Going with a mini skirt or mini dress is quite daring. You take a great chance making a statement to those in your immediate area when wearing a short skirt or short dress. I'm almost inspired by certain mini skirts for teen girls in asking this. I have nothing wrong with a mini skirt. But to any of you fashion-conscious femmes out there... how low is too low for a mini skirt/dress?
NOTE 1: I'm mostly referring to mini skirts, but this blog entry also concerns mini dresses as well.
NOTE 2: Some of the material in this blog entry may not be safe for work or school, so a Page Break has been provided for your protection. Read at your own discretion.
JUL 19 2017 - multiple editsWhat Makes Mini Skirts Appealing?

^ from: amazon.com - a denim mini skirt.

^ from: celebrityeverything.com - a chic mini dress.
To me, what makes mini skirts and mini dresses so appealing is just the amount of leg shown. The style of the skirt also amounts to just how appealing they can be. A mini skirt lets onlookers know this is a femme who can confidently wear a short skirt and show some kind of style in the process. I look at a mini skirt or mini dress as a way of sending a dramatic message. The mini wearer has to be aware that wearing a skirt so short can be risky business. It may draw some unwanted attention.
On the other hand, mini skirts can also be flirty. It's the kind of guilty pleasure which rewards the daring with an elegant view of the legs. A femme must have the confidence to go with a short skirt and wear it confidently. Those who probably aren't as confident do something like wear leggings under them. At least starting in 2005, in an unecessary re-revival of the '80s, wearing leggings under mini skirts has given some the confidence to wear a mini skirt. Many feel leggings under skirts should best be left to little girls rather than femmes 13 and older. I've personally disliked this look until I've finally grown to accept it. My mindset was that the mini skirt is a risky garment to wear, and that the beauty of wearing a skirt is destroyed entirely when wearing leggings underneath them. It's like trying to be the best bicycle rider when you're using training wheels. If you can't confidently wear a mini skirt, simply DON'T WEAR THEM!
But eventually, I accepted leggings under skirts, though I still fancy mini skirts with bare legs. Mini skirts are for the daring and confident diva. There is a good deal of risk-reward wearing one.
How Low is Too Low for a Mini Skirt?
The right kind of mini skirt can make a bold message. However, a very short mini can be tasteless and disgusting. I think the right kind of mini skirt/dress depends on what is acceptable for your legs. The skirt shouldn't be so low at the bottom that people get an embarrassing peek up your skirt. Likewise, it shouldn't be too low around the waist to where a discomforting view of butt crack is visible if bending over. So you're looking for the middle ground- the most comfortable mini skirt to wear as well as the most comfortable mini skirt you are comfortable wearing. Micro mini skirts should be avoided at all costs. Unless... you're doing modeling shoots or something.
If you're looking at mini dresses, then just look for a mini dress you can confidently wear with your favorite shoes or accessories. It has to be a dress that feels comfortable and is short enough to where you're most comfortable wearing.
A perfectly acceptable mini skirt or mini dress length is to about mid-thigh. As for shoes, they depend. You'll commonly see denim mini skirts paired with the ubiquitous flip-flop/thong sandals. You may even see some paired with Converse-like sneakers. It's an absolute no-no (and just wrong) to wear a mini with cold weather boots (especially sheepskin boots). You will commonly see mini skirts with UGG boots (or some other sheepskin boots). Ballet flats are pretty much okay. Pumps and stylish sandals will do your feet justice as you proudly wear your mini skirt or mini dress. I think the mini skirt is too elegant a garment to wear with any shoes that aren't stylish or have a nicely-defined heel.
(ADDED: November 4, 2011) I will admit that I have been a bit more fond of short skirts paired with Converse sneakers. Especially very girly mini skirts paired with Converse sneakers can be a cute touch. I have most liked girly short skirts with Converse low-top sneakers. These can be cute whether with lace-up Converse low-tops or any laceless Converse-like sneakers. It is a look I've commonly seen among little girls.
What Mini Skirt or Mini Dress is Right for You?
If seeking a mini skirt, let it be one that suits your style and that you can wear outfits around. You can go with a slim-fitting mini skirt or dress to show slimming style. You can go with a more flared mini skirt or dress for airy comfort. Actually, flared mini skirts and dresses can be a bit more risky to wear. And when I mean flared, I mostly mean mini skirts that aren't slim-fitting. An example would be your average schoolgirl skirt.
Footwear for Mini Skirts and Mini Dresses
So you want to wear a mini skirt/dress? Fine. However, what do you wear with a mini skirt/dress? Options depend. Almost any sort of shoes, sandals, sneakers, and boots will do.
Favorite Footwear Choices.
A casual day with a mini skirt or mini dress calls for nothing really special. A pair of flip-flop/thong sandals are perfectly fine for warm days. Ballet flats with a mini skirt or mini dress is also fine. If you are feeling sexy, go for some high heels.A look I have somewhat liked was going with a very girly mini skirt or mini dress and pair it with a pair of Converses. I tend to like mini skirts with a pair of Converse low-top sneakers or even some laceless Converses. A short skirt with Converses is what I usually see little girls wear.
Boots are very much fine with mini skirts and mini dresses. If you are feeling chic, a good pair of ankle boots will do you justice. The girl who fancies toughness could easily go for a pair of combat boots to toughen up her mini skirt or mini dress. Some people, especially during cold weather become disgusted with the look of a mini skirt (usually denim mini skirts), bare legs, and sheepskin boots (like UGG boots). It has become my most popular topic to one of my blog posts. However, I had to move it because despite the traffic I have been getting, the topic is not supposed to be just about mini skirts. So welcome to a more proper blog post on mini skirts.
Cold Weather Boots + Bare Legs + Mini Skirts/Dresses?
(taken directly from and edited from "It's Not THAT Cold/Warm! Cold Weather Clothing Overkill on Cool Days")Source: neilcelebgossip.blogspot.com - Fashion inconsistency. Mini skirt = warm weather. Sheepskin boots = cold weather. Mini skirt with sheepskin boots = make up your damn mind, already!
Wearing cold weather boots, with shorts or a mini skirt/dress and bare legs is not only ugly, but terribly inconsistent with the weather. So many times before, I've seen mini skirts paired mostly with sheepskin boots (UGG makes plenty of these). I once did a YouTube video on this. But in case you need an example of mini skirt + cold weather boots, look no further than this:

