The beautiful young artist named EmyLi is a Japanese pop star whom I've first heard of for the song, "Tekito Lover." Her music is an exciting blend of bold vocals and some bumping beats. It all began with her first album called "Flower of Life." The 21-year old (as of the date of this blog entry; born April 23, 1988) has some exciting style. EmyLi has the baby face and cute looks of a Selena Gomez, but some sweet dance moves and bold style like a Janet Jackson. More people closely associate her music more to be more like Japan's Christina Aguilera. She released her first song at the tender age of 15. "Tekito Lover" is the first song of hers I heard, but I had to make sure to hear other songs of hers to really talk about her music. You are free to click on these links to learn more about the young JPOP sweetheart known as EmyLi. But first, here's your look at EmyLi:
^ from: - EmyLi.
"Tekito Lover" was the first song of hers I've heard. Here's your chance to hear this song if this is your first EmyLi track if you've never heard her sing:
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