Thursday, June 6, 2024

Chromebook Confessions

John B. Marine | 6/06/2024 02:46:00 AM | |
I have enjoyed my Chromebook since getting one in 2021. It has served my basic online needs for some time. It even improved my productivity while using it. Lately, though, I have come up with a revelation. I will share my thoughts and my revelation in this blog post. If you are interested fully in my latest thoughts on Chromebooks, be sure to stick around for my thoughts!

Chromebook Confessions

Before I get to my main points, let me share some basic thoughts.

Chromebook Thoughts.

^ from: (Amazon) - A Chromebook is capable of so much and does not require much to get basic operation going. However...

My Lenovo Chromebook has served me well. I was sad I did not get the Samsung Chromebook I wanted to get, because it got discontinued. I enjoyed using ChromeOS. It is snappy whereas you just turn it on and won't have to wait minutes to get everything fully up and running. It is equally snappy to shut down. It is a not-cluttered experience for anyone simply wanting to use the Internet.

If all you want to do is use the Internet and do a good bit of productivity, a Chromebook is an inexpensive way to simply traverse through cyberspace.

Chromebook Confessions.

Now for the meat of this blog post and why you are interested. The revelation I have is that owning and using a Chromebook is not for me long-term. There is a reason I never fully committed long-term towards using a Chromebook. I am so used to Windows programs that I feel my productivity is only slightly greater with a Chromebook when it could be greater with a Windows laptop. Would it be worth getting a proper laptop in the future? Possibly. It may be worth getting a decent-spec laptop with about the same performance numbers of my Lenovo Chromebook. Or if I am fortunate, get a great laptop with great specifications (doesn't have to be a gaming laptop) on the cheap.

Why Laptops are Better.

Technically, a Chromebook IS a laptop. What I am referring to here, though, is a regular laptop. A laptop can be a more viable solution over a Chromebook. Even so that laptops can be upgraded. A laptop can last longer and be more capable. Especially if you use a bunch of programs that a Chromebook may be unable to execute to the same level of a proper laptop, you may feel a Chromebook can be a waste of money. Take me, for instance. I do things like blogging, image editing, music making, video editing, also programming. I can find a handful of programs for which to handle all or most of these tasks for my Chromebook. Sometimes, though, my programs for my Chromebook may not be enough.

Also, do you realize that some devices may not work properly with Chromebooks? Just because a device is plug-and-play does not guarantee it will work properly with a Chromebook. You will need to find certain hardware that have been tested to be compatible with Chromebooks. It is part of a designation called WWCB, or "Works With Chromebook. One such example of devices that may not work immediately with Chromebooks are webcams. Chromebooks already have their own integrated webcam, but external webcams and external microphones do a better job of capturing video and sound than what a Chromebook offers. Using a webcam not compatible with a Chromebook can be a waste of money.

Since I have certain needs that a Chromebook may not be able to properly address and be as compatible with my needs, a Chromebook isn't enough for me, especially long term. So I almost feel like in the future wanting to get a decent enough laptop to replace my Chromebook a few years from now.

There is one more fault of Chromebooks that you have to take into consideration. Chromebooks have an end-of-life cycle where they will no longer receive updates from Google. The EOL (also called "auto-update expiration" or AUE) usually happens after 8-10 years with a Chromebook you buy. You can still use your Chromebook after the AUE/EOL date, but don't expect updates from Google. It could even make your Chromebook vulnerable. Some Chromebooks can be able to support using Linux. Though, Linux could give you some security concerns.

Get a Proper Laptop Instead?

All I have been suggesting in this blog post is a Chromebook is not a bad thing to invest in. If your needs involve much less than basic computing and using the Internet, a Chromebook is not a waste of money. I am just suggesting a Chromebook is just not for me long-term after I thought of what a laptop can do over a Chromebook. If you want to be able to utilize basic computing and an Android app or two, get a Chromebook. Just be mindful of what you can do with a laptop vs. what you can do with a Chromebook. Understand your computing needs and decide for yourself if you are better off long-term with a laptop or a Chromebook.

Thank you for reading my confessions regarding Chromebooks. I hope you are able to understand where I am coming from and my own thoughts after Chromebooks lately. Maybe I have given you some insight on the long-term side of Chromebooks. Do you agree or disagree with my points? You are welcome to comment. Subscribe/Follow my blog(s) in any capacity if you love my work. Share my blog post(s) with others if you enjoy my work. Support me further by connecting with me on social media; and if you are inclined, feel free to donate to me (donations are voluntary but would be appreciated). Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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