Friday, November 5, 2021

My Chromebook Experience So Far

John B. Marine | 11/05/2021 10:45:00 PM | | |
Almost a week ago, I bought my first Chromebook. I didn't get the one I wanted, though, because it was out of stock and discontinued. I still got another one from the same company. After a week of using this Chromebook, I decided I share what it is like to use a Chromebook.

My Chromebook Experience So Far

Let me get into why I wanted a Chromebook. I wanted to buy a Chromebook because I heard Chromebooks could natively use Android apps. I felt like it was time to move on from my Android TV boxes and from my tablet PC. I used a Google Nexus Player previously, then upgraded (at least I considered it one) from that to the Xiaomi MI Box S. My tablet PC history went from my Hisense Sero 7 Pro to a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0A. So I wanted to try a Chromebook to see if it could be a better overall experience for me. I also wanted to see if I could possibly test installing Linux onto a Chromebook and use that.

Before I continue, let me provide some disclosure about my Chromebook experience...

Quick Disclosure...

For disclosure, I have a Lenovo Ideapad 3. The one I wanted to get that was discontinued was the Lenovo C340 Chromebook. I wanted the C340 Chromebook because it was convertible and had a touchscreen. I wanted to use that Chromebook for the perfect combination of laptop and tablet PC. Sadly, I didn't get to get one at the time I went to a Wal-Mart (or WalMart). I could try to get a better Chromebook in the future, possibly with a touchscreen and convertible features.

The Experience So Far.

So far, I had a lot to learn about using a Chromebook. I am not going crazy with Android apps on Chromebook. I am also fairly cautious with putting on intense mobile-compatible games on my Chromebook. For one thing, Twitch and YouTube apps run great to watch and chat. I do not experience as much lag like on desktop when using Twitch or YouTube. As a mod for some Twitch channels, operation seems better to use Twitch for moderating. My only problem really is in trying to avoid having so many typos typing.

I know gaming is not going to be a priority when using a Chromebook, so I sampled some casual 2D games. I put on "Neko Atsume" for testing purposes. I could try and port over some of my save game data from "Neko Atsume" and "Spoon Pets Collector/Atsume." The feel is much different using a trackpad for a touchscreen game than when using your fingers or a stylus. It was a pretty nice experience nonetheless. Some people use their Chromebooks for emulation gaming. I have my doubts on emulation, but it is something I may try on a Chromebook in the future.

Another reason why I wanted to use a Chromebook is to serve as a secondary PC. If the power goes out, I want something to use to be productive while power is out. Since my Chromebook doesn't have some carrier, I can't use it as my PC away from my main PC. What I can surely hope for is that I can make blog posts on my Chromebook for when power is out or maybe if I am away from home taking my Chromebook along. Though I haven't posted many blog posts lately, I still do and love blogging. Something I thought of was trying my hand at cloud storage and use that to be more creative with my blog posts and maybe post when there is no power. I found out I could tether my Chromebook with my smartphone to be able to use it online with no WiFi.

You may have recalled from my intro that I thought about the possibility of using Linux on a Chromebook. Well, there is a Linux Beta suite on most modern Chromebooks. I know I can only do so much with some Linux programs, so I am not entirely miffed about what Linux has to offer using a Chromebook. Some people suggest I get a Raspberry Pi instead to put a Linux build onto and use that for Linux.

All in all, I think using a Chromebook is a great experience. I didn't want a proper laptop. I thought about getting an inexpensive laptop until I was convinced to get a Chromebook instead. Chromebooks have come a long way. If you want to work within the Google ecosystem and use Android, get a Chromebook.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Thank you for coming here! I appreciate your loving support! Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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