Wednesday, October 30, 2019

John's Corner: A Creative Confession

John B. Marine | 10/30/2019 05:54:00 PM | |
I have not blogged as much as I used to in recent times. While I do still enjoy providing material to all of my blogs, there has something that has limited my activity. I will share what that is as I break my silence in this post. This is not any kind of fancy post, so I will leave things like fancy graphics or other links aside and just talk with you straight up. I did plan this to be on "John's Creative Space" as it involves creative material of mine, but I am sharing my thoughts here in my main blog for better visibility.

This is another post of me simply chatting with you among my posts of...

Johns Corner
John's Corner!

John's Corner: A Creative Confession

I haven't been too much active on the blogging circuit of late. I'll explain why in this section.

A Blogging Confession.

The main reason why I haven't blogged as much is because I have been exploring more avenues of creative material. As a solo entity, I try to extend my creative work beyond just blogging. I started becoming more active trying to develop more material to enhance my media profile online but also to have something other than blogging to contribute to the world. While it may seem like it is just now that I decided to make my confession made, I actually have been trying to develop creative work outside of blogging for months and even a few years.

One thing I have noticed is how much my views have declined across a number of my blogs. Gone are the days that my blog would get five-digit views a month. Now I'm fortunate if I even get past 5K views a month for my main blog. I still keep up my blogs because I want to project my voice to the world with my thoughts. At the same time, I want to offer something more useful than the garden variety of Internet memes and other hateful material.

So where does all of this "creative" talk come about in regards to my blogging? Well, because I don't know how to make certain things or know what people would want, I have struggled trying to develop certain creative material to enhance my media profile. Not knowing how to make certain things or figuring out what to make have limited my blogging productivity. I have had bad luck trying to establish a community and ask people what they would want, so I remained solo and just create things I think people will either pick up on or pretend it never existed. Since there are some creative elements I have never made anything for, I did lots of research in trying to make sure whatever I come up with was done right on the first attempt. Once a clear vision is established, I can then go on to trying out new things to enhance my creative work.

To try to profit for my work, I decided to join a service I think could provide me the best visibility and that I could produce a lot of content for others to see and (hopefully) enjoy. Therefore, I joined Envato early in October 2019. The Envato Marketplace offers a number of products and outlets for which to make your assets known to the world. At the same time, I am looking for as many different avenues I think I can contribute to. All that remains is executing. And... also making sure my material gets approved in the first place.

Because of a lot of limitations so far, I have even considered making my work for sale outside of Envato. It is all about offering creative work to the masses. It also comes down to possibly making a living providing creative work to the world (which I am hoping for).

What "Creative Work?"

Here is where you get to see just how much and how hard I tried to expand my creative portfolio.

What "creative work" am I talking about? Of late, I have become a bit more active creatively as I joined Envato in October 2019. I published my voxel vehicles that I have touted online as well as on my "John's Creative Space" blog. I have plans to release my voxel characters I created long ago to upload to Envato and hopefully get that package accepted.

I want to attempt new territory. One such bit of new territory for me includes making motion graphics. I am hoping I can make material that video makers can television media can use one day. There is one big problem to all of this for me. I once purchased a plan to use Adobe's Creative Cloud and utilize various programs. Sadly, I was very disappointed and cancelled my subscription to avoid any sort of penalty. The most popular programs for video production for Adobe are After Effects and Premiere Pro. Many video media types use Adobe After Effects for video production, and many offer templates to help people create their own media masterpieces. I want to provide some material to get those with Adobe After Effects to make their own quality video material. Besides Adobe After Effects, some other people use Apple Motion and Cinema 4D for video production. I have been looking into Cinema 4D to see if I can produce for those programs instead. As I was looking into what I can contribute to Envato, I have realized that I can't upload motion graphics or stock footage because I haven't uploaded a portfolio of my work. I have never worked with stock graphics or broadcasting work, so I can't say I have a portfolio worth sharing.

Before recently getting into trying to develop TV graphics, I was trying to create vector art to be used in games and other applications. I drew a lot of inspiration from a number of different vector artists, but the one that really stood out to me was GraphicMama. GraphicMama provides a lot of different mascot characters to be used in media presentations and other work. I tried so much to generate material that I simply did not know how I could properly contribute. I also was looking at various game developers who offer their assets on Envato. While I have taken a hiatus from game development, I feel I still need to develop at least game prototypes to test out any models I have created. So in other words... while I have temporarily given up on game development, I sort of have to get back into game development to properly make something people can use and contribute to.

What Does the Future Hold?

Hopefully, my best efforts will lead to some sort of promise for me and my work. Most of what I have visions for will all be works in progress and learning experiences. Life is a work in progress to begin with. I just need more inspiration and more practice to hopefully provide material to help people creatively as well as hopefully profit. It will be a tough journey, but it can be done. Please believe!

Again, I apologize for not continually updating my content. I just try to do more than blogging. I surely will keep my blogs updated with new content when I can make that content available. Be sure to visit my "John's Cretive Space" blog to see my creative content. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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