I blogged about bullying before. For this specific post, I want to fully concentrate on cyberbullying. What is cyberbullying? Simple- it's when you use anything online or cyberspace all in hopes of belittling others. It can begin with bad rumors spread about and end up to some people wanting to kill themselves because of their inability to handle being pushed around by others. Maybe some people don't know (or even care) about what they do because life is all about attacking people down to the core according to some people. Everything has to be a competition. Everyone has to be a dart board to some people, and rather than throwing darts, their words and actions feel more like throwing knives. And the sad thing is- a lot of people think it is okay to talk about others like they are the worst human beings in society. This blog post is focused solely on cyberbullying. It is a spinoff of my original post on bullying.
PERSONAL MESSAGE: I would like to devote this blog post to all victims of cyberbullying- from past and present victims.
Special Request!
This is a very old blog post. If you would like to see updated material of mine regarding bullying (let alone cyberbullying), please visit my "John's Life Space" blog post on bullying:Bullying - John's Life Space
...and also, any newer cybebullying resources requested for inclusion in this blog post will now go into my more updated page on "John's Life Space" here:
Helpful Resources (John's Life Space)
AUG 30 2021 - added an extra resourceCyberbullying and its Impacts.
So what impact could cyberbullying have on someone? Find out by watching this video below. Click on the link below the video to see this video on YouTube if you can't view Flash:^ "THE CYBER BULLYING VIRUS (YouTube)"
Now that you know what cyberbullying can do and its effects, allow me to talk more about this topic.
ANYTHING to Get Hate Across.
Some people use all sorts of media online in hopes of belittling and downgrading people substantially. I think some people do this... because they can, and because they know they can get away with doing and saying whatever they want to break people down. I have encounter bloggers whom have made mention of others bringing them down with poor comments. There are people who tell others to stop blogging because they don't like their blog(s). There are people who set up fake websites and fake social networking profiles to make fun of or attack certain people. There are online message boards and websites devoted to hating on people for whatever reason. People who use services like Formspring to ask poor questions to others. Some people will "like" Facebook fan pages and join groups just to attack people. Twitter followers will get on Twitter and hate on somebody through the means of Twitter. YouTube folk will subscribe to channels they don't like and view videos of content people dislike... again- just to attack people. I mean, certain people will find ANY means to attack anyone. It is freedom of expression and freedom of speech, but it doesn't make these practices and tactics acceptable.Examples of What Bullies Say.
What do people say? It depends. Many people just tell others to "go die in a hole" or something like that. Some call people all kinds of things like skinny, fat, ugly, fake, gay, stupid, any sort of insult. Some people who get cyberbullied did absolutely nothing (or very little) to merit so much hate from somebody. Worst of all is being told that someone is better off dead or anything along those lines. Such comments and insults bring most people to their knees and broken down.What Makes Cyberbullying So Destructive?
The biggest reason why cyberbullying practices and tactics are so successful is for when words and actions eventually get to the target(s). Think about it for a moment. Someone tells somebody else he/she is ugly. That is enough to make someone feel bad. But then, imagine if that same person (or multiple people) start issuing the same insults towards you. What happens then? You begin to feel so powerless to do anything that you basically just give into these insults. As you're taking in constant and endless insults, you begin to dislike yourself- unless you give yourself the courage to fight out of these insults. Most people, though, don't have that courage because they have been broken down substantially. At its worst, people get broken down so badly that they commit suicide because they can no longer stand the constant abuse and bullying. So rather than deal with the same abuse day after day, the one(s) being bullied feel they have no more purpose or worth to this world- so they kill themselves. In other words, what makes cyberbullying successful from bullies is as a result of multiple insults and messages that snowball and pile onto a certain person or group of people.Don't give me that "sticks and stones break my bones, but names/words will never hurt me" crap. Words hurt just as much as any physical abuse. Just the right words will send anyone over the edge or feeling miserable. Even I can attest to this- when I let name-calling get the better of me. What happened since? I was kicked out of one school and suspended multiple times for fighting. So to anyone who thinks a bad message online can't possibly do any harm, think again. It would be a stretch even to say that hounding someone with mean messages online can hurt about as much as a flesh wound. But- it's true.
Reflection of Current Society?
You know, it's sad what kind of society we've become. Bullying has been around for ages. Today's bullying (especially cyberbullying) is not only a reflection of our postmodern and tech-savvy way of bullying, but a reflection of how we are all influenced and intrigued by hate. Cyberbullying is just a new way to entice and influence abusive and disrespectful behavior. It is a new method of imposing hate to other people. Sure, bullying somebody in person is bad enough, but doing it electronically and through social media is basically the current wave of bullying someone.We always feel as if people around us are threats that we should eliminate immediately. Nobody wants to be friends anymore. Nobody wants to compliment or show compassion towards others anymore. No. It just seems like all we do (or want to do) is hate people who we think are above (or even below) us. To bolster our own self-esteem, we have to use other people [who don't deserve to be disrespected so badly] to make ourselves look better. It is a terrible shame.
Cyberbullying Resources.
By popular demand, I have included an entire section to cyberbullying in my "Helpful Resources" page of my life issues blog, "John's Life Space." I will no longer be updating this post in this blog. Any further requests for cyberbullying resources can be found in a page on "John's Life Space." The resoruces there will be updated every so often. So where to go in the meanwhile is to visit my "John's Life Space" blog to see these resources and more in regards to cyberbullying:Helpful Resources (John's Life Space) (includes cyberbullying resources)
Meanwhile, if you or someone you know is being cyber bullied, here are some resources to help you deal with cyberbullying. Take a look at these resources, and let's work to curtail cyberbullying:
• www.stompoutbullying.org
• Stand Up to Bullying
• Cyberbullying Research Center
• Stop Cyberbullying
• Cyberbullying - National Crime Prevention Council
• Cyberbullying | StopBullying.gov
• Cyberbullying - NetSmartz
• BrainPOP | Cyberbullying
• A Comprehensive Cyberbullying Guide for Parents
• E-safety Guide for Parents to Kids Keep Safe Online (added: January 16, 2019)
• The Ultimate Parent Guide for Protecting Your Child on the Internet | vpnMentor
• A Real Online Degree: Cyberbullying Awareness and Avoidance Resource Guide (resource added: March 8, 2017)
• Cyberbullying: The Full Guide For Parents, Children & Schools (United Kingdom)
• eSafety Parents Guide to Keeping Children Safe Online - TotallyHome (United Kingdom)
• Welcome to CyberTraining (Europe)
• Cyberbullying - Cyber Safety Pasifika (Oceania and the South Pacific)
• A Real Online Degree: Cyberbullying Awareness and Avoidance Resource Guide (resource added: March 8, 2017)
• Bullying by the Numbers: A Breakdown of Bullying Statistics and Facts (resource added: August 22, 2019)
• Bullying by the Numbers: A Breakdown of Bullying Statistics and Facts (resource added: August 22, 2019)
• Internet Smarts: Surfing and Shopping Safely (resource added: July 28, 2021)
• How to Keep Kids Safe on YouTube (Restrict Unsafe Videos) in 2021 (resource added: August 30, 2021)
• Ultimate Guide to Cybercrime, Privacy, and Staying Safe Online (resource added: July 28, 2021)
That concludes this blog post. If you want to recommend any other resources, contact me. You can find all of these resources (and more) in my Helpful Resources page in my life issues blog, John's Life Space.
You managed to make it through this post despite this post being about such a rough topic. Nonetheless, thank you for reading. Take care and be well.
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