Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Nickelodeon Game Shows

John B. Marine | 8/31/2016 03:03:00 AM | | | | Be the first to comment!
Nickelodeon had many famous game shows on. In this blog post, I will highlight on some of the many different game shows past and present on Nickelodeon. I spent many a weekend watching many of these shows. Don't look to this post as a definitive collection of Nickelodeon game show goodness, but instead see it as a basic introduction to some of the many different game shows of then. So why don't we get started?

Nickelodeon Game Shows: Briefing

Here is a picture to set the mood:

^ from: (YouTube) - If you were watching Nickelodeon between the late '80s and early 2000s, many of the game shows featured here in this blog post will be familiar to you.

I certainly will tell you that a big part of my youth was in watching game shows. Nickelodeon was no different in this department. Many of these classic moments were filmed at Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida, USA. I would look forward almost every weekend to see these shows and the insanity some of these shows provided. There used to be a channel called "Nickelodeon GaS," or "Nick GaS." The "GaS" stood for Games and Sports. The full channel's name was Nickelodeon Games and Sports For Kids. It was basically a channel devoted mostly to old game shows on Nickelodeon. Besides game shows, it shown a few old Nick cartoons.

Now that you have a little briefing on what you're about to read, it is time I introduce you to a handful of game shows from Nickelodeon's game show history. I won't feature every one, but I will make notice to a number of these past shows.

NOTE: If you want full-length videos, you can look yourself on YouTube or someplace for such videos of full episodes. I will only provide brief videos just to give you an idea of the different shows.

Nickelodeon Game Shows

Some of the many game shows from Nickelodeon's past will be featured in this section of this blog post. I'll introduce you to these shows based on my understanding of them. I won't feature all of them, but I will share just enough to get you educated on each. Videos and other material are provided for educational purposes. Each show is not listed in any particular order.

If you know ANYTHING about Nickelodeon game shows, one series I will make mention to should come as no surprise to you. What is it? None other than...

Double Dare Series.

Perhaps the most successful, longest-running game show series in Nickelodeon history is Double Dare. Before this became popular on Nickelodeon, did you know that Double Dare debuted in 1977, was not kid-oriented, and was once hosted by Alex Trebek? Yes- THAT Alex Trebek.

Double Dare on Nick was mostly hosted by Marc Summers with the announcer Harvey. The appeal of this game lies in challenging another team to answer questions and earning money. Each show began with a Physical Challenge where a team would immediately pick up some early money to start the show. The goal of the show was to have the most money at the end to play in the final round. Here is where the fun begins. Each question is worth money. You will be giving money over to the other team for a wrong answer. To prevent this, a team can issue a Dare to the other team to answer the question. The money amount is increased on a Dare. If the other team can't answer the question, that team can issue a Double Dare to the team who issued the first Dare. The offered money is at its highest on a Double Dare. What happens then is either that team can answer the question or issue a Physical Challenge. A Physical Challenge requires a team to complete a certain task within 30 seconds. If the challenged team fails to complete the challenge, the money goes over to the other team. The team who has the most money at the end of the game will get to play in the Obstacle Course. This final round consists of an obstacle course featuring eight different challenges. Clearing each challenge required you to collect an orange flag in each obstacle. The teammate would pass on the orange flag to initiate the next obstacle. Each completed obstacle earned you a prize. The team will win the Grand Prize if that team clears all eight challenges within 60 seconds.

• The first Double Dare pit two teams of two against each other. This was the basic game that was most popular.

Super Sloppy Double Dare sort of set the tone of the iconic green slime famous among Nickelodeon parts.

• Along came Family Double Dare in the future, which is what its name implies- two teams of families going against each other for cash and prizes. Many of the same rules and such applied to this newer style of Double Dare.

• There was Double Dare 2000 that was a mini resurrection of this classic game show. What made Double Dare 2000 unique was a "Triple Dare Challenge" in the 2nd Round of the game. This allowed a unique bit of strategy to Physical Challenges. If a team elects to offer a Triple Dare Challenge, the team being challenged will be given a certain stipulation that will make a Physical Challenge a bit harder. For example, a Triple Dare in a Physical Challenge may require a team to complete the challenge in 25 seconds rather than 30 seconds, or maybe reach a little longer goal. $300 USD was on the line for completing the challenge as opposed to the usual $200 for completing a Physical Challenge. Double Dare 2000 was hosted by Jason Harris with announcer Tiffany.

