Please note that this blog post is about sushi rolls. Many people into real sushi enjoy having real sushi as opposed to sushi rolls. This is actually a topic I wanted to discuss for a long while in my blog.
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^ from: (my Facebook profile) - Love you some sushi rolls? Here are plenty of them on one plate.
Sushi rolls are a delicious blend of various kinds of items. The most common ingredients for most sushi rolls are usually rice and seaweed. There are many other things that go into a sushi roll. Among other incredients: salmon, shrimp, cucumber, cream cheese, and stuff like that. These sushi rolls can be great tasting and actually a good bit filling. The only deterrent some people have towards sushi rolls is the fact that they are mostly prepared raw. You very much have to prepare sushi rolls properly so that it doesn't become such a risk eating sushi rolls. They still make for great-tasting food once you taste these.
--- My Sushi Roll Experience ---
In the early 2000s, my brother took me to a sushi restaurant in Rice Village here in Houston called Japon. This was where I got my first taste of sushi rolls. The first-ever kind of sushi rolls I've had was the California Roll. It is the most common sushi roll that I've eaten and usually eat. My brother recommended me Futomaki rolls. The best thing about Japon was that all the sushi was prepared right in front of you, so you know your sushi is completely authentic. Sadly, the Japon restaurant is no longer with us. What was so cool about Japon was that across the street was a store called Planet Anime. That was where my brother and I would rent anime videos. We used to rent lots of videos of the Ranma 1/2 series there. Lots of memories...Not everyone can pick up a sushi roll using chopsticks. That's okay. You just have to practice putting the chopsticks in your hands and practice picking things up with them. I always use chopsticks because while I love sushi, I try to be as cultured as possible. A guy who loves Japan and Japanese culture should at least conduct himself culturally. I do not pick up sushi with my hands or with any silverware. If the sushi breaks up, I try to break it up piece-by-piece using my chopsticks. So I may pick up a cucumber from one piece of sushi followed by the rice and everything one at a time.
I enjoy having sushi rolls. I eat with chopsticks and sometimes dip sushi rolls into soy sauce. I sometimes eat a little ginger to go with sushi. Ginger is paper-like yet crunchy. Its taste is a bit spicy, but sweet. I almost never touch wasabi. Wasabi is the green stuff usually eaten with sushi. It is VERY spicy. Maybe it isn't like eating peppers, but the spice in wasabi is crazy!
Some people can't take raw sushi rolls prepared from the kitchen. Sometimes, I usually get pre-made sushi rolls from grocery stores. They can be just as good as sushi from sushi restaurants. You may want to consider getting store-made sushi rolls if you don't really fancy traditional sushi rolls. As with all sushi rolls, I ALWAYS use chopsticks. I sometimes even pick up chopsticks for free even when getting some sushi rolls from stores.
Types of Sushi Rolls.
There are a number of different sushi rolls of many varieties. Here are some of the different kinds I can recall from the top of my head:• California Roll
• Futomaki
• Tekkamaki
• Tempura Roll
• shrimp sushi roll
• eel sushi roll
• salmon sushi roll
• Prawn roll
And here are many other varieties, such as the Philadelphia Roll and the Alaska Roll. Regardless, there is at least one kind of sushi roll sure to spur your interest.
Do you like sushi rolls? After what all you've read, you know I certainly do! :)
--- Sushi Roll Resources ---
Here are some links in case you want some sushi roll resources:• Sushi Encyclopedia
• Sushi Roll Recipes
• Sushi Rolls Recipe - Food Network
• How to Make a Sushi Roll in 10 Easy Steps
• How to Make Sushi Rolls (Eating Well)
More resources may be featured in future edits.
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wow, interesting post!! just had a breakfast but made me hungry already! lol
growing up in japan and being japanese, i've always seen sushi in stores, restaurants and of course at a dining table at home.
however, i'd never actually eaten it until i was like 13yrs old (i was too scared to actually put it in to my mouth until i was old enough to try (personally)unfamiliar food...!)
anyway, after trying it, i gradually became into sushi, and now i love sushi! i need to eat it at least once a week!!
i also love american style sushi like you featured such as california rolls which have tobiko around usually (which is not very common here in japan, but i love it as much as ikura(=salmon egg)).
i also loved "spicy tuna roll" when i once lived in CA.
this is very original from america which i can never find here but tastes great!!
i still keep eating this spicy tuna roll here in japan by making it by myself; i just can't give it up!
some people are not really for arranged sushi and prefer classical japanese style sushi, but i personally love trying new kinds of sushi re-made in other countries as well!
i can't wait to see new ideas in the future!!
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