Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

John B. Marine | 1/01/2010 02:37:00 AM | |
Happy new year to all of you! I know my 2009 was terrible. It started terrible. It began with word that I got high blood pressure. And this was on the VERY FIRST WEEKEND of 2009. It kind of set the tone for a terrible year. Things would get better in the second half for me, but I still wished I could redo 2009 and have better luck and timing. But... there are no do-overs for years. When one year is tough, all you can hope for is that the new year turns out much better than the previous one.

On a much lighter note, did any of you see Travis Pastrana's epic jump in his Subaru? He tried to drive his Subaru rally car to fly into the air 200+ feet and land on a little barge. Read more about this epic jump he did here: Gaea Times.

(UPDATE) and here's a video for you:

Blog entries of mine are on the way. Time to kick off the new year proper, players!
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