Source: blogs.lasoo.com.au - Many girls, especially the teenage and college set, are awed by wearing warm-weather boots with the short skirts.
If you think the combination of sheepskin boots and a mini skirt is a terrible combination, then a major American university agrees with me. And don't tell me that you can just wear leggings or longjohns to stay warm and look semi-decent. If you visit the link I've supplemented, some note how the sheepskin boots are comfortable. However, there's comfort, then style (and common sense, obviously). Never compromise comfort for style.
So you're looking for a mini skirt or mini dress? Let me get you started by showing off Amazon items. Do remember that you can click on ANY image to learn more about the item and to purchase it (if you want to). If there are none that interest you in this section, I will include two search widgets featuring many more mini skirts and mini dresses for you to choose from. Please read "An Important Amazon Note" in the sidebar to learn more about any Amazon items I mention.
Now I said that I was going to post widgets showing you more mini skirts and mini dresses. However, I don't want to show off any adult-oriented material. I am careful that I try to make this blog as friendly to as many audiences as possible without drawing any kind of negative attention. So what you're going to see here are some more mini skirts and mini dresses you may be interested in. There may be some adult-oriented.
And again, if you see something you like that's available on Amazon, PLEASE click on it to learn more about the item and even purchase something you like. I appreciate your business if you do some shopping here, and I hope I've earned your respect with this blog entry and my others. I would appreciate your business if you find something from Amazon that you like in my blog post. So please support me if you enjoy my work:
For mini skirts:
For mini dresses:
Happy shopping! Now go look fabulous already! :)
Proudly wear your mini skirts/dresses and thank you for reading! Take care and be well.
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