Monday, December 6, 2021

Stardew Valley

John B. Marine | 12/06/2021 07:49:00 PM | |
Stardew Valley has been one of the most successful indie/independent games ever produced. The farm life and a tight-knit community await you. What do I think about this game after playing it for a few weeks? Find out in my blog post here on "John's Blog Space!"

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley made its debut in 2016. This game was produced by a solo developer known as ConcernedApe. "Stardew Valley" is a farming RPG where you inherit your grandfather's farm in Stardew Valley. Your previous grind was with Joja Corporation, which is looking to threaten and modernize the area. They have a store set up in Pelican Town. You make all kinds of decisions that can impact your relations with others as well as change the flow of the game. How will you live your farm lifestyle? Will you go far and beyond to have the best farm in the city? Could you possibly find love? These and more await you in Stardew Valley!

"Stardew Valley" is available on GOG, Steam, XBOX One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. The ESRB rates this game "E" for everyone. It includes fantasy violence, mild blood, mild language, simulated gambling, and use of alcohol and tobacco. PEGI rates this game a PEGI 7.

Getting Started.

You inherit a farm, but you can do much more than just farm. You may do a lot of forestry. Chopping down trees nets you some extra resources you can use. You may see certain wild items scattered about. This will allow you to go into foraging. Want some seafood? Try fishing! You could also make a living mining for all kinds of minerals and ores. If you are the adventurous type, try combat! All of your basic skills can be upgraded and yield some fine perks.

Farming allows you to grow various resources for personal use and for selling. You have to till land with a hoe and then do some watering. You may use certain gardening supplements to help expedite the gardening process. Most importantly, be sure to plant seeds for items in season. Winter is nearly impossible to farm in unless you have a Greenhouse. Certain crops can be harvested in different times of year. For example, you can't plant Corn seeds in the Spring. You will even be told certain crops are out of season if you tried to plant them in your main farm.

Later, you will have the opportunity to purchase animals to occupy Coops and Barns. These will give you some more resources to take advantage of. Animal products like eggs and milk can be had from these animals. Such items can be further refined into other things that sell for good money. You have to also take care of your animals to make sure they don't get overly hurt.

It pays to interact with the people of Stardew Valley and beyond. Building relationships with people will allow you to gain respect and even learn more about others. The NPCs have personalities and don't feel like lifeless drones saying the same things over and over again. Your relationship with others can yield to bigger and better things- even including marriage (especially if one is single). Giving people gifts and completing tasks can help build better bonds with others. Giving people disliked or hated gifts can hurt relationships with others. Even being caught digging into trash cans can put a dent in your relations with others. So be careful.

Talking Points.

From my experiences, "Stardew Valley" is one of the most engaging games I've ever played. You actually feel connected to your world along with its NPCs. Money will be mostly tight when you start off. Over time, though, you will begin to find ways to make decent money without feeling like you need to grind. "Stardew Valley" never feels frustrating or impossible. The music is wonderful. Taking part in all of the activities around Stardew Valley continues to help you feel connected. Even too, the people are kind enough to offer you resources from time to time, making the experience that much better.

The only thing I haven't been good at is fishing. I've trapped a lot of items, but never successfully caught a fish except for the tutorial one. I have gotten better at it. Though, I am still far from being a fishing pro.

This game offers co-op multiplayer as well, but I have not taken part in any co-op. You can share resources and farm land in co-op mode.

If you make mistakes in trying to accomplish all you want to do in a single day, you may want to develop a habit of re-loading some of your latest Save game files. There were times where I did the wrong thing or died battling in the mines or anything, and I needed to re-load to avoid losing all of my earned material or to do everything I chose to do properly.

Now for some final thoughts...

Stardew Valley: Final Thoughts

GET. THIS. GAME. If you have the resources to play this game, go get "Stardew Valley." It is one of the most satisfying and most gratifying experiences in all of gaming. It is enjoyable for all audiences. Only things to be concerned with are some mild language and then all the animated violence for when you do the combat elements. Other than that, it is a game enjoyable for a vast audience. The fact all of this was made by a solo game developer makes it even more impressive. Unless you dislike RPGs, this is a must-buy. I have very few complaints about this game. If any complaints, maybe I should have bought this game earlier in my life than just recently.

For More Information...

To learn more about Stardew Valley, please visit:

Video Preview.

Here is a trailer of Stardew Valley. This will help show you what this game has to offer:

^ Stardew Valley Trailer

Hopefully you enjoyed this blog post!

I hope you enjoyed my review of "Stardew Valley." Maybe you will find this game to be as enjoyable as I found it to be. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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