The Double Dare series was surely the most popular game show on Nickelodeon. Most people probably know Marc Summers moved on to Food Network. Here is a sample of the Double Dare Obstacle Course:

^ Family Double Dare (syndicated): Fondak vs. Fischler, Part 3

Now here are as many others as I can recall...

GUTS Series.

Do you have it? Do do do, do you have it? GUTS! GUTS was a game show on Nickelodeon that could be thought of as American Gladiators for kids. It gave kids the chance to compete in athletic challenges far beyond what any real athlete could do. Items such as elastic cords and harnesses were strapped onto each contestant in most of the events. Each episode featured four challenges and ended with an ascent up the Aggro Crag. The host for this show was Mike O'Malley of the USA with referee Moira Quirk (also known as "Mo" or "Quirky") from England. There were four challenges in each episode. The final challenge for each was the Aggro Crag- a challenge in which each contestant had to try to touch off individual targets while all kinds of distractions would throw off the contestants' progress. Victory here meant you had to go from the bottom to the top activating all targets including the final one at the top of the mountain. The contestant who has the most points at the end would be the champion of that episode and win a glowing piece of the Aggro Crag. Points are distributed with 300 points for 1st in an event, 200 points for 2nd in an event, and 100 for finishing 3rd. In the Aggro Crag event, the points are distributed as follows: 725 points for 1st, 550 points for 2nd, and 375 points for 3rd.

• The regular GUTS featured a handful of events. Not all events had kids in harnesses and cords. Safety was a huge part in all of the events on GUTS. So to this end were a number of trainers who made sure to protect the kids as they performed the events.

• There was even a unique competition called Global GUTS in which kids from around the world competed in the same events. It provided an international flair to this game show. You could almost call it the Kids Olympics considering there was a medal count for the various nations represented in Global GUTS.

There was even a game for the Super Nintendo called GUTS based on the events in the show. There was even a time I kind of remember during Global GUTS when one kid got injured. There was an episode of GUTS I remember where some of the ones who had a perfect show were invited back in some kind of champions challenge edition of GUTS. You were a "GUTS All-Star" if you completed a perfect game- winning every event. Only a select few actually accomplished the rare feat of earning the maximum 1925 points for the show.

Supposedly today, Mike O'Malley moved on to various other acting roles such as in "Glee" and "Survivor's Remorse" among others. The British beauty Moira Quirk mostly does voice-overs for audio books and has done some acting. I think Moira Quirk still has a wonderful voice along with her pretty British accent. Here is a sample of GUTS. Or for this video, Global GUTS:

^ guts episode 30 part 1

GUTS is surely as iconic as Double Dare.

Get the Picture.

Get the Picture was hosted by Mike O'Malley. Contestants were required to try to identify what certain pictures are. Answering questions and identifying images earned teams points. The second round allowed you to identify pictures by connecting lines. Teams that advanced to the final round was treated to a memory challenge. If a team in the final round was able to correctly identify all of the images within 60 seconds, the team would win the Grand Prize.

There was an infamous moment where Mike O'Malley may have apparently dropped an F-bomb during one episode of "Get the Picture" that was not censored or blocked out.

Finders Keepers.

One of the earliest game shows on Nickelodeon was "Finders Keepers." This was a show had two different hosts- Wesley Eure and Larry Toffer. Teams of two explore a house that have a lot of stuff in it. The goal is to find certain items in a picture to answer questions. Contestants would win money for finding the correct item in a room. In the final round, the winning team from each episode will go through the house and try to find six items in each room. A team who is successfully able to find all items in all six rooms within the time limit would win the Grand Prize.

Think Fast!

Think Fast was a different kind of game show that tested your mental and physical skills. Mostly, though, your mental skills were tested in the different games of Think Fast. A few different challenges were set up to test players' minds and bodies. Completing each challenge allows you to identify what image is on a board for more money. There were two teams of two who competed. The team with the most money would play in the Final Round (called the Locker Room) for a Grand Prize. In the Locker Room, contestants try to match one locker with another item. Should the team get all six matches, the team wins the Grand Prize. This show was hosted by Michael Carrington.

Make the Grade.

