Rodeo Events
I will mostly focus on events from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo to discuss these events. The prominent league featuring these rodeo events in the United States is the PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association). These are some fun to watch sporting events involving cowboys and cowgirls. Those who may not enjoy these events are those who may consider these events as acts of animal cruelty, mostly for how the animals are harmed. Rest assured, animals are treated with respect and are cared for exceptionally well.
I will not mention every last rodeo event, but I will make an effort to discuss as many events as possible. If I am unable to use certain images, I will try to find alternative ones to represent these events.
Steer Wrestling.

^ from: (Pinterest) - How do you win in steer wrestling? Dismount from your horse and twist down a runaway steer by the horns.
In steer wrestling, there are two horses with riders out of the gate. One one of the riders is to dismount from the horse and take down a steer by the horns. Quickest time wins. If the rider misses the steer, the run will be invalidated.
Bareback Riding.

^ from: (Gerry Rodeo) - Can you hang onto a bucking bronc for eight seconds riding bareback?
Two events involving trying to stay on a horse is bareback riding. Each participant is to try to ride bareback on a bronc for eight seconds. The rider lays back on the horse (hence the bareback namesake) while holding onto a rope. The rider will be punished proper by the bronc by being thrusted forward and back constantly. If you get bucked off or if you touch the bronc with your hands, you will be disqualified. A score of 100 points is on offer. Judging depends on how well you do hanging onto a bucking bronc based on degrees of difficulty. This score is usually a combination of the horse and the rider. Best score wins.
Saddle Bronc Riding.
^ from: - Try hanging onto a bucking bull for eight seconds riding upright in Saddle Bronc Riding.
The difference between Bareback Riding and Saddle Bronc Riding is that the rider sits upright in Saddle Bronc Riding. The same task of trying to stay on the bucking horse for eight seconds is the key. Your free hand cannot touch the bronc. If so, your run will be disqualified. Up to 100 points can be up for offer. Best rating from the judges wins the event.
Barrel Racing.

^ from: (YouTube) - It's you, your horse, and three barrels to round. How quickly can you clear the course?
This is perhaps my personal favorite event of most rodeo events. The goal of barrel racing is to try to round three barrels on your horse and then hustle to the finish line. These events are usually run by cowgirls. However, there are some cowboys who participate in barrel racing. The horses being ridden are horses that are very agile and fast. Having a horse with low center of gravity and agility will be able to shine in barrel racing events. If you knock over a barrel, five seconds will be added to your time. Also, these events usually are completed within 14.5 to 14.9 seconds. However, I always wonder when horses and their riders will post times south of 14 seconds- even if it's 13.999.
Tie-Down Roping.
^ from: (YouTube) - Lasso up a calf and then tie up three of the calf's legs. Easier said than done.
The goal of this competition is to catch a runaway calf and tie it down. One rider attempts to first lasso up the calf. Once successful, that rider must then dismount from the horse and then tie three of the calf's legs. Quickest time wins the competition.
Team Roping.

^ from: (YouTube) - To be successful in Team Roping, both the header and heeler must be in perfect symphony to lasso up a runaway steer.
Two horse riders will try to lasso up a steer. One roper is known as the header (who goes for the horns or neck), and the other is the heeler (who goes for the legs). The header roper must lasso up the steer's neck while the heeler must lasso up the steer's rear legs. The steer must leave its chute first, and the riders must not get a false start out of their chutes. Missing either the steer's head or leg will result in disqualification. Quickest time wins.
Bull Riding.

^ from: (El Paso Times) - You. A bucking bull. Can you last for eight seconds?
Usually, I used to watch bull riders in the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) when I used to have CBS Sports Network. Bull riding is maybe the toughest of all rodeo events. I have seen a handful of wrecks by cowboys mounted on bucking bulls. Injury- and even death- are possible. As a sad example, Mason Lowe was killed earlier in 2019 stemming from injuries sustained from getting wrecked by a bull. You must nod your head to be released from the chute. Your goal is to stay on a bucking bull for eight seconds. If you are ready while the bull is also ready, If your free hand touches the bull, you are disqualified. Your score is based on the performance of both you riding the bull and the bull itself. Re-rides may be offered if the bull performs poorly. A total score of up to 100 is offered.
NOTE: I may make a separate blog post about the PBR, so stay tuned to "John's Blog Space" for if and when I make a post on the PBR.
Mutton Bustin'.

^ from: (Pinterest) - Little cowboys and little cowgirls attempt to hang on as long as possible on fierce sheep. It is may be the cutest competition of any rodeo event!
This is the cutest and most fun competition! Children try to hang onto these sheep for as long as they can. The rider who hangs on for the longest is the winner. Most mutton busters are usually about five years old riding on sheep. For most of my research of this topic, I mostly seemed to find mutton bustin' popular here in Houston with the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.
I hope I have described each of the events as best as I could to the best of my ability.
Rodeo Events: Video Samples
If you want a better-explained look at these events, I have found this video for you to watch featuring all of the aforementioned rodeo events:
^ PRCA Rodeo 101 All Events
Here is a video that features the mutton bustin' competition:
^ Lamb chopped: Mutton Busting tiny tots show fierce character at Rodeo Houston
I hope this gives you some video perspective on each event I mentioned here.
If you didn't know about rodeo events, I hope my blog post here helped you out. So...
What is your favorite rodeo event?
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