Friday, June 21, 2024

Livia Corazza

John B. Marine | 6/21/2024 07:29:00 PM | | | Be the first to comment!
Livia Corazza is a Brazilian singer who sings sweetly and performs equally sweetly. Smooth vocals to some fine guitar play makes Livia a fine singer. This blog post of mine will introduce you to this fine singer. I hope you all will get to experience and learn of Livia Corazza and her music. Allow me to begin.

NOTE: This blog post is all opinion-based and is not a proper interview of this personality.

Livia Corazza

Meet Livia Corazza:

Livia Corazza
^ from: (Facebook) - This is Brazilian singer, Livia Corazza.

Livia Corazza is a singer from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Her music is showcased on Twitch and YouTube. The older days of her featured content has her singing alongside her guitar-playing father, Seu Nogueira. Livia nowadays is balancing both singing and guitar play. Sometimes, you may sense a Maltese dog wanting some face time. That adorable dog is named Filomena, and she's fun!

The music Livia Corazza sings to are mostly mellow tunes. It is the kind of music you might enjoy at a coffee shop or at a very nice cafe. The vibes are mellow and lighthearted. Most of what she sings are covers of various Portuguese (and even non-Portuguese) songs. She may perform a song in her native Portuguese tongue, or she may even perform a non-Brazilian or non-Portuguese song very well. Songs she performs even are of bossa nova or samba variety.

Livia Corazza has a sweetly powerful singing voice. Livia opened me towards learning about certain Brazilian singers from the times I visited her channel. She also is fairly adept at the organic trumpet and even using a shaker. At times, channel points were redeemed to do acapella on Twitch.

Suffice to say, Livia is quite talented musically. Her channel is very fun for when she streams. I do miss the classic times of Livia singing and Seu awesomely playing guitar, but Livia is doing rather well (to me) doing both singing and guitar play.

Video Previews.

I'm going to include two samples of Livia Corazza and her music. Both featured videos are in Portuguese. You will get a chance to hear Livia sing here. First is a piece with Livia and her father. Check it:

^ [Live] Lívia Corazza e Seu Nogueira - De volta pro aconchego (Dominguinhos / Nando Cordel)

And here is an older video with just Livia singing along with a band:

^ Lívia Corazza - Anunciação (Alceu Valença)

What I Would Tell Livia Corazza (if she read this)...

You and your music are wonderful. Both you and Seu are great at performing wonderful music. You sing wonderfully, and Seu is a great guitarist. You are even doing quite well doing singing and guitar play. I wish you well in all aspects of life. You are pure talent along with being a wonderful person. It is a pleasure to join your streams on Twitch when I can.

For More Information...

To visit Livia Corazza's Twitch channel, visit:

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chromebook Confessions

John B. Marine | 6/06/2024 02:46:00 AM | | Be the first to comment!
I have enjoyed my Chromebook since getting one in 2021. It has served my basic online needs for some time. It even improved my productivity while using it. Lately, though, I have come up with a revelation. I will share my thoughts and my revelation in this blog post. If you are interested fully in my latest thoughts on Chromebooks, be sure to stick around for my thoughts!

Chromebook Confessions

Before I get to my main points, let me share some basic thoughts.

Chromebook Thoughts.

^ from: (Amazon) - A Chromebook is capable of so much and does not require much to get basic operation going. However...

My Lenovo Chromebook has served me well. I was sad I did not get the Samsung Chromebook I wanted to get, because it got discontinued. I enjoyed using ChromeOS. It is snappy whereas you just turn it on and won't have to wait minutes to get everything fully up and running. It is equally snappy to shut down. It is a not-cluttered experience for anyone simply wanting to use the Internet.

If all you want to do is use the Internet and do a good bit of productivity, a Chromebook is an inexpensive way to simply traverse through cyberspace.

Chromebook Confessions.

Now for the meat of this blog post and why you are interested. The revelation I have is that owning and using a Chromebook is not for me long-term. There is a reason I never fully committed long-term towards using a Chromebook. I am so used to Windows programs that I feel my productivity is only slightly greater with a Chromebook when it could be greater with a Windows laptop. Would it be worth getting a proper laptop in the future? Possibly. It may be worth getting a decent-spec laptop with about the same performance numbers of my Lenovo Chromebook. Or if I am fortunate, get a great laptop with great specifications (doesn't have to be a gaming laptop) on the cheap.

Why Laptops are Better.

Technically, a Chromebook IS a laptop. What I am referring to here, though, is a regular laptop. A laptop can be a more viable solution over a Chromebook. Even so that laptops can be upgraded. A laptop can last longer and be more capable. Especially if you use a bunch of programs that a Chromebook may be unable to execute to the same level of a proper laptop, you may feel a Chromebook can be a waste of money. Take me, for instance. I do things like blogging, image editing, music making, video editing, also programming. I can find a handful of programs for which to handle all or most of these tasks for my Chromebook. Sometimes, though, my programs for my Chromebook may not be enough.

Also, do you realize that some devices may not work properly with Chromebooks? Just because a device is plug-and-play does not guarantee it will work properly with a Chromebook. You will need to find certain hardware that have been tested to be compatible with Chromebooks. It is part of a designation called WWCB, or "Works With Chromebook. One such example of devices that may not work immediately with Chromebooks are webcams. Chromebooks already have their own integrated webcam, but external webcams and external microphones do a better job of capturing video and sound than what a Chromebook offers. Using a webcam not compatible with a Chromebook can be a waste of money.

Since I have certain needs that a Chromebook may not be able to properly address and be as compatible with my needs, a Chromebook isn't enough for me, especially long term. So I almost feel like in the future wanting to get a decent enough laptop to replace my Chromebook a few years from now.

There is one more fault of Chromebooks that you have to take into consideration. Chromebooks have an end-of-life cycle where they will no longer receive updates from Google. The EOL (also called "auto-update expiration" or AUE) usually happens after 8-10 years with a Chromebook you buy. You can still use your Chromebook after the AUE/EOL date, but don't expect updates from Google. It could even make your Chromebook vulnerable. Some Chromebooks can be able to support using Linux. Though, Linux could give you some security concerns.

Get a Proper Laptop Instead?

