better referred to as ankle cuff sandals. This probably makes more sense, but the sandals still have boot-like appearances.
JUL 8 2012 - added a ShopStyle widgetPERSONAL NOTE: This blog post has become quite popular lately. Thanks so much for making it popular! I hope you have a great time here on John's Blog Space. Feel free to comment if you wish to. Also, don't forget to subscribe and share my blog post with others if you like it.
--- Sandal Boots at a Glance ---
Sandal boots are EXACTLY what you think they are. They are either sandals trying to be boots, boots with sandal characteristics, or some combination of the two. I've been vengeful for the most part about sandal boots. I hate how a designer has to provide a middle ground like this to combine the open-air comfort of sandals with the sexy and sleek appeal of boots. I've become a little more fond of them as of late, but many are complete atrocities. Why do you need to wear sandals AND boots at the same time? Boots are almost basically for cold weather while sandals are basically for warm weather. What kind of message are you trying to send with sandal boots? What, making these shoes available for those who are too lazy to make up their mind on whether to wear sandals or boots? It's best-of-both-worlds that can be a total fashion fail.On another end, they do offer a nice diversion from the ubiquitous flip-flop/thong sandals. As many of those who know me on the Fashion Spot, different doesn't always mean better. Wear something that makes you comfortable and is stylish. Don't just go with something just because it's different. I'm starting to see more sandal boots being worn. More importantly, thong booties.
The style of sandals here are sandals with a boot-like appearance. These ankle-cuff sandals give an otherwise average pair of sandals a boot look.
--- Sandal Boots in Pictures ---
Sandal boots are exactly what they are- sandal-like boots, or boot-like sandals. Let's look at a few of them in pictures.^ from: - gladiator thongs, meet ankle boot. The offspring? This.
^ from: - High-heel sandals that think they are boots, or sandals trying to be boots? You decide.
^ from: - Texas-style sandal boots. Basic flip-flops hybrided with cowboy boots.
(ADDED: April 5, 2012) The company that made these cowboy sandal boots is a Fort Worth, TX-based company called Texas Sandal Boots. Unfortunately, the company's website is no longer operational. You can see more cowboy sandal boots from this blog post I got this picture from: "Texas Sandal Boots" - Cactus Creek Daily.
^ from: - a young lady wearing sandal boots along with a top, vest, denim short shorts, and a handbag. The boot part has a lace-up design.
^ from: - a young lady wearing sandal boots along with a top, vest, denim short shorts, and a handbag. The boot part has a lace-up design.
So you now have an idea to what these sandal boots look like.
So there you have it- sandal boots. How do you feel about these? Please comment on this topic if you found this topic to be interesting. Thank you for reading, everyone! If you want to shop for some sandal boots, I can help you find some on Amazon. I have personally picked out some sandal boots that might spur your interest. I have also included a special section on cutout boots, which are related to the sandal boots featured in this blog entry. Well, do you want to shop for more sandal boots? Then click on the image below to visit my secondary blog to find more!

Or, if you want some ankle cuff sandals on Amazon, please use this widget below to shop on Amazon for a pair of ankle cuff sandals!
Here are some sandal boots on ShopStyle:
I would appreciate your business if you do shop for something you like based on what you've seen here.
Thank you for reading, everyone! Let me know what you think about the shoes I've discussed in this blog entry by posting comments.
boot sandals seams to horny for me
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