Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Maggie Flecknoe

John B. Marine | 6/07/2016 04:33:00 PM | | | |
(UPDATED: April 17, 2018)

Maggie Flecknoe is a sassy blonde beauty with plenty of personality and charm. Her work consists of on-air voice over work as well as an anime actress. There is never a dull moment when "Blondie" speaks as sweetly and silky as she does. The following blog post is about the beautiful Maggie Flecknoe. If you know nothing of her, I'll do what I can to feature this personality as best as I can here on "John's Blog Space."


APR 17 2018 - a few simple edits

Maggie Flecknoe

Ladies and gentlemen, get to know Maggie Flecknoe:

Maggie Flecknoe
^ from: houston.culturemap.com - Maggie Flecknoe.

A baby girl named Marguerite (or Maggie) Kathryn Flecknoe was brought into the world on April 17, 1983. This lady from Aurora, Colorado, USA would grow up to become one of the finest voice-over talents anywhere in the world as well as a totally awesome morning news anchor. Maggie would also graduate from the University of Colorado. So you University of Colorado fans have one of your own Buffaloes to cheer on (or one to be jealous of if you are a Colorado State University fan). She also studied at Harvard at the Moscow Art Theater School. Today, Maggie is the morning personality for when Eye Opener shifts over to local news. She is also a producer for NewsFix. She's also a championship-winning celebrity milker at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. And unfortunately... Maggie gained some viral video notoriety as she was holding up a pig that ended up pooping on live TV as she was holding up the pig.

I first learned of Maggie Flecknoe during some behind-the-scenes work with the former CW39 News. She would, from time to time, be featured in this little mini segment called "Happy Hour" mostly featuring certain bars offering certain drinks. I best know Maggie of "Online Dish," as do many others who seen her on the tube or online. This is where she would offer her opinions on certain interesting topics in a segment lasting anywhere between 90 to 120 minutes. Most of these topics were mostly sex-related, pop culture, outrageous behavior, and things like that. Here is where I respected Maggie for her opinions (whether I agreed or disagreed) as well as appreciate taking a stand on certain issues.

Samples of Maggie Flecknoe.

Want to hear (and see) Maggie Flecknoe? Check this out:

• On-Air Sample

^ CultureMap Top Stories: Bill Clinton, overrated restaurants and Texans QB talk

I honestly didn't know she did this little segment until researching this topic before posting it. Here is a sample of "Online Dish With Maggie" in the video below:

^ Online Dish: Horrible Boss Alert! Fires Employee Who Donated Kidney to Her

• Anime Sample
Here is some anime work sample featuring the voice of Maggie Flecknoe:

^ High School of the DEAD - High School of the Dead Dub Cast: Saya Takagi

Now for some more commentary.

Final Thoughts

Maggie Flecknoe is a fabulous personality for the on-air work she's done. Personally, I think Maggie Flecknoe has an amazing voice. She speaks sweetly, yet also silky. I haven't had the liberty to listen to her anime voice work. So I'm not going to give you my list of my favorite anime vocal performances of hers because I don't know of her anime work all that well. Maggie often times showcases her on-air outfits on her Facebook fan page and her Instagram page. Most her finest fashion outfits consist of charming dresses and pretty shoes are the norm. Maggie used to have lovely curly hair, but she is equally lovely with non-curly hairstyles. Maggie looks every bit as beautiful as she is speaking. She really is a lovely lady. In fact, I even featured her among my "American Beauties: Mountain" beauties.

What I Would Tell Maggie Flecknoe (if she read this)

You are an amazing personality. Ever since becoming fond of you and your work, I've always respected you. I have even had my own thoughts on ideas you've shared with "Online Dish With Maggie" whether I mostly agreed with the opinions offered or not. Go further and gain as much credit and honors as you can.

Would I Want to Meet Maggie (if given the chance)?

Are you kidding me? Absolutely I'd want to meet her!

Maggie Flecknoe: For More Information...

To learn more about Maggie Flecknoe, including material not featured in this blog post, I invite you to take a look at these links:

Maggie Flecknoe Official
Maggie in the Mornings (Facebook)
Maggie Flecknoe on Twitter
Maggie Flecknoe on Instagram
Entry on Maggie Flecknoe on Wikia (features her voice-over roles)

That's all for this one.

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