All I have been suggesting in this blog post is a Chromebook is not a bad thing to invest in. If your needs involve much less than basic computing and using the Internet, a Chromebook is not a waste of money. I am just suggesting a Chromebook is just not for me long-term after I thought of what a laptop can do over a Chromebook. If you want to be able to utilize basic computing and an Android app or two, get a Chromebook. Just be mindful of what you can do with a laptop vs. what you can do with a Chromebook. Understand your computing needs and decide for yourself if you are better off long-term with a laptop or a Chromebook.

Thank you for reading my confessions regarding Chromebooks. I hope you are able to understand where I am coming from and my own thoughts after Chromebooks lately. Maybe I have given you some insight on the long-term side of Chromebooks. Do you agree or disagree with my points? You are welcome to comment. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Making My Entryway Into Modern Gaming?

John B. Marine | 6/04/2024 07:53:00 PM | | Be the first to comment!
I am still in the PlayStation 3 era, folks. I look to break into the modern gaming realm with one of three choices. I'll explain my situation and choices in this blog post. I feel like trying to finally crack into the modern gaming realm after a considerable amount of time stuck in the PlayStation 3 era. Because I am not any serious gamer, I am not hesitant to join the modern gaming landscape. I am instead just wanting to finally get to this level after so long with my PlayStation 3. I also don't plan on selling my PS3 and the games I have for it, though it could help in financing for a better system.

Anyhow, let me share with you what I am thinking of as a gamer wanting to be current.

Making My Entryway Into Modern Gaming?

Modern gaming is rather expensive and convoluted. As an old-fashioned kind of person, my gaming interests are different from most other people. In older times, online gaming on PS3 was free. You now need PlayStation Plus to play online for PlayStation gamers. I've been a lifelong Nintendo gamer before I eventually moved on to Sony PlayStation. I still want to finally become current gaming-wise. So therefore, there are three options of mine. These options are in the order of recent plans of mine.

Before I begin, I have already eliminated XBOX because I have no plans to join the XBOX realm right now except for maybe get a used XBOX 360 to play some XB360 games and some reverse-compatible original XBOX games. So there will be no talk of me getting an XBOX One, an XBOX Series S, or an XBOX Series X in this blog post. Now for my modern gaming options...

Option 1: Nintendo Switch.

nintendo switch regular
^ from: - Switch gaming up at home or on the go with the Nintendo Switch.

The Nintendo Switch was originally what I wanted to get once I saved enough money. I figured this would finally be my entry into today's gaming realm. The Nintendo Switch is very much the best value for gaming and online. Cheapest you can go is the Nintendo Switch Lite for $199 USD. You can still snag the regular Switch unit at $299 USD. If you want the best Switch right now, it's the Switch OLED for about $340 USD.

I want to get the regular Nintendo Switch. There are a few pitfalls for me with the Switch. I do want to consider getting the Switch to play the classic games online. The regular Switch Online is good for that, but the Expansion Online includes also Game Boy Advance and Genesis/Megadrive games. So I want to get the Switch and the Expansion online deal. I have no interest in the Switch Lite because I want to be able to play games not tied down to Handheld exclusive. I could get a Switch Lite, but I feel like I'd miss out on a full Switch experience. I don't care for ultra-awesome graphical detail, so the Switch OLED is not in my interests also. Even if the Switch OLED delivers a slightly better performance, I still prefer the regular Switch.

Another issue with the Switch is for a rather old console, many of the games are still full-price. Usually, a lot of the top-selling games are often times sold for a lower price. That isn't the case with a lot of Switch games. Long-timers like Super Mario Odyssey, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom all still sell for about $59.99 USD. A lot of the lesser titles and the indie/independent gamer titles are priced lower. So to play a lot of the major titles for the Switch still cost a good bit. Also, some games aren't available for the Switch currently, such as Street Fighter 6.

The last such issue I have with the Switch has nothing to do with the current state of the system. Instead, it is about its future. There is word of a possible (hypothetical name) Switch 2. Some people I talked to suggested I hold out on buying a Switch until we know as much as possible about the next Switch. We may know more about it in September 2024. If this next generation Switch is reverse compatible with original Switch games, then it would probably make more sense to get the newer Switch than go with the currently-available Switch models. That delay up to that decision is still a deterrent for me getting the Switch regardless of what the next Switch may provide.

Option 2: Get a Used PlayStation 4.

sony playstation 4 ps4
^ from: (Amazon) - The PlayStation 4 is still worth it, even nearly since its debut in 2013 or 2014 (based on market).

I was convinced by online videos and some online forums that the PlayStation 4 is not dead... yet. Some people even swear by using the PlayStation 4 because they don't have the fancy 4K or better TVs of today. I could live without not having a super-powerful console for which to enjoy gaming on. Therefore, I considered getting a used PlayStation 4. The best I could do is find a good or excellent condition PlayStation 4 Pro within my budget. If I don't see a PS4 with a one terabyte drive, I may consider upgrading the PS4 for some more storage. A PlayStation 4 used can either be fairly cheap or near regular MSRP price. Also, you may not know what you're getting and in what condition a used PlayStation 4 can be. You are kind of taking your chances in this regard.

My pitfalls with the PlayStation 4 are kind of the same with the Switch, only more towards the aging process. The PlayStation 4 has been released in America since 2013 and since 2014 in Japan. There was always talk of that 5-year cycle of PlayStation consoles. Even the PlayStation 4 has a lot of games that may no longer be developed for it in the near future. A lot of the PS4 games can still be enjoyed even if/when the PS4 games will be no longer sold instead of PS5 titles on store shelves.

One person suggested I'd be better off getting a PlayStation 5, since the PS4 could possibly have some lag with some games. Games run smoother on the PlayStation 5. I'd even take that chance with a PS4 until I somehow have enough to get a PlayStation 5.

Since I am still into the Sony ecosystem, I feel want to stay in it. I surely could still enjoy PlayStation 4 and not have to worry about saving up too much to get the PlayStation 5. Speaking of...

Option 3: Get a PlayStation 5.

sony playstation 5 ps5
^ from: (GameStop) - The PlayStation 5 is a powerhouse of a gaming console. Features like 4K and such make this a powerful console for those who have the finances to get one.

Now on to the final option- get a PlayStation 5. This is the long-term solution. Once development ends for the PlayStation 4, a lot of people eventually will move on to the PlayStation 5. The PlayStation 5 has been around since 2020 or 2021 depending on the certain market. Having a PlayStation 5 is the best idea long-term despite the lofty current prices to own one. At least you could reverse-compatible play PS4 games and even upgrade their graphics for PS5 if you wish. This means you get the PS5-quality graphics for 4K or better televisions and such.

