I reviewed "Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
• One of the first things to keep in mind is that FPR is NOT a button-masher. This series has always been about timing.
• One of the best things you can do to win matches is to simply make your own characters. Trouble is, you can't use them in the Match Maker Mode (unless you work them into certain promotions, though). And you can't use your own promotions in that mode. While each wrestler/fighter in each promotion has their own wrestling/fighting styles, it's better making your own wrestlers and promotions since you actually KNOW your wrestlers.
• Have at least one pin maneuver in your fighter's/wrestler's repertoire and know how to access a pin. Since I base some of my wrestlers on fighters, I have to include a pinning maneuver. The easiest way to remember to pin someone is when the opponent is down, go to their upper body and press "X." That's the button I use to remember to pin them. Most wrestlers don't have a pin maneuver, so you'll need to change up the move set to include a pin if you haven't included one for your wrestler.
• Tailor your Critical around your wrestler's primary skills. There are a number of key issues that determine the effectiveness of Critical moves. The Fight Style and Return settings have an impact on the offensive and defensive parameters of your wrestler. Pick appropriate Fight Style and Return settings for your wrestler. Based on the wrestler's strength, set the Critical setting to what they are best at. If your wrestler can incapacitate opponents with a swift punch or a swift kick, then set your Critical to Striking. If you have a powerful wrestler who has a devastating power move (such as a pumphandle slam or a choke slam), then set the wrestler's Critical to Power. You'll know what Critical setting is best for your wrestler. And as a suggestion, I usually stay away from setting my Critical to "Finisher."
• You also need to find a set of moves best suited for your wrestler, rather than try to be completely balanced. This is important because the effectiveness of your moves won't be realized unless you use a set of moves best suited for your fighter. Fight Style and Return settings can best help in knowing what moves are best suited for your wrestler. It also helps to change the parameters on Offense and Defense to find a set of moves most compatible with your wrestler. From the Move Set, keep scrolling through the included moves. Look through the moves list until you see a red "C" in the fourth column. Accordingly change the Critical manuver to something more effective. A lot of my wrestlers are fighters, so the fighting specialists have a move that I've denoted as Critical. And remember- just because you note a move as Critical doesn't mean the character will actually knock out his/her opponent with one hit. What I do is save my Critical attacks for when pressing the Circle button when tied up with an opponent. I don't go with the power moves until I feel I've worn down the opponent long enough. If you set your Critical to Submission, I've found it best to go with submissions for when the opponent is on the ground.
• Keep practicing match types. I won't lie to you. I didn't win my first match until my third try. I won in a mixed-martial arts match. As I grew more confident, I felt I was better able to win more matches.
• If it helps... set Difficulty to 1 and Critical to High. I set my Critical to high because I want to know that moves are actually hurting wrestlers. There is no real way to gauge how much damage has been dealt to a wrestler. You just have to keep beating opponents senseless.
One last piece of advice... visit Fireproclub.com for all of your Fire Pro Wrestling needs. Thank you for reading!
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