Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Making My Entryway Into Modern Gaming?

John B. Marine | 6/04/2024 07:53:00 PM | |
I am still in the PlayStation 3 era, folks. I look to break into the modern gaming realm with one of three choices. I'll explain my situation and choices in this blog post. I feel like trying to finally crack into the modern gaming realm after a considerable amount of time stuck in the PlayStation 3 era. Because I am not any serious gamer, I am not hesitant to join the modern gaming landscape. I am instead just wanting to finally get to this level after so long with my PlayStation 3. I also don't plan on selling my PS3 and the games I have for it, though it could help in financing for a better system.

Anyhow, let me share with you what I am thinking of as a gamer wanting to be current.

Making My Entryway Into Modern Gaming?

Modern gaming is rather expensive and convoluted. As an old-fashioned kind of person, my gaming interests are different from most other people. In older times, online gaming on PS3 was free. You now need PlayStation Plus to play online for PlayStation gamers. I've been a lifelong Nintendo gamer before I eventually moved on to Sony PlayStation. I still want to finally become current gaming-wise. So therefore, there are three options of mine. These options are in the order of recent plans of mine.

Before I begin, I have already eliminated XBOX because I have no plans to join the XBOX realm right now except for maybe get a used XBOX 360 to play some XB360 games and some reverse-compatible original XBOX games. So there will be no talk of me getting an XBOX One, an XBOX Series S, or an XBOX Series X in this blog post. Now for my modern gaming options...

Option 1: Nintendo Switch.

nintendo switch regular
^ from: Nintendo.com - Switch gaming up at home or on the go with the Nintendo Switch.

The Nintendo Switch was originally what I wanted to get once I saved enough money. I figured this would finally be my entry into today's gaming realm. The Nintendo Switch is very much the best value for gaming and online. Cheapest you can go is the Nintendo Switch Lite for $199 USD. You can still snag the regular Switch unit at $299 USD. If you want the best Switch right now, it's the Switch OLED for about $340 USD.

I want to get the regular Nintendo Switch. There are a few pitfalls for me with the Switch. I do want to consider getting the Switch to play the classic games online. The regular Switch Online is good for that, but the Expansion Online includes also Game Boy Advance and Genesis/Megadrive games. So I want to get the Switch and the Expansion online deal. I have no interest in the Switch Lite because I want to be able to play games not tied down to Handheld exclusive. I could get a Switch Lite, but I feel like I'd miss out on a full Switch experience. I don't care for ultra-awesome graphical detail, so the Switch OLED is not in my interests also. Even if the Switch OLED delivers a slightly better performance, I still prefer the regular Switch.

Another issue with the Switch is for a rather old console, many of the games are still full-price. Usually, a lot of the top-selling games are often times sold for a lower price. That isn't the case with a lot of Switch games. Long-timers like Super Mario Odyssey, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom all still sell for about $59.99 USD. A lot of the lesser titles and the indie/independent gamer titles are priced lower. So to play a lot of the major titles for the Switch still cost a good bit. Also, some games aren't available for the Switch currently, such as Street Fighter 6.

The last such issue I have with the Switch has nothing to do with the current state of the system. Instead, it is about its future. There is word of a possible (hypothetical name) Switch 2. Some people I talked to suggested I hold out on buying a Switch until we know as much as possible about the next Switch. We may know more about it in September 2024. If this next generation Switch is reverse compatible with original Switch games, then it would probably make more sense to get the newer Switch than go with the currently-available Switch models. That delay up to that decision is still a deterrent for me getting the Switch regardless of what the next Switch may provide.

Option 2: Get a Used PlayStation 4.

sony playstation 4 ps4
^ from: (Amazon) - The PlayStation 4 is still worth it, even nearly since its debut in 2013 or 2014 (based on market).

I was convinced by online videos and some online forums that the PlayStation 4 is not dead... yet. Some people even swear by using the PlayStation 4 because they don't have the fancy 4K or better TVs of today. I could live without not having a super-powerful console for which to enjoy gaming on. Therefore, I considered getting a used PlayStation 4. The best I could do is find a good or excellent condition PlayStation 4 Pro within my budget. If I don't see a PS4 with a one terabyte drive, I may consider upgrading the PS4 for some more storage. A PlayStation 4 used can either be fairly cheap or near regular MSRP price. Also, you may not know what you're getting and in what condition a used PlayStation 4 can be. You are kind of taking your chances in this regard.