It is important to note that the PlayStation 5 comes in two different kinds- the Digital Version and the Disc Version. If I get a PlayStation 5, I want it to be the Disc Version. I am still someone who prefer hard copies of games and being able to play older PlayStation games on a modern PlayStation system. The Digital Version is the cheaper-priced option at $449.99 USD. The Disc Version costs $50 USD more, at $499.99 USD. According to videos I've seen, you can actually swap out the disc drive on the PlayStation 5 in case is doesn't work anymore. So in theory, I could get the PS5 Digital Edition and then pay to add the disc drive to it. That to me, though, is still money wasted; so I'm better off simply getting the Digital Version. I would consider getting a replacement PS5 disc drive if the current one fails.

The obvious pitfalls for me are with getting the PS5 in general. It would be weird for me to entirely skip the PlayStation 4 and go to the PS5 from the PS3. A lot of the games aren't too expensive for PS5. Since a lot of store shelves have more PS5 games than PS4 games, I'd be completely current on the gaming front bestowed with a PlayStation 5. It also means I could make my Gran Turismo 7 debut on the top console currently in Sony's lineup. I feel I will be a bit futureproof gaming-wise with getting a PlayStation 5. That is... until the PlayStation 6 surfaces.

INTERESTING FACT: My first game with each PlayStation console has been a Gran Turismo game. PS1 = Gran Turismo 1 (and later Gran Turismo 2), PS2 = Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec, PS3 = Gran Turismo 5, PS4/PS5 = Gran Turismo ???.

Now you know what I am looking at in terms of being among modern gamers.

Which Way Should I Go?

My ultimate decision is going to vary on a number of factors. On the other hand, I have already thought about what would be the ideal case. I am currently considering to save up for a PlayStation 5 Disc Version. I could try my hand at secondhand PS5 consoles, but I am not as confident I'll get my money's worth trying to get a cheaper-priced PlayStation 5.

In a perfect world, I'd have a PlayStation 5 Disc Version and a regular Nintendo Switch (not Lite or OLED). If it turns out the next Nintendo Switch is reverse compatible with the current Switch, I probably can trade my regular Switch for the newer generation one.

That's it for this one. If you care to discuss, then...

What option that I mentioned should I take?

I want to thank you for joining me with this blog post. I also appreciate if you could offer some advice and sway my interest. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Thug Shells

John B. Marine | 4/27/2024 03:27:00 AM | | | | | Be the first to comment!
"I can rap any word," says the "pocket sized self-described bubbly gangster," Thug Shells. There is big time talent from this petite freestyle rapper and entertainer who shares her awesomeness with gangster adorability. Don't worry- it's okay to drink the Thug Juice and become a fan of this impressive entertainer and musician. This blog post focuses in on the wonderful personality known as Thug Shells.


Everything in this blog post is all opinion-based. This is not meant to be a proper interview or article.

Thug Shells

Meet Thuggy:

Thug Shells
^ from: (YouTube) - Thug Shells is a positive pocket-size gangster who offers her awesomeness through gangster adorability. Care to drink the Thug Juice?

Thug Shells is a Canadian rapper from the Canadian province of Alberta. She is best known for her incredible rap skills, especially freestyle rap. One of her first acts where she gained popularity around 2020 by making a music video based on a popular public service announcement in Canada from the 1990s. She since has been at the forefront of many different impressive and fun songs and projects. Thug Shells has a knack for positive-focused music along with lots of lighthearted and uplifting acts.

Thug Shells often likes to say she can rap any word. If anyone visits her Twitch channel, you'll see she gets lots of practice taking in terms from Chat and making a freestyle rap song. Besides the freestyle rap she does, Thug Shells also produces her own music. She's done a number of different rap songs, but she also has done drum 'n bass and some other similar work. One of the simplest showcases of her work can be seen in a 20-minute long video that serves as "Stream Starting Soon" or intermission. Songs of hers include "Thugs Bunny," "Blooming," "Too Sunny," "Not Alone," and more. Recent songs of hers include "Money," "Figure It Out," "Drama Llama," and "Just Be."

Thug Shells has competed in some rap competitions before. She took part in some rap battles and won. What I found most interesting is that some of the rappers she went up against used a lot of profanity-laden rhymes while Thuggy just utilizes her own unique style of hip-hop. Even once in one performance, she mentioned (indirect quote) "...I don't have to swear to be a good rapper."

Thug Shells has a lot of marine wildlife influence for fictional characters. Her mascot is Finnigan, a dolphin. One of the animations on her channel features crabs walking by. So there is a lot of marine influence with a lot of her work.

My Testimonal.

Times previously, I seen Thug Shells featured in my Twitch recommendations, but I never gave thought to visit her channel in the past. Thug Shells finally convinced me of her awesomeness when she performed this freestyle rap session regarding PizzaPrincessG (who I blogged about before here: "PizzaPrincessG" on John's Blog Space):

...and since December 4, 2022, I've been a Thug Shells fan. I also don't regret being of Thuggy, either.

The Thug Shells Experience

Thug Shells mostly is about freestyle hip-hop. A lot of her regular Twitch streams are simply about taking terms said by Twitch chat and then making a song out of those terms. The process is simple- pop into Chat, mention a word or two, and Thug Shells will try to incorporate that into a freestyle song. At times, Thug Shells takes her freestyle rap into the world. She has had freestyle rap sessions chatting with real people. They range from common folk to even a few famous names. All the while, Thug Shells drops some bars that leave people absolutely impressed.

Though she is great at freestyle rap, she also is a DJ. Her DJ work is not exclusively hip-hop; other genres she mixes includes hip-hop, drum 'n bass, breakbeat, disco house, and more. Thug Shells is just as talented mixing music as she is making music.

Her biggest contribution to Twitch is hosting Freestyle Rap Night. This is an occasion held whereas a number of individuals get on stage and freestyle rap to their heart's content. There usually are no major musicians taking part in these rap sessions. Most of the individuals who perform are mostly into real hip-hop and rap for the love of it. More detail on "Freestyle Rap Night" is coming up later in this blog post.

