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Continuing my theme of beautiful young Asian girls, I present Anna Maria Perez de Taglé. Anna Maria Perez de Taglé is someone I've first seen in the CBS show "Cake." Cake is a kid-friendly craft show about how to make things. She played as Miracle Ross on this popular show. Miracle is a savvy and sassy fashionista on the show. This American-born (San Francisco, CA, USA) Filipina also been on Hannah Montana and Camp Rock, but I've never seen Camp Rock before.
In case you've never seen her before, here is a picture of the beautiful young actress/singer:

^ from: - Meet Anna Maria Perez de Taglé- singer and actress.
In addition, she also is a pretty good singer. I'm sick of '80s fandom, but she sang this '80s hit pretty doggone well:
Anna Maria Perez de Taglé - Disney Summer At Sea - 7/16/09 - Song #5
Her name may be long (full name is Anna Maria Francesca Enrique Perez de Taglé), only one word can describe her- awesome.
(ADDED: March 28, 2012)
I would tell Anna Maria Perez de Taglé to keep doing what she's doing and continue to have a lovely career, whatever aspirations she has. Would I want to meet Anna Maria Perez de Taglé (if given the chance)? I would be very honored to meet her.
I featured her among my Southeast Asian Beauties. Read more about her (and other beautiful Southeast Asians) here: Southeast Asian Beauties - John's Blog Space.
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