The next featured show is "Make the Grade" hosted by Lew Schneider. Make the Grade was a real showcase of academic skill while also providing a great deal of game changing moments. The goal of Make the Grade is to answer one question in seven different subjects across seven different grade levels. Along the way were a number of different tweaks that could change the landscape of the game. Free squares let you take a category for free. Lose squares means you have to give up one of your won squares. Take means you steal one of your opponent's squares. The Fire Drills are certain Physical Challenges. The winner of each Fire Drill can take one of the different colored desks. So if one contestant is behind one of the leading contestants and he/she wins the Fire Drill challenge, that contestant could take the position of any of the leading contestants. The first one who successfully answers seven questions across the seven grade levels wins $500 USD and advances to the Honors Round. In the Honors Round, the winning contestant must try to answer seven questions within one of three categories in 45 seconds. Each correct response was worth $100 USD. If successful in answering seven questions, $600 USD and the Grand Prize was offered. The final round is called the University Round. The University Round was essentially a bonus round where the contestant could win up to $1K USD. There are five questions in various subjects. Each correct answer is worth money. The contestant can choose to continue after getting the previous question right. If at any time the contestant fails to answer a question correctly, the game is over, and the contestant's winnings in the University Round will be dumped. Suffice to say, this game had a great deal of strategy with many different turns. And actually in preparing this blog post, I actually have more respect for this show after having researched this show.

Wild and Crazy Kids.

Get ready for a fun series of outdoor games. Three teams took part in these unique and wacky events. The three hosts of the first few episodes were Annette Chavez, Omar Gooding, and Donnie Jeffcoat. A later host was Jessica Gaynes. The show itself was all about having fun in some unique challenges. There were some interesting outdoor events that were nothing short of nuts. Three teams squared off against each other in a number of challenges. This was surely a fun time to be had by all.

Nick Arcade.

The bridge was gapped between Nickelodeon and video gaming when Nickelodeon Arcade (or "Nick Arcade" for short) was created. Phil Moore was the host of this great show. A lot of the game material was developed by Psygnosis. Yes- the same Psygnosis that would create or develop games such as the WipEout series. Each episode starts off with a Face-Off game where players try to advance the furthest within a certain amount of time. gets an early advantage. Each episode has two of these Face-Off games. There are two rounds where players must go from the Start to the Finish using the show's mascot, Mikey. There are four P's that made up the main rounds: Points, Puzzles, Pop Quizzes, and Prizes. A brief explanation of each:

• Points - simply earn points.
• Puzzle - a certain video-based puzzle is featured. Correctly identifying something earns points.
• Pop Quizzes - answer a question for points.
• Prizes - win a prize for landing on a certain square.

Landing on an Enemy will result in control shifting to the other team. The real fun in Nick Arcade is in the Video Challenges. In the Video Challenges, one player from a team must reach a certain score within a certain time limit in one of five different games. The challenge is to meet or exceed a certain point total within a given amount of time. The other member of a team has to wager a certain amount of points that the one player will complete the challenge. If successful, points are added to the team who completes the video challenge by the certain point amount wagered. If unsuccessful, the points are subtracted from the team, and control goes over to the other team. The team with the most points at the end of the game will compete in the final round. The final round is where players enter the gaming realm. The final round features three game levels. To advance to the next level, the previous one must be cleared. The final level involves a battle against one of three different Wizards characters. If the winning team is able to clear all three levels within the time limit, the Grand Prize will be offered.

I tried to find a good enough sample of Nick Arcade, but most of the ones I found are mostly full-length episodes. So what I did was find a fairly brief video with a few different elements of the final round games. Here is a sample of the final round of Nick Arcade, featuring all of the final round levels including the Wizard battles:

^ Nickelodeon Arcade: Interactive Video Game Compilation

There was supposedly a Kickstarter for a spiritual successor to "Nick Arcade." I don't think it materialized, though. Or maybe I'm wrong.

Legends of the Hidden Temple.