Is Thug Shells all music on Twitch? No. She sometimes does real life streams featuring real-life insight. Her streams can be travel streams, hiking streams, gaming streams, or anything like that. I seen her stream her experience visiting cities like New York City and San Francisco. I seen her stream going hiking in the Yukon. She had a stream of her getting a tattoo. Many things are featured on her Twitch channel.

Back to freestyle rap for a moment, though.

Thug Shells Raps.

Freestyle rap involves putting together an impromptu song based on certain key words. This is a style popularized by talent like Harry Mack. I think Harry Mack is the king of freestyle. Honestly, I think Thug Shells is the queen of freestyle rap.

Thuggy has a very smooth voice that lends power to the bars she drops in her songs. She got that 1990s hip-hop style, and that's what I love about her hip-hop style. Thuggy can rap slow or fast, usually fast. Most of all, Thug Shells doesn't rely on excessively swearing. Her own songs mostly have some great positive messages. She is all about "good vibes only" and positive energy. I honestly think if 2020s Thug Shells went back in time and rapped in the 1990s, she could hold her own against some of the 1990s talent. She'd fit right in. Thug Shells would be right there against Queen Latifah, Salt 'n Pepa, MC Lyte, Da Brat, and even quite a few of the male hip-hop talent of the 1990s.

Thug Shells even competed in a hip-hop battle tournament in Vancouver in 2023. She had to try to hold her own against some other rappers dropping savage bars. Thuggy won her rap battles with minimal swearing and witty humor while her opponents would fill up the Swear Jar easily with savage bars.

Freestyle Rap Night.

Let me use this space to discuss Freestyle Rap Night, hosted by Thug Shells. Every other Thursday night at the River City Revival House in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; various people get up on stage and drop some freestyle raps to the crowd. Some time later in the Freestyle Rap Night, a feature artist or artists will take the stage and perform some of their songs to the crowd. Thug Shells even drops some freestyle bars in between some of the different rappers from time to time. After that, there is usually a 20-minute break before the night continues with more freestyle rap. You could either relax or enjoy what River City Revival House is famous for- its delicious chicken wings.

Freestyle Rap Night was where I got to hear some of the common and popular names. The first personality I grown to love on Freestyle Rap Night is an artist known as STIX the Legend. Later, I got to know different personalities like Jangles and Rat King Radio.

One time, Thug Shells had to serve three roles in one night- host, DJ, and feature performer. This specific night was all on her birthday or around the time of her birthday!

One word of warning... Freestyle Rap Night is purely uncensored with some raw language.

Now for some final thoughts...

Thug Shells: Final Thoughts

Thug Shells is an absolutely genuine and very cool personality. This Canadian excels at hip-hop and doing DJ sets. She has that 1990s style of hip-hop and a polarizing personality that makes her very loveable and enjoyable. One would have to try very hard to not like any of her material. It is very easy to smile, laugh, and/or admire her immense talent. She may be a "pocket sized self-described bubbly gangster," but she is also a wonderful person who has massive talent and personality and executes with "gangster adorability." So go ahead- drink the Thug Juice. What 'chu got to lose?

What I Would Tell Thug Shells (if she were to read this)...

Thug Shells, thank you so much for your awesomeness. Your personality and charm in all arenas of life are absolute boons to the world. I even enjoy being part of such an amazing Twitch community you have. You even introduced me to a number of different personalities through Freestyle Rap Night Maybe my only regret is becoming a fan of yours any sooner. I didn't get to be sold on your awesomeness until you dropped an awesome freestyle rap about PizzaPrincessG at TwitchCon 2022. I even purchased some of your songs from Bandcamp, until I found about your work also available on Beatport. I have been more than honored being part of your community since December 4, 2022. I wish you more success and greater success in the future. Most of all, thank you from saving me from boredom on Twitch (and/or YouTube as well). Stay awesome! :D

For More Information...

To learn more about Thug Shells, visit her official site at: Also visit her Twitch channel at and her YouTube videos at Thug Shells on YouTube.

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Friday, April 26, 2024


John B. Marine | 4/26/2024 02:49:00 AM | | | | | Be the first to comment!
(UPDATED: June 24, 2024)

One of the brightest stars of late on Twitch and YouTube is PizzaPrincessG. PizzaPrincessG is the "number 1 pizza streamer worldwide" for a reason. One needs only visit her channel to find out why. I figured as a viewer of her work, I showcase her channel and share with you how I feel about this channel.


Everything in this blog post is all opinion-based. This is not meant to be a proper interview or article.

This blog post is about PizzaPrincessG, who is this lady below:

^ from: (YouTube) - Meet pizza royalty- PizzaPrincessG.

Giuliana Calascibetta, better known as "G," is one of the most popular personalities on Twitch and YouTube. This Italian-American pizza superstar goes by the handle of PizzaPrincessG across most social media. She makes pizza for Cam's Pizza in Rochester, New York, USA. Most of her streams showcase a day in the life of a pizza maker. Giuliana and her crew help feed the many customers who come in for pizza or some other meals. All of this is done in behind-the-scenes style and features many different lighthearted and funny moments. Besides making pizza streams, Giuliana also does gaming streams, art streams, and real life streams outside of pizza making. She is also a very good singer. Often times, she may be singing whatever is on the radio or singing her own songs in her own way. I jokingly call her singing as the "G Radio Network." :) The highest praise offered about Giuliana and her work is that she is called the "Taylor Swift of Pizza" by PMQ Pizza as well as being the "#1 Pizza Streamer Worldwide." G's stardom has taken her to great heights, including being part of TwitchCon on a number of occasions.

The most important thing to know about PizzaPrincessG is that G prefers to keep everything G-rated. That means there is little to no explicit swearing as you might hear across a number of different channels. Only slips of the tongue and some other situations are the only times you'd hear a naughty word uttered. Same applies for any sort of toilet humor. So this is a channel catered to a general audience rather than a specific set.

The last thing to share about Giuliana Giuliana Calascibetta is that she owns G Universal, which is a portfolio and hub to all of her online work. This is where you can learn more about Giuliana and her online work. You also get to see her showcase her awesomeness to the world. Giuliana is a positive figure and a very fun person.

My Testimonial.

I discovered PizzaPrincessG on Twitch as a recommendation back in September 9, 2021. I thought the channel was cool and fun when I visited it, so I decided to drop a Follow. I since have enjoyed each time I try to catch a stream of PizzaPrincessG.

That's the intro to PizzaPrincessG. Now on to the intricacies and thoughts on PPG's channel.

