Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Spoon Pet Collector

John B. Marine | 7/14/2020 09:50:00 AM | |
From the makers of "Neko Atsume," "Spoon Pet Collector" lets you collect adorable animals. Collect and capture various pets. Even scoop them up with a spoon! This game has it all! I review "Spoon Pets Collector" for you all in this blog post. I will let you know what I think about it as I go along.

A Note About Mobile Games...

This is a review of a game as it is as of July 14, 2020. This game may have changed over time based on this initial blog post. This game was reviewed on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A.

Spoon Pet Collector

"Spoon Pet Collector" was made by the same Japanese developer behind the highly popular "Neko Atsume"- Hit-Point. This game is a collaborative effort of Hit-Point and SEGA TOYS. It was released in 2016, two years after the 2014 game "Neko Atsume." The goal of "Spoon Pet Collector" is to collect and capture various pets to your yard. Just like in "Neko Atsume," doing so means you attract animals to your house by setting up both food and goodies. Unlike "Neko Atsume," however, the animals in this game are not exclusively cats. This game features over 75 adorable pets to collect and capture. Can you capture all of the adorable pets in this game?

"Spoon Pet Collector" is a free game for Android and iOS. In-app purchases can be made within the game.

Game Play.

"Spoon Pet Collector" plays a lot like Neko Atsume, so I will be making a lot of references to Neko Atsume in explaining this game.

The basic food to use is sunflower seeds. You can use other food items from the Shop to attract more pets. A certain combination of food and goodies will yield to getting more of these creatures coming to your house. You can play mini games and take part in other activities to get more content. You can also expand your play field to allow for more goodies and more pets to enter your space. If you establish a good enough relationship between yourself and certain pets, some pets will offer you Mementos- just like in Neko Atsume. Try to get the Mementos for all of the pets if you are about completion. Use the in-game time to set up your yard with food and goodies. Then, close or suspend the app to allow for the animals to interact with your place.

Unlike Neko Atsume, however, you actually have some control over pets and goodies. Unique to this game is a spoon you can use to scoop up pets and place them anywhere where they can be placed. You can not scoop up rare pets, however. You can see how pets interact with certain goodies by scooping them up and placing them around certain goodies. Also unique to "Spoon Pets Collector" is the ability to dress up your pets. These dress-up opportunities come later in the game.

"Spoon Pet Collector" has a currency of Spoons. Certain more prominent items require Gold Spoons. You have various methods of earning each. The safe way (as in not trying to farm or grind or perform some cheat) to earn any kind of Spoons is to let your pets play around and let them offer you Spoons from their visit. You can play mini games to earn some extra spoons. Sometimes, you will see golden advertisements scattered about that can earn you some Spoons (or even Golden Spoons) if you watch the included ads.

Now that you know some of the basics, let me offer my final thoughts on this game from what I have played so far.

Spoon Pets Collector: Final Thoughts

In my research of "Spoon Pets Collector," I saw that one reviewer said that "Spoon Pet Collector" is a great game but lacks the charm of "Neko Atsume." In a way, that is how I feel about "Spoon Pet Collector." Spoon Pet Collector is an adorable game on many levels. I do tend to agree it doesn't have the same level of cuteness and appeal over the older "Neko Atsume." With that said, this is still a very cute and relaxing game to play. It still brings a smile to your face seeing all of the adorableness this game has to offer. Even scooping up these pets and placing them around your playing space is a treat in its own right. You almost wish the pets were real and that you took care of them- just like in Neko Atsume! So go download "Spoon Pet Collector" and have fun collecting these adorable animals!

Video Preview.

Here is a video showing you some of the basic game playing of "Spoon Pet Collector." Take a look:

^ Spoon Pet Collection ( Playing with Snow White! )

For More Information...

Learn more about "Spoon Pet Collector" by visiting Hit-Point's official website at: www.hit-point.co.jp/ (WARNING: Japanese language only!). More information about "Spoon Pet Collector" itself can be found at www.hit-point.co.jp/games/spoonpets/ (WARNING: Japanese language only!). You may need to use translation features in your browser if you do not understand Japanese.

Bonus Video!

As a bonus for reading my blog post on "Spoon Pet Collector," here is a bonus video featuring the super-cute Spoon Pets toys. Enjoy!

^ Spoon Pets Cute

ONLY in Japan, folks! :)

I hope you like my review, and I also hope I've brightened your day with this cuteness. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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