NOTE: Any commentary regarding EF-12 relates to the latest version (as of this blog post), which is Version 1.800 as of this post.
Let's take a look at EF-12.

^ from: (YouTube) - EF-12 has boundless potential as a 3D fighting game engine. Can you tap into and harness that potential?
EF-12 allows people to play a very decent fighting game or make one's own fighting game. The base package for EF-12 consists of a handful of characters and some stages. None of the material is too spectacular as many of the characters simply demonstrate the fighting style possible. There are no overly interesting characters here, as they are mostly almost purely generic robotic fighters that have fighting styles similar to many popular fighting games. A dead giveaway of certain styles can be seen in the names of some of the more anonymous characters. For example, the prefix of character "VF_Akagi" denotes a moves style based on the Virtua Fighter series. Another one of the characters, "TK_Montauk" has "TK" as its prefix, noting it has a fighting style like Tekken. The game also features a few different characters simply included to demonstrate the fighting and graphical capabilities of EF-12.
You can actually develop your own characters using some of your favorite 3D modeling programs. Some people basically rip 3D models from other games and turn them into EF-12 characters. Some even make certain models from scratch and then rig them and stuff. DO NOT be afraid to try to make your own 3D models ranging from fighters to stages. You do not have to stick with the included characters and stages. So go ahead and show your creative side and make your own material!
There is no storyline to EF-12. Its story is basically whatever you want it to be. All you do is set up matches or maybe try your luck in an arcade-style tour. Speaking of game modes...
Modes of Play.
EF-12 offers three modes of play.• Arcade
Arcade Mode lets you pick a character and engage in a series of matches. Win the match and advance. Lose the match, and you may have to choose to continue or end the game.
• Single Match
You can compete in a single match. Select a character followed by an opponent. When all of the rounds are complete, the battle is over. The game also returns to the intro and splash screen.
• Development Mode
In Development Mode, you have the opportunity to test out a variety of different features. This is good if you are a developing characters or stages for EF-12. Any number of items can be customized.
Basics of EF-12.
EF-12 consists of two opponents in a 3D space kind of like in sumo wrestling. The default settings are set for 60-second rounds in a best-of-3 format. Defeat your opponent within the allowed time or have the most remaining health when time expires. By default, if you or your opponent are outside the ring area, the round will restart but the one who was out will face a health penalty. Certain movement and button combinations will allow you to execute super attacks as well as certain special moves. Do whatever it takes to win the match!You could adjust some of these settings by modifying the settings file. Some of the settings you could adjust include width and height of the game window, the length of rounds, how many rounds, ring out rules, etc.
That covers most of the basics of EF-12.
EF-12 vs. MUGEN
As I mentioned previously, EF-12 is seen as a 3D MUGEN. This section features similarities and differences between the two fighting game engines.
EF-12 and MUGEN: Similarities.
Both EF-12 and MUGEN are similar in the respect that both allow nearly limitless customization. Both allow for characters and stages to be added.EF-12 and MUGEN: Differences.
The obvious difference between EF-12 and MUGEN is that one is 3D while the other is 2D. Another difference is that EF-12 is made by Quad Arrow while Elecbyte made MUGEN. A more technical difference between the two games is that MUGEN's hit detection is based on hit boxes, and (as I read) EF-12 is more based on attacks to certain bones of models. It can be fairly tough to land hits on characters in EF-12. Another sort of technical difference between the two is that MUGEN is more like old-school fighting game action while EF-12 is more along the lines of Virtua Fighter in terms of actual fighting. One other difference I basically note is that you can set up an AI match in MUGEN, but you can't do so in EF-12 (as far as I know). MUGEN also has many more ways to play while EF-12 is purely one-on-one. In MUGEN, you can set up team battles with two characters on screen or set up an elimination-style setting with up to four fighters. EF-12, meanwhile, is purely one-on-one combat.So while both games are similar, the two have differences that set themselves apart. Both are otherwise solid in their own rights.
EF-12: Review and Final Thoughts
EF-12 is still primarily a work in progress. Despite being such a WIP, there is immense potential in making some amazing 3D fighting games. Adept and creative developers can find all sorts of ways to make their own fighting games using the EF-12 game engine. Granted you have the performance specifications to run EF-12, you will be met with something that can prove to be a solid fighting game. A gamepad is recommended to play EF-12. Using my XBOX 360 controller, the game has a very intuitive setup. EF-12 does not have an in-game options menu. I found the default controller setup to be fairly simple. I haven't really found a specific character to suit my gaming experience best. I do have visions of characters I may want to create to enhance the EF-12 experience. Regardless, this is a wonderful 3D fighting game engine that has some immense potential. Only question is... can it be tapped into just enough to really become a true 3D equivalent of MUGEN? Or perhaps be better than MUGEN? That remains to be seen. For what we have now, EF-12 is quite fun for what it is.
Maybe the only negative for EF-12 is for people who prefer fast-paced 3D fighting. EF-12 handles itself more like Virtua Fighter or Tekken than say, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. The game is more along the lines of Virtua Fighter than Tekken. That isn't to say this game lacks enjoyment. You can still enjoy this game and the fighting experience it provides about as much as almost any other 3D fighting game.
For More Information...
You can get started with EF-12 by visiting EF-12 on Playism. You have to pay to download this game. You set your own price to download it. The minimum price you must pay to download EF-12 is $1 USD. When I bought EF-12, the download comes in at about a whopping 604 MB in size.Here is the trailer to EF-12:
^ "EF-12 V1.65 PV (English version)"
Here is a sample of an EF-12 fight:
^ "3D Mugen Project EF-12 3D Fighting Game Engine (Overwatch Tracer) VS (Widowmaker)"
Learn more about EF-12 from its official site (WARNING: Japanese only): EF-12 official site. If you're going to download and play EF-12, have fun!
That's it for this blog post. Thank you for visiting "John's Blog Space" and for reading! Take care and be well.
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