The PizzaPrincessG Experience

Giuliana Calascibetta is great at preparing pizza. She has made pizzas basically her entire life and has loving passion for her work. G recently enhanced her streams to where she has set up a second camera view where you can see her prepare a pizza in a closeup.

Giuliana prepares pizza as if she is giving life or saving the life of a pizza. From preparing dough to adding toppings, she really treats pizza like a living creature, and she takes great pride in giving that pizza dough proper loving care. That loving care is given to where that pizza is ultimately enjoyed by customers. I won't explain the whole process of her making pizza (I thought about explaining the process in preparing this blog post), but you do get a great idea of how to prepare a pizza by watching her live streams.

Some of the pizzas Giuliana prepares are what I call "art pizzas." Basically, an art pizza usually starts with a heart design from sauce, maybe a smiling face, maybe also "Don't forget to Follow" on it. She also made a unique Christmas tree pizza I remembered seeing her prepare live on stream. Even though G does make pizzas of different kinds, she is never afraid to showcase her artistic side. That possibly stems from the fact she sometimes do painting streams. So one can say she makes her own pizza masterpieces. Perhaps those pizza creations should be in the Smithsonian or the Louvre...

She takes pizza making passionately while still having a lighthearted and fun personality. The vibes are usually good even if Giuliana is not 100% any given day. G provides service with a wonderful smile. She puts full effort and heart into her work every day, every stream, and it shows. G is someone anyone can respect since she does everything with love and heart. Otherwise, why do anything without love or heart?

"Crazy Slices."

Every now and then at Cam's, Giuliana prepares unusual pizzas featuring ingredients not likely any regular soul would order. For example, would you order or eat a pizza that has Lucky Charms on it? What about a pizza with General Tso's chicken? Cam's Pizza isn't afraid to delve into the realm of quirky with pizzas.

Obviously, it would be perfectly normal if one would have some health concerns with some of these Cam's Crazy Slices. These Crazy Slices are not any nasty pizzas or any pizzas made with inedible ingredients. Just the fact these pizzas are even conceived is enough for respect.

While this video is not from Giuliana's channel, it is an idea of pizza prepared by her. It is a stylized look at her preparing a "Crazy Slice." Check it:

^ Bruschetta Pizza | Cam's Pizzeria | Rochester, NY

Cool, huh? :)

The PizzaPrincessG Experience on YouTube.

Giuliana extends her stardom to the likes of YouTube. She has a number of different themes on her YouTube Channel. Among them:

• Sipping the Tea With G - to help younger folks understand things about life, G provides advice and insight in this series.

• Cooking With G - Learn how to cook various edibles from G herself.

• Italian Things With G - insight on Italian lifestyle and culture discussed by G.

• Is This A? Vlog? - This series of videos features real-life insight from G.

There is something for everyone when visiting her work on Twitch or YouTube.

Besides her own channel, Giuliana has also provided content to the YouTube channel Hardcore Italians. One such video I saw was how she prepares pizza from scratch- the traditional way, not how most prepare pizza.

PizzaPrincessG Sample.

Here is a sample of what Giuliana provides to Twitch and YouTube:

^ I GOT PARTNERED ON TWITCH! | Pizza Princess G twitch highlights | giuliana
And there is your look at PizzaPrincessG.

Final Thoughts on PizzaPrincessG.

I personally love being a part of PizzaPrincessG and her fine community. Whether I am watching for a few seconds, a few minutes, or and hour or two; there is no shortage of awesomeness provided by Giuliana Calascibetta and her crew. She is witty and outspoken in all of her work. Personally, while I don't think I can make a proper pizza, she has inspired me to attempt making my own pizza someday. And perhaps, I will make that first pizza. I know I'll have G to thank if I am ultimately successful at it.

Anyone can make pizza. Anyone can make streams mostly about pizza making. But, who can provide the experience of pizza making and living life the way Giuliana Calascibetta does? It is not just making pizza, playing games, painting, dancing, or one factor- it is all of these factors combined with Giuliana's wonderful personality and charm that make her shine like the sun and sparkle like stars. This channel exemplifies the "good vibes only" mentality and a powerfully positive presence. Even if you are having the worst possible day, Giuliana can make your day much better and bring a smile to your face. She is just that powerful and polarizing.

While I don't make a big deal about it, it is at least refreshing G prefers keeping everything G-Rated. That means more people can safely enjoy the content on her channel without being bombarded with excessive swearing or certain toilet humor that could get you in trouble if you view them in certain settings. It just makes for a more refreshing experience from the norm on Twitch and even YouTube.

What I Would Tell PizzaPrincessG (if she were to read this)...

Giuliana Calascibetta, thank you so much for your incredible personality and your fun streams. It brings me great pleasure to enjoy your content for however long I am in your streams. I have been more than proud to always enjoy the experience you provide on Twitch and YouTube. While I don't mind more mature material, I do like you keep things G-Rated so more people can enjoy the experience of PizzaPrincessG without it being overly wild. I congratulate you on your successes in pizza and in being a content creator. I wish you greater success and more success in the future. Stay awesome! Most importantly... thank you for providing your amazing presence and charm in all that you do as well as provide a welcoming and fun community.

For More Information...

To learn more about Giuliana Calascibetta (or "G") and her work, visit any or all of the following sites. Visit her main hub called G Universal at: Check out her Twitch channel at: Find her YouTube videos at:

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Jordan Taylor (DJ/Producer)

John B. Marine | 4/25/2024 03:06:00 AM | | | | Be the first to comment!
Jordan Taylor is not your average trance producer or DJ. This individual is adept in the art of what I call "SaxoTrance." Imagine uplifting trance paired with a saxophone solo... and awesomely putting both together. That's what this gentleman provides. So what I decided to do is blog about this fellow and introduce you to his style.


1.) For my motorsports fans, this blog post is Jordan Taylor the trance producer and DJ, not the race car driver Jordan Taylor or any other Jordan Taylor.

2.) Jordan Taylor does not call his work by anything. I just call playing saxophone with trance as "SaxoTrance." You know- SAXOphone TRANCE.

This is Mr. Jordan Taylor...

Jordan Taylor
^ from: (YouTube) - Jordan Taylor is the master of SaxoTrance. If you don't think saxophone can blend with trance, you obviously never heard any of Jordan Taylor's music sets or mashups.

