Sunday, February 27, 2022


John B. Marine | 2/27/2022 02:55:00 PM | | |
ReBoot was one of the first computer generated (CGI) cartoon series ever. One might think 3D graphics cartoons are no big deal now, but this was something different and exciting in 1994. To offer proper respect to ReBoot, I want to provide this blog post to talk about this cartoon series.


I will provide my own introduction, but here is the introduction of ReBoot as YouTube puts it:

"Known as the very first completely computer-animated half-hour TV series, ReBoot debuted in the United States on ABC's Saturday-morning block in 1994 and has captured the hearts and imaginations of kids and gamers ever since!"

-YouTube description of "ReBoot"

ReBoot was one of the first cartoon series of its kind- computer generated. It debuted in 1994 by a Canadian company. A bunch of Silicon Graphics computers made up the fabulous graphics for this cartoon. As one might imagine, the realm of 3D graphics and CGI around this time wasn't as advanced as things are today. It also took a lot of time to actually develop the cartoons and the series.

Each episode of ReBoot is about saving the city of Mainframe from these viruses embedded in games from an entity known as "The User." Bot, Dot, Enzo, and Frisket try to protect the city from various evils. An episode consisted of trying to beat certain games that The User installed to try to take over Mainframe. All the while, fabulous (for its time) 3D graphics offered a level of unreal action few series before could match or better.

As I researched the topic, while "ReBoot" was shown in America, it mostly lived on in Canadian television up until 2001. It is fairly sad the USA never got to see more of the ReBoot series. There were four seasons of "ReBoot" and 47 total episodes. I don't have any real memories of my favorite episodes, so I won't comment on which episodes I most enjoyed from this series.

Why "ReBoot" is Important to Me.

"ReBoot" is personally important to me because it fueled my earliest career interests- computer animation. Seeing how attractive all of the 3D graphics were got me into wanting to make my own 3D art. Trouble is, I struggled to try to make 3D models. It took me almost 20 years to create a 3D model that I was actually proud of. However, my 3D modeling interests all began with ReBoot.

Final Thoughts.

"ReBoot" was one of different shows that would set the tone for more CGI and 3D media for TV and movies. It means so much to me personally in establishing one of my past ambitions and really influenced me to work towards 3D animation and computer media. Think about how Disney-Pixar (or what is now that name) came along with movies like "Toy Story" and how some other cartoons and movies have just gotten started with 3D multimedia for the masses. While today's 3D is very realistic and sometimes pushes the boundaries of real or fake, one of the trail blazers of 3D CGI media for the modern realm was "ReBoot."

Video Preview.

Here is a look at "ReBoot," featuring the introduction:

^ REBOOT - Intro

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