My pitfalls with the PlayStation 4 are kind of the same with the Switch, only more towards the aging process. The PlayStation 4 has been released in America since 2013 and since 2014 in Japan. There was always talk of that 5-year cycle of PlayStation consoles. Even the PlayStation 4 has a lot of games that may no longer be developed for it in the near future. A lot of the PS4 games can still be enjoyed even if/when the PS4 games will be no longer sold instead of PS5 titles on store shelves.

One person suggested I'd be better off getting a PlayStation 5, since the PS4 could possibly have some lag with some games. Games run smoother on the PlayStation 5. I'd even take that chance with a PS4 until I somehow have enough to get a PlayStation 5.

Since I am still into the Sony ecosystem, I feel want to stay in it. I surely could still enjoy PlayStation 4 and not have to worry about saving up too much to get the PlayStation 5. Speaking of...

Option 3: Get a PlayStation 5.

sony playstation 5 ps5
^ from: (GameStop) - The PlayStation 5 is a powerhouse of a gaming console. Features like 4K and such make this a powerful console for those who have the finances to get one.

Now on to the final option- get a PlayStation 5. This is the long-term solution. Once development ends for the PlayStation 4, a lot of people eventually will move on to the PlayStation 5. The PlayStation 5 has been around since 2020 or 2021 depending on the certain market. Having a PlayStation 5 is the best idea long-term despite the lofty current prices to own one. At least you could reverse-compatible play PS4 games and even upgrade their graphics for PS5 if you wish. This means you get the PS5-quality graphics for 4K or better televisions and such.

It is important to note that the PlayStation 5 comes in two different kinds- the Digital Version and the Disc Version. If I get a PlayStation 5, I want it to be the Disc Version. I am still someone who prefer hard copies of games and being able to play older PlayStation games on a modern PlayStation system. The Digital Version is the cheaper-priced option at $449.99 USD. The Disc Version costs $50 USD more, at $499.99 USD. According to videos I've seen, you can actually swap out the disc drive on the PlayStation 5 in case is doesn't work anymore. So in theory, I could get the PS5 Digital Edition and then pay to add the disc drive to it. That to me, though, is still money wasted; so I'm better off simply getting the Digital Version. I would consider getting a replacement PS5 disc drive if the current one fails.

The obvious pitfalls for me are with getting the PS5 in general. It would be weird for me to entirely skip the PlayStation 4 and go to the PS5 from the PS3. A lot of the games aren't too expensive for PS5. Since a lot of store shelves have more PS5 games than PS4 games, I'd be completely current on the gaming front bestowed with a PlayStation 5. It also means I could make my Gran Turismo 7 debut on the top console currently in Sony's lineup. I feel I will be a bit futureproof gaming-wise with getting a PlayStation 5. That is... until the PlayStation 6 surfaces.

INTERESTING FACT: My first game with each PlayStation console has been a Gran Turismo game. PS1 = Gran Turismo 1 (and later Gran Turismo 2), PS2 = Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, PS3 = Gran Turismo 5, PS4/PS5 = Gran Turismo ???.

Now you know what I am looking at in terms of being among modern gamers.

Which Way Should I Go?

My ultimate decision is going to vary on a number of factors. On the other hand, I have already thought about what would be the ideal case. I am currently considering to save up for a PlayStation 5 Disc Version. I could try my hand at secondhand PS5 consoles, but I am not as confident I'll get my money's worth trying to get a cheaper-priced PlayStation 5.

In a perfect world, I'd have a PlayStation 5 Disc Version and a regular Nintendo Switch (not Lite or OLED). If it turns out the next Nintendo Switch is reverse compatible with the current Switch, I probably can trade my regular Switch for the newer generation one.

That's it for this one. If you care to discuss, then...

What option that I mentioned should I take?

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