Jordan Taylor has always had a passion for music and jazz. His talent level is a mile high of most others- hailing from the Mile High City of Denver, Colorado, USA. He has a number of musical degrees in college as part of his vast experience with music. Somehow, Jordan has dare tested the waters of blending saxophone play with some of the hottest of-the-moment uplifting trance songs. The rest... is history.

Jordan Taylor usually mixes uplifting trance on his Twitch channel. His Twitch community hit 2K followers in February 2024. At times, Jordan Taylor involves his community with a segment called "Smash or Pass," in which Twitch community votes whether a song should stay in his lineup of songs (smash) or do away with (pass).

Jordan has performed at a number of venues with a number of different shows in his career with a career dating back as far as 2010. His involvement with trance personalities is also diverse, including the likes of Andy Moor and JES. While he plays saxophone a lot, he sometimes plays some flute and an ocarina. Apparently, Jordan Taylor also happens to be an avid golfer and follows most Denver sports.

My Testimonal.

I discovered Jordan Taylor some time in 2022 (December, I think). As a lover of smooth jazz, I felt a connection to his style of saxophone play along with enjoying various styles of trance. The Twitch community for his channel is also great. Therefore, it was a number of different factors that led me to join in on the power of SaxoTrance.

Since each stream on Twitch follows the mindset of "Good Vibes Only," each stream is an enjoyable experience. So that's why I try to join in on each set and stream I can join in on.

The Saxophone + Trance Effect.

The saxophone can exude a number of styles. Namely, a saxophone can provide smooth instrumental style. A saxophone can even be romantic. Why, then, would anyone want to pair a jazzy instrument like the saxophone and play some uplifting trance with it? Having jazz with trance offers up a strange dichotomy. If ever you hear Jordan Taylor's streams or his mashups of songs, you will hear bits of saxophone complimenting parts of a song. Believe me- he makes saxophone work. With some songs, his saxophone play beautifully compliments some songs. It is for these reasons that Jordan Taylor stands out among a vast crowd of trance producers and trance DJs.

Want to hear Jordan Taylor mix saxophone with trance? Here is a sample for you. I tried to feature a song complimented with his saxophone play. This was the best I could find:

^ Me Minus You #edm #saxophone

How you like this performance?

What I Would Tell Jordan Taylor (if he read this)...

I vastly appreciate your fabulous work as a DJ, trance producer, saxophonist. You're a cool person overall. I wish you the absolute best in all of your endeavors in the future. You made many a Tuesday or Thursday (or even non-Tuesday or non-Thursday raves) more interesting with your fine play and DJ'ing. Keep up the great work and stay awesome!

For More Information...

To learn more about Jordan Taylor, links to various sites of his can be found here: Check out Jordan Taylor on Twitch by visiting: The schedule usually is every Tuesday night and Thursday night at 8:00 PM Eastern time.

Oh, and One Last Thing...

Since I posted this blog post on April 25, there is one last thing I wanted to say to Jordan Taylor on this day...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jordan Taylor!


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Monday, April 22, 2024

Interactive 3D (I3D)

John B. Marine | 4/22/2024 11:51:00 PM | | Be the first to comment!
Circa 1993, a 3D game engine called "Interactive 3D" (or I3D for short) was made by Jim O'Keane. It was a game engine in the style of Wolfenstein 3D. I once found version 2.1 of I3D and decided to blog about it. I feel there is great value in discussing long lost things and somehow trying to make light of them. So this is my look into Interactive 3D.

Interactive 3D

Interactive 3D (or I3D) was designed to get people into designing first-person shooters. To that end, a comprehensive and simple approach was given to help would-be game developers the opportunity to create their own games. Several PCX files made up the picture data for the walls, sprites, and map. Different colored pixels for the world map translate into in-world objects. Material in I3D includes enemies to attack as well as some animated sprites and walls.

I3D is not a game. Instead, it is more like a demo you can freely play. It is a first-person shooter set in a futuristic setting. All you can do is explore the area and interact with it. You can explore the world provided to you as well as perform a number of different interactions. Everything from hit detection to opening doors can be done through the play area. You can toggle certain options to better suit your PC's performance. For example, you can increase or decrease the play window (larger windows mean slower performance). You can try destroying the various enemies as well as some of the props, such as the vases. There is no boss or any exit. You are simply playing this demo world for exploration purposes. So enjoy the view!

You can edit a number of things to I3D, including the PCX bitmaps. Be warned that the program will not load the map if the map's memory exceeds a certain number of kilobytes. You can edit the bitmaps as well as the sounds. Remember this program was out around in 1993, so many of the different modern things will not work for such an old program.

My Interactive 3D Experiences.

I made my own levels with Interactive 3D before along with my own textures for walls and objects. For the most part, I never made anything truly unique to where I made my own game. Most of my work was done with the 2.1 version of I3D.

The older version of Interactive 3D did not have sounds to it. When I tried using I3D on modern systems, the program ran very slowly. The first version of I3D did not have any sounds whatsoever. It was strictly an exploration deal. It had only one enemy- the Bugbot. No matter how many times you shot at it, it will not die. Your "gun" is basically for hit detection.

A later version of Interactive 3D had much more stylish art as well as some sounds. There were many different enhancements to this version, including textured floors and ceilings, fog effects, and a panorama sky. It also had some diagonal walls to it- something your average Wolfenstein 3D-style engine could not reproduce. You could also kill off the enemies and destroy a number of the props. Speaking of enemies, while the Bugbot returned, this version of I3D also introduced an Android enemy. Just like the previous I3D, this is all basically a demo model you can modify.

Looking Back on Interactive 3D.

I3D was a fine package for envisioning my own Wolfenstein 3D-style experience. Being a teenager in the 1990s playing this didn't mean I was going to make the next banger of a first-person shooter, but at least I could pretend! Even my brutally slow computer at the time back then still had the power to play this game effectively. I3D helped fuel gaming dreams in ways I never thought possible. I had no programming knowledge, little digital art skill, and a big imagination. It was all I needed to try and enjoy I3D back in my youth. Anyone who was able to try out I3D got to enjoy what was possible with this package.

For More Information...

The reason why I came up with this blog post is because there is very little info on this program, and I wanted to bring exposure to it from my past. So this is about the best resource I can provide in letting you see what I3D was all about. Click on the following link to get to try out I3D: I3D (Interactive 3D) Tool Kit Demo.

