Endurance. Perseverance. Determination. Inspiration. Keira Kang has endured a great deal of hardships in her life. From the divorce of her parents to unemployment, this young Korean-American singer from Los Angeles pursued her passion and made the most of each day. Once you understand her story, you begin to appreciate what all she has faced in her time. Keira has passion both in music and in fashion. Keira sings mostly cover songs on her YouTube channel. For one thing, she has a very nice voice and is a beautiful lady. I would have known nothing about Keira Kang had it not been for a Facebook friend of mine (who will be named later).
This blog post concerns Keira Kang, who is both an inspiration and an enduring fighter. Oh, by the way... she's also very good with pianos and keyboards.
MAR 28 2012 - updated entire look of post--- Keira Kang ---
This lady is Keira Kang:
^ from: www.wacowla.com, by way of facebook.com(?) - Keira Kang is a beautiful singer, but this young beauty has endured some ugly experiences in her life.
Once I've read her YouTube profile page and her Facebook fan page, I began to understand all Keira Kang has been through to eventually get to where she is right now. The ability for her to endure and persevere is praiseworthy. It has to be painful to fathom how a young beauty like Keira could have so many ugly moments in her life. What kinds of ugly moments?
Well from her Facebook fan page, her parents divorced at age 10, leaving her mother to raise her and her sister alone. It wasn't easy (as one would imagine). Just trying to live to see the next day while remaining positive was a great challenge. She then wanted to study in college as far away from home as possible without going out of her native state of California. Keira would pursue her other love besides music after graduating from the University of California-Santa Cruz (home of the UCSC Banana Slugs!)- fashion. She would get to take part in and work with some big fashion shows and names (including New York Fashion Week and BCBG Max Azria). Unfortunately in 2009, she would be unemployed. Rather than back down, she wanted to use this negative experience to influence and inspire others through the medium of music. Keira went back into the music realm by posting videos of her singing on YouTube. She even became a finalist in the ETTV Top Idol competition in 2010.
So if there is one thing you can learn from her, never give up on your dreams and don't let setbacks get a stranglehold of your life.
--- Keira Kang Singing ---
Here are a few videos to demonstrate the full range and depth of her singing ability.One of my favorite songs from 2010 was "Nothing on You" by B.O.B. Here is Keira's rendition:
This is Keira Kang's cover of "Telephone" by Lady GaGa:
Finally, Keira wants to put it down to L.A. with her version of "Empire State of Mind," dedicated to Los Angeles. Shouldn't this be called "Golden State of Mind?" You know, since California is the Golden State? Okay... video time:
One artist she is fond of was someone I mentioned previously in a blog post- young Filipino singer Charice Pempengco. As she said about her in her Facebook fan page, "little girl, big voice!" Her use of the keyboard is proof that one of her other singing inspirations is Alicia Keys. I think Keira has a very sweet voice. It should be enough to draw in even any casual music fan.
BY THE WAY: You can view my popular blog post on Charice Pempengco by clicking on Charice Pempengco.
--- What I Want For Keira Kang ---
For all that she has been through, I mostly pray and hope Keira Kang will become a celebrated star in music and/or fashion. I wish her the absolute best. She has endured a lot and needs that big break that really puts her over the top and into the public eye. Since friending me on Facebook, my deepest prayers and thoughts are wirh Keira that she becomes that mega star in music. I also want her to be a key figure in fashion as well. If she wants to excel in both music and fashion, then more power to this determined diva. I just want the best all aspects of life can provide for her. I want Keira to reach whatever she considers her summit of arts and media. I guess you can say that I'm wanting a happy ending for her after having endured multiple plots, so to speak.It would also be nice for her to be an inspiration among Asian and Asian-American audiences as well. Part of being a star involves being a star and an inspiration among your culture and your people. Keira would certainly be a great inspiration for her people (among many others).
--- What I Would Tell Keira Kang (if she read this) ---
Keira, I want to thank you for being so loyal and supportive of my work. I have enjoyed listening to your music and vastly support your work. After all the Hell you have endured, I want Heaven for you. I most hope for a happy ending and a real sense of survival. Life is never easy, but I hope things ease for you and that life gets better (and perhaps much better) for you. There will be that day and that time where you will be as celebrated as almost any other figure in your field. My best wishes are always with you no matter where you go.Would I Want to Meet Keira Kang (if given the chance)?
Absolutely.Special Thanks...
One I'd especially want to thank is Arika Sato. I think without Arika (or at least being friends on Facebook with Arika), I wouldn't have known of Keira Kang. So I send special thanks to the Japanese-American cutie for sort of introducing me to Keira.That concludes this blog post on the beautiful young Keira Kang. If you enjoyed Keira and her music, please check these links out to get more Keira Kang:
• Keira Kang on Myspace Music
• Keira Kang's Facebook Fan Page
• Keira Kang's YouTube Channel
• Follow Keira Kang on Twitter!
• Keira Kang on Model Mayhem
• more info on Keira Kang, from ETTV Top Idol
Thank you for reading!
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