Thursday, April 6, 2023

Seth Emmanuelle

John B. Marine | 4/06/2023 01:00:00 AM | | | |
Seth Emmanuelle is a singing star on the rise. Usually showcasing her musical talent on her Twitch channel, this Filipino singing star captivates with her amazing voice. Taking part in various singing competitions, Seth is trying to make a name for herself in becoming a future musical superstar. I am presenting this blog post to introduce her to you all.

Seth Emmanuelle

This is Seth Emmanuelle:

Seth Emmanuelle
^ from: (Spotify) - Superstar of the future? Meet Seth Emmanuelle.

Seth Emmanuelle is a singer from the Philippines who showcases her work on Twitch and Spotify. She mostly is adept performing on guitar. However, she also tends to perform on piano and (maybe) ukulele also. Visitors to her Twitch channel are invited to request songs for her to perform. The music she performs are a mix of covers and some of her own original songs. Her original songs include "Worth It," "Rise," and her latest song, "Can't Help But Feel Alright."

Seth Emmanuelle sings sweetly and performs passionately, smiling all the while. Sometimes even in her Twitch streams, her family even tags along for some performances. I think Seth has a wonderful voice and manages to be both powerful and sweet in her singing. In a way, I'd say she is like Jessica Simpson or Taylor Swift. Since Seth mostly plays guitar, I'd say she's more talent-wise with Taylor Swift. It is always a fun experience to visit Seth's channel and all she does. There is no shortage of quality content produced by this up-and-coming singing superstar.

Music Sample.

Here is a sample of Seth's singing talent that I found on YouTube. Have a listen so you can observe her talent from one of her original songs:

^ worth it - david mercado ft. seth emmanuelle (acoustic)

Enjoyed this performance?

What I Would Tell Seth Emmanuelle...

Seth, you are an outstanding musical personality. I enjoy your Twitch work and wish you nothing but the best in all of your endeavors in music and in life. Keep up the great work. Perhaps one day, you will not only be one of the finest musical talents from the Philippines, but also in the entire world. Keep at it and best wishes to you!

For More Information...

If you would like to learn more about Seth Emmanuelle and her music, visit the following links provided:

Seth Emmanuelle on Spotify
Seth Emmanuelle on Facebook
Seth Emmanuelle on YouTube
Seth Emmanuelle on Twitch
Seth Emmanuelle on TikTok

I hope I've featured Seth Emmanuelle in a decent capacity to where you can be a fan of her fine singing and incredible personality. If you do enjoy her musical work, I'd like for you to show your support for her in any capacity. I am doing all of this out of respect for Seth Emmanuelle.

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