Sometimes, I make blog posts to bring exposure to things that are scarce in detail or maybe forgotten in some sort of way. So I hope you had a chance to enjoy the content here. I'll blog about almost anything in this blog about... anything and everything. Want more? Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Friday, April 19, 2024

Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition

John B. Marine | 4/19/2024 12:02:00 AM | | Be the first to comment!
Rise of the Triad may be from 1995 old, but this DOS game is a very unique first-person shooter experience. You represent an operateive of the counter-terrorist group known as HUNT exploring San Nicolas Island. You and your team were set to investigate an old monastery on San Nicolas Island. Reports indicated that a cult was hellbent on destroying the world. As you found what you were looking for, the boat was blown up. Now the only way out... is in. So begins your mission to kill the cult leader, El Oscuro, and all of the many minions that inhabit this crazy monastery. While this post was originally about base "Rise of the Triad," this post will now about about "Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition."

Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition

Rise of the Triad Ludicrous Edition
^ from: - "They'll bury you in a lunch box!" Get ready for first-person shooter madness never before seen with Rise of the Triad, and its Ludicrous Edition.

"Rise of the Triad" is a game whose origins date back to 1994. It originally began life as an enhanced "Wolfenstein 3D." Its storyline even was an extension of the Wolfenstein 3D storyline whereas three powers came together to form the ultimate evil. Hence- the Triad namesake. Over time, though, the story changed up to something completely not associated with Wolfenstein 3D.

The Ludicrous Edition of ROTT is the ultimate ROTT experience featuring four campaigns in one package. It also features a handful of extras and enhanced material for the best possible ROTT experience. Some of those extras include alternate actors as well as remixed songs. As with most modern games, this package includes a handful of achievements you must try to accomplish.

The Campaigns.

These are the four campaigns of ROTT's Ludicrous Edition:

• The HUNT Begins: The shareware campaign of ROTT.
• Dark War: The registered campaign of ROTT.
• Extreme ROTT: an add-on package that can be difficult to near impossible to beat.
• The HUNT Continues: the exclusive campaign with brand-new levels.

The HUNT Begins allows you to play the original shareware missions from 1994. You won't get all of the stuff included with the registered version, but you will get a basic introduction to the ROTT storyline. It has one episode and at least 10 levels.

Dark War features four episodes and over 40+ episodes. This is the story where you go against El Oscuro and his three top bosses. You also get to use newer weapons and battle newer enemies.

Although Extreme ROTT is an add-on campaign, it is an add-on package featuring difficult (and sometimes unfair) levels. It will test your patience at times.

The HUNT Continues is the exclusive campaign of ROTT Ludicrous Edition with four episodes and about five to seven less episodes compared to Dark War. You get to battle the forces of El Oscuro once again but in completely new settings.

You're going to be quite busy here. ROTT Ludicrous Edition also lets you create your own levels.


There are five characters to choose from. Each character has their own advantages and disadvantages. Take a look:
• Taradino Cassatt - fairly average in all departments.
• Thi Barrett - the female equivalent of Taradino but with less stamina. Pronounced "Tee."
• Doug Wendt - built like a tank and can take a beating, but is very slow.
• Lorelei Ni - very quick and speedy, but she is very fragile. She is not good at taking beatings.
• Ian Paul Freeley (yes, I.P. Freeley) - fairly average character overall. Can't really tell what makes him much different from the other five.


To save the world, you have a handful of weapons. The coolest aspect of this game is that you don't have to go around picking up ammo from dead enemies just to have enough bullets left. Your bullet ammunition is UNLIMITED! You are armed with simply a pistol to begin with. You can pick up an extra pistol for two-handed goodness. The best bullet weapon is your MP40. It will save you lots of trouble when you don't have any missile weapons. Speaking of which... there are a number of them. Here is more about each:

NOTE: Items only in the full version are in braces ({}).

• Bazooka - a straight-shooting missile weapon. You get ten shots with these. In the hardest setting, some Lightning Guard enemies use bazookas that you can pick up if you kill them. More experienced and daring players can "bazooka boost" to lift themselves over some obstacles and reach some unreachable points.

• Heatseeker - a homing missile weapon. You get only seven shots. This can come in very handy when trying to hide or attack from a fixed distance.

• Drunk Missile - a weapon that shoots several heat-seeking missiles at once. You have up to seven shots.

• Flamewall - a weapon that shoots a wall of flames. A heavy missile falls to the ground, leaving a trail of flames upon impact to the ground. You can also fire the Flamewall at the ground to quickly take care of a pack of enemies. You get only five shots.

• Firebomb - a straight-shooting missle that explodes a cross-like pattern of flames. This is by far the most powerful missile weapon. You only get five shots with this weapon. Absolutely NOT recommended for close-quarters combat!

• {Split Missile} - a two-way weapon used to take out one enemy or two in the area. Hold down the Fire button for a single straight shot, and tap for the Split Missile to attack the two nearest targets. It has about the quickest firing rate of all missile weapons.

• {Excalibat} - a baseball bat enchanted with evil energy, this can be a good weapon to use to take out multiple enemies in a lot of space. Swings of the Excalibat are unlimited. However, hold down the Fire button to charge to 10 shots of its spread attack that shoots multiple baseballs around the area. It is not a good idea to use this area in confined spaces.

• {Dark Staff} - the Dark Staff delivers powerful magic strikes in a straight line. Each of its charges emits a powerful magic strike. This is not recommended a weapon if you are quickly trying to take out enemies.

Items and Powerups.

There are a number of items and powerups to help you out. Here are some or all of them:

• Monk Meal - recovers one unit of health.

• Priest Porridge - told to be porridge made from the remains of murdered priests, these bowls of porridge recovers two units of health. However, there if you find a way to heat up the porridge, you can recover much more health.

• Healing Basin - drink water from these basins to recover energy. However much energy you recover varies.

• Small Monk Crystal - these crystals will recover a small amount of health upon pickup.

• Large Monk Crystal - the largest heal outside of a Full Health powerup can be had with the large monk crystal.

• Asbestos Armor - temporarily projects you from fire and projectile attacks. You can still take damage from projectile attacks, but they won't hurt you as much.

• Bulletproof Armor - temporarily projects you from gun fire. Find one of these before going into an area with a lot of gun-toting enemies or against gun turrets.

