Teemaree is a beautiful name. Teemaree herself is equally beautiful. The range of talent for her is like a diamond. And like a diamond, she sparkles in almost everything she does in every facet of a diamond. I first came across Teemaree online as she was one of many of hot go-go dancers I've seen as I first introduced myself to the mystique and allure of go-go dancing girls. Teemaree is more than a go-go dancer, though. She's also done acting, singing, DJ'ing, and more. I said that her range of talent is like a diamond. There's your evidence this beautiful lady is capable of almost anything.
Here's Teemaree in this picture:

^ from: shadoworldforever.com - Teemaree is a go-go dancer who also is a DJ and an actress, among other talents. (Picture was from my blog entry "Go-Go Dancing")
--- Teemaree: Go-Go Dancing ---
I briefly touched up on Teemaree in my blog entry simply called "Go-Go Dancing." Go-go dancing is my best memory of Teemaree because that has been what I've loved most about Teemaree. Go-go dancing brings out the sexy appeal of a young lady who dances to the beat while dressing up as eye-catching as possible. Teemaree is actually one of the first go-go dancers I've really admired and respected. That was even before coming across names like Sasha Singleton, Sunisa Kim, the beautiful Helen Su, Flo Jalin, or any other go-go dancer.Where Teemaree really shines to me is in how she was the host of the first-ever reality series about go-go dancing, called "Sweat, Boots, and Booty Shorts." Teemaree basically shows what it's like go-go dancing the night away at various clubs with various beautiful women. It was a no-crap look at go-go dancing that I became a fan of watching on Myspace. I then started watching a few more of these episodes on YouTube. When seeing her dance in platform boots five inches off the ground (I've mentioned these boots in my "Go-Go Dancing" and "Platform Shoes, Sandals, Boots, and Sneakers" blog entries), I see a lady who is very talented and knows how to electrify any crowd. She's got some hot moves and wears some lovely outfits. Teemaree usually sports a hot bikini top, some cute bottoms or shorts, a handful of sweet accessories, and a sky high pair of patchwork platform boots. Teemaree is even athletic as she's built nicely. She has a nice belly along with a tattoo around her navel. With go-go dancing being one of the sexiest jobs as reported by E! once, Teemaree was featured go-go dancing in a brief segment.
--- Teemaree: Away from Dancing ---
Outside of dancing, I've seen Teemaree in a variety of other media. For one, I saw a YouTube video of Teemaree as she was a contestant on ABC's very popular "Wipeout" competition. I've seen other videos where she was doing a few commercials and spots. Another thing about Teemaree- I think she has a lovely speaking voice. She's also a singer and a model. I've heard a few of her songs on Myspace and seen a few of her DJ work in YouTube videos.Here's a YouTube sample of her when not dancing or DJ'ing:
--- What I Would Say to Teemaree (if she read this) ---
Greetings! Keep up the great work with all that you do. I've been a fan of yours since seeing your go-go dancing pictures. Even more so when looking at the "Sweat, Boots, and Booty Shorts" videos. You are immensely talented and immensely beautiful. Keep up the great work! Much love and respect! :DWould I Want to Meet Teemaree?
(ADDED: March 1, 2012)Absolutely! Why would you not want to meet someone you praise so much for their craft?
All in all, Teemaree is a diamond who sparkles in many ways with many levels of talent. A diamond also describes how her beauty sparkles with a lovely body, a lovely voice, and some lovely moves dancing.
If you'd like more Teemaree, you have some options. You can check out Teemaree's official page at www.teemaree.com. One reason why I blogged about her is because she started her own blog right here with Blogspot. More Teemaree:
• Teemaree on Myspace
• DJ Teemaree on Myspace Music
• Teemaree's Facebook Fan Page
• Teemaree on YouTube (Teemaree TV)
• Follow Teemaree on Twitter (@Teemaree)!
• Teemaree on ModelMayhem
Thanks for reading! :)
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