--- First Impressions ---
Having first impressions can really set the tone for something. Good first impressions on something means you'll have to be with something for subsequent times to gather a complete opinion on something or someone. Bad first impressions can lead to not wanting to be around something for a long while. Chances are, who we are as people and how we are treated often depends on what people initially think about us.First Impressions: Online Examples.
When I was more active on YouTube than how I am now, a lot of first impressions seemed negative as I would get a fair amount of haters. Sometimes, someone would look at my older videos and just lay down a negative comment. I admit that I deal with such people quickly- usually blocking (and sometimes reporting) them. If someone honestly sees me as a pathetic person, I quickly dismiss them from trying to comment to me again. Most people who make their first impressions of me and my videos usually offer respectful marks or constructive criticism.One time blogging, I received as many as four different racist comments from one visitor in my very young days blogging here on John's Blog Space. That prompted me to be more proactive in accepting and declining comments from others. So I took on newer measures like moderating comments as well as closely monitoring who actually visits and comments. As much as I enjoy getting comments from loyal readers, I dislike spammers. Anything that even remotely seems like spam, or anyone that seems suspicious posting; I quickly blacklist and dismiss such people. I find more value in getting loyal readers rather than deal with people just trying to spam up my comments.
First Impressions: Meeting People.
When you meet people for the first time, you have your first ideas about someone. You could meet someone who is kind and gentle, and you feel impressed and warmed in that person's presence. You may be disgusted if you meet someone disrespectful and uncaring. You might hear/read a news story on somebody, and you may think he or she is either an inspiration or a disgrace depending on that person and what he or she is in the news for. Same could be said for meeting bloggers (like myself). You may be impressed or unimpressed with a blog you read and the blogger who presents the information to the Internet.First Impressions: Music and Other Media.
What are your first impressions hearing that song? How did you feel about seeing that movie? What did you first believe about that game? Was that a good book you read? Usually, you don't know what to expect. So when you listen or watch certain forms of media, your first thoughts usually are a combination of your expectations and what you eventually are presented.With music, your comments may range from something that sounds cool to something that sounds like everything else on the radio. Your thoughts on movies may be the same. Perhaps you are a movie buff and know what separates a good movie from a great movie.
First Impressions: Product Reviews.
The devices and items we all use are also subject to having first impressions. What we initially think about a product usually goes on how we feel about something based on our own thoughts and impressions on something we use for the first time or for a certain amount of time. I usually post first impressions when I haven't owned a certain item and want to review it. Or, I may post certain thoughts I have on something. I don't do a review unless I've properly been given a product or if I have somehow acquired a certain item for which to review.So the first impressions we present about things vary. But no matter what, all of us naturally and instinctively have our own initial thoughts on all things; and we all make our own thoughts on various things. You don't make a full review on something or someone when you make your first impressions. These are usually spontaneous thoughts. Maybe our thoughts change over time. But for the most part, our first impressions will vary greatly on all kinds of things.
--- Responding to First Impressions ---
So you (or someone else) makes first impressions on something or about someone. How do you respond?Positive First Impressions.
If you felt you've done everything possible to convince people you or your product is good, you feel good knowing that people have taken you or something in a positive light. You got what you wanted- positive feedback. The only time you should feel the least bit guilty is if you're trying to get a positive reaction just so you can play with their emotions. That ain't cool, you know?Be warned that someone may offer positive feedback, but then have some negatives to pass along when making some second opinions. That's fine as long as you or some product has been praised when one makes positive first impressions. Nobody is ever going to say and believe something or someone is absolutely perfect and believe it for a long time.
Negative First Impressions.
There are two sides to negative first impressions. One such negative first impression is in being unable to find anything positive or encouraging about someone or something. Another negative impression is perhaps in not liking something or someone possibly because of being misunderstood. With negative first impressions on simply disliking something, you're convinced- there are hardly any qualities that make something good. For example, your first impressions of a certain blog or website is that it doesn't meet any standards for which you think it is moral and entertaining. As far as negative first impressions go about things being misunderstood,Then comes trying to convince that something is better than what people say it is. This is for when you or a certain product is actually better than what someone says negative about it. Can you convince your audience that you or something is better than what someone made a negative first impression about? These times call for some convincing. This is a chance for you to reverse others' perceptions about something. Can you do it? Can you win the respect of others that you felt you lost when someone made a negative first impression about you or something?
Maybe you can convince others that you or something is better than what one initially thought. Best of luck to you trying to convince others if you get some negative first impressions.
--- First Impressions and Second Opinions ---
Everyone is allowed an opportunity to share spontaneous thoughts on anything or anyone. Everyone also begins to think further about something or someone upon meeting them. These feelings are all human nature. Someone may think someone is intelligent or kind, but one may later say he/she made some poor fashion choices. One other person may be seen as absolutely terrible, but we may later think he/she has some redeeming qualities outside of being so rough. All of what we think about anyone or anything is a combination of our first impressions coupled with any second opinions.When it comes to first impressions, we all have them, make them, and ultimately stick by them. We can surely offer second opinions, but our first impressions usually are the base thoughts we all share. What do you think about first impressions we make on people and things in life? Feel free to comment. Thank you for reading!