• Ankh - every Ankh symbol collected is good towards adding extra lives. There are four different ankh symbols- the basic silver one with a ring outside of it grants one life point. A bronze ankh with a granite background grants five life points. A bronze ankh outlined with beaded accents grants ten life points. Finally, a red ankh with two rings encircling it grants 25 life points.

Now some (or all) of the powerups...

• Mercury Mode - allows you to float into the air. This can help you reach high up places or get over obstacles like lava pits.

• Blue Ankh - gives full health. If already with a lot of health or full health, it grants an extra life.

• Green Ankh - gives full health. If already with a lot of health or with full health, it grants three extra lives. If not at full health, it recovers full health and gives two extra lives. These are rare to find.

• Elasto Mode - you bounce around the level! It sounds fun until you realize you're in a room filled with dangerous obstacles...

• Shrooms Mode - your vision shifts wildly, and your accuracy becomes distorted. On the other hand, using this powerup can help you get some hints about getting through a level. For example, some of the columns you can push while in Shrooms Mode will be highlighted to let you know what to push.

• God Mode - temporary invulnerability, and you can fire blasts that home in on enemies and kill enemies on impact.

• {Dog Mode} - you are invulnerable, and also pretty powerful. Use this fierce power to viciously rip apart your enemies. You can also use this mode to access narrow openings.


Many hazards (besides the enemies themselves) get in your way in kicking El Oscuro's butt. Here are some (or maybe all) of them:

* Fire Jets - flames shoot up from the ground or from the top. Run through it, and you'll become barbequed on the spot.

* Flame Walls - run into these, and you get burned up. Simple enough? Funny thing is, some of these flame walls can be pushed as push walls. Some of these walls even move randomly, making the trail through each level even more treacherous.

• Fire Chutes - walls that shoot flames will hit anything and everything in their way. Switches and/or Touchplates can disable (or enable) them.

* Spear Rack - a rack of spears shoot up from the ground, piercing into you upon arrival. They may also shoot downward from a ceiling.

* Spinblades - run into these to get your own complimentary flesh wounds. Some of these even shoot up from the ground or ceiling.

* Lava pits - avoid these at all costs! Stepping on these hot coals will slowly chip into your health.

* {Boulders} - rolling boulders fall from the ceiling, down to the ground, and rolling over.

* {Pits} - running over these areas will cause you to fall in. It takes a keen eye to find the pit areas on the ground. It isn't too hard to find these pits on the ground once you really notice the floor.

• {Boulders} - Boulders fall from the ceiling and roll straight, running over anything and everything they touch.

Enemies: Basic.

In this section, you will be introduced to some of the enemies in this game. This a description of some of the enemies you will be facing. They will be described by their appearance:

• Low Guard - a basic grunt that carries a pistol, wearing a gray jacket and black pants. Some play dead and awaken when the player draws near.

• Lightning Guard - an enemy in a dark green coat that carries a pistol. On the hardest setting, some fire bazooka rounds at you. Some may beg when they're about to die. If so, finish them off quickly! Some may drop their bazookas if there is still some ammo left in them (only on the hardest setting).

• High Guard - a bearded enemy in a dark green coat that carries an MP40. Waste them quickly because their MP40 shots can do some damage.

• Strike Force - an athletic enemy in a beige outfit, carrying a pistol. They can roll out of the way of missile fire and can be pesky to take down. It's best to take them down quickly with your MP40 (if you have one).

• Patrol Robot - a robot enemy that shoots drones. It can only be destroyed with missile weapons.

• Ballistikraft - a robot that fires drones and missiles. They cannot take damage or be destroyed. So if you see one, run.

• Triad Enforcer - a man in a gray/grey suit with a chaingun. It takes many hits to take him down. He also attacks by throwing grenades. Rely on missile weapons to defeat him quickly. This is the toughest enemy in the game and the toughest enemy in the Shareware version.

Here are a few more in the full game: • Overpatrol - an officer in a black outfit. Overpatrols fire a pistol but also can shoot nets at you. If caught in the net, you'll need to have a knife to cut your way through or find some other way out.

• Turrets - There are two kinds of gun turrets: (1) a gun turret that rises up and quickly attacks you with relentless gunfire, and (2) a gun turret that fires in four directions when you approach it or enter its firing sight.

• Death Monk - these monks are mostly quiet and do not do any damage until they get close to you. They can take a lot of shots before being finally defeated, so you may want to use any missile weapons if you want to make quick work of them.

• Deathfire Monk - a small monk that fires energy at you. Kill them quickly because their monk fireballs can do some serious damage.

Enemies: Bosses.

You can only damage these bosses with missile weapons. I'll just describe them for the most part. Don't expect any advice on beating them here.

• General John Durian - A boss in a green jacket and white pants that totes a bazooka.

* Sebastian Krist - a man that rides in some sort of motorized chair that is armed with mines and bazookas.

* NME - a formidable and large robotic enemy that is very quick with powerful attacks. It is the toughest boss in the entire game with its great speed, homing missile attacks, and fireballs.

* El Oscuro - El Oscuro. Yes- that's all I'll say about him! You're on your own for this one.

A fun fact is that each of the enemies are actually Apogee employees that lend their image as enemies in this game.


The game features lots of Comm-Bat modes ranging from Deathmatch to various triad-collecting modes. There is support for as many as 11 different players.

My Opinions...

Rise of the Triad is a fantastic game. And from a guy who's played two different Shareware versions, it was a great joy to play this full game after years of not getting this game in the past. A lot of people say that this game wasn't all that spectacular for one reason- 90-degree walls. This game can be thought of as Super Wolfenstein 3D the way everything is executed. Instead of wasting Nazis in World War 2 at Castle Wolfenstein, you're trying to eliminate a religious cult and its minions at a monastery on San Nicolas Island in the future.

While it is okay to dismiss this game as a Wolfenstein 3D clone, this game is a first-person masterpiece with a very arcade feel. Its funny nature makes it stand out from the more iconic first-person shooters.

For More Information...

You can look up the original spec "Rise of the Triad" through 3D Realms' site here: Rise of the Triad - Original Spec. To buy "Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition" on Steam, please visit: "Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition" on Steam. Or get it on GOG here: "Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition" on GOG.

Give this game a try and immerse yourself in a very fun first-person shooter. It is from 1994, so don't expect any modern things most first-person shooters today have to them. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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