Monday, May 24, 2010

William Shatner

John B. Marine | 5/24/2010 05:35:00 AM | |
(UPDATED: April 3, 2012)

William Shatner has one of the most amazing voices of any famous celebrity. The Canadian-born Shatner voice is outstanding. I honestly wish I knew more about William Shatner to understand what all he's brought to media. While I'm not a Star Trek fan (I'm more into Star WARS than Star Trek), I best know him for being Captain Kirk as well as the author of the widely-popular Tekwar novels. According to William Shatner's YouTube channel, I learned that he graduated with a Business degree from McGill University having Assistant Manager jobs.

Here is the (born March 22, 1931)-year old William Shatner:

William Shatner
^ from: - the legendary William Shatner.

Here is a sample of William Shatner's YouTube channel and his amazing voice, along with his daughter, Lisa Shatner:

--- What Would I Tell William Shatner if He Were to Read This? ---

William Shatner, I have great respect for you. You have one of the most wonderful speaking voices of anyone. Hearing you in commercials and in other forms of media is just amazing. You have a wonderful personality and just very cool. Keep up the great work with all that you do, and congratulations on all the accolades you've received throughout your illustrious career. You've even inspired me to speak my mind and speak clearly to others. Thank you so much for all that you do.

I think this is the first "Famous Person" blog entry I've done for a male. But really, William Shatner is a wonderful person. Another blog entry complete. Make sure you subscribe if you love my material!

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