All you kids (and I use this loosely) out there who love the mobile game Temple Run... well, here's the ORIGINAL Temple Run, provided by one iconic Nickelodeon game show. "Legends of the Hidden Temple" was all about exploring an ancient temple retrieving goods within its walls. Olmec was the voice of this temple and the iconic rock formation. The host of this show was Kirk Fogg. The main goal of this game is to try to get a certain item while solving puzzles and avoiding temple guards. Six teams of two made up the general part of this game. The six teams are as follows:

• Red Jaguars
• Blue Barracudas
• Green Monkeys
• Orange Iguanas
• Purple Parrots
• Silver Snakes

To have a chance to play in the main game, one physical challenge was offered to try to whittle down the six teams to four. The remaining four teams are invited to the second round, known as the Steps of Knowledge. From there, Olmec will tell a story of the item that is hidden in the temple. Olmec will even tell where that object is within the temple. The Steps of Knowledge required teams to correctly answer questions based on the story told by Olmec. Only two teams will advance from the four. The better two teams of the remaining four will compete in three different challenges to earn life pendants for entering the temple. The first two challenges are worth a half a pendant while the third challenge is for a full pendant. The team with the most progress and most success will move onto the final round in exploring the temple.

When the final round occurs, the team will have three minutes to successfully retrieve whatever the featured item is. Only one person can go into the temple at a time. He/She must try to reach the room that has the hidden treasure. Along the way, the contestants must try to solve puzzles to open doors as well as try to avoid being caught by temple guards. If caught by a guard, the contestant can give up a life pendant and move on. There may even be a room where another life pendant can be found. But if caught without a pendant, that contestant will be captured, and it will be up to the other teammate to go in and try to retrieve the hidden treasure. If the team manages to find the hidden treasure, all doors will open and the guards will vanish. To win the Grand Prize, one must retrieve the hidden treasure and escape the temple within two minutes. Prizes are offered respectively for simply for making it to the final round, retrieving the hidden treasure, and making it out within the time limit.

Here is a sample of the famed Temple Run in "Legends of the Hidden Temple":

^ Legends of the Hidden Temple Win

Somehow, "Legends of the Hidden Temple" has garnered a movie in recent times. In fact, check this out:

^ Legends of the Hidden Temple: The Movie l First Official Trailer I Nick

So what do you think about this movie reboot? The most notorious element of "Legends of the Hidden Temple" is the infamous Shrine of the Silver Monkey. So many contestants has had a tough time trying to put together the Silver Monkey. Many will surely agree that "Legends of the Hidden Temple" is one of the most iconic game shows in Nickelodeon game show history.

What Would You Do?

Before I discuss this show, let me remind you that this is NOT the "What Would You Do?" series on ABC regarding serious issues. Instead, this is the game show on Nickelodeon called "What Would You Do?" It was hosted by Marc Summers of Double Dare fame. Fun tricks, weird moments, and a lot more made up this unique game show on Nickelodeon.

Figure It Out.

This is about the only Nickelodeon game show hosted by a female in its history. Hosted by Summer Sanders, "Figure it Out" challenged a panel of mostly Nickelodeon stars to try to figure out what a certain guest does. There is a certain talent or a certain accomplishment a guest can do. There are clues offered during the process of trying to figure out what talent a certain guest or guests can do. If the panel can't figure out what that is during the rounds, the guest(s) wins a prize. The guest(s) will win the Grand Prize if the panel is completely stumped after three rounds. From there, the guest(s) demonstrate his/her/their special talent.

In my research of this show and in preparing this blog post, there was somehow some modern version of Figure it Out with episodes in 2012 or so.

There were some other game shows in Nickelodeon's history, and all I did was name some of the many. I hope you got to enjoy this post and take a trip back in time. Maybe I educated my younger readers/visitors on these past shows if they are not familiar with these shows. I am almost on a level of being reminded of just how simple and fun times were back then compared to now. I do find enjoyment in looking back in the past with posts like these. So I hope you got to enjoy this post.

This was either an educational experience (albeit an entertaining one), or a flashback in time, or perhaps both. Whatever the case may be, I hope you enjoyed this blog post. This concludes another post of the "anything and everything" blog- "John's Blog Space!" Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Video Power

John B. Marine | 8/30/2016 02:40:00 AM | | | Be the first to comment!
Feel the power- Video Power! This gaming show from the early '90s was about video games as video gaming was gaining popularity. Video game cartoons and a decent game show made up Video Power's history. It was a good part of my youth. Preparing this blog post, I felt old seeing such material from my youth. I hope to discuss this show with you all to the extent of my knowledge and through various impressions.

Time to set the mood. Feel the power (and the fashion train wreck that is the early 1990s)!

Video Power
^ from: - Video Power was a popular show that came at a time when gaming was positively trending in popularity.

Here is a brief history of "Video Power." Video Power debuted in October 1990. It ran for two seasons in 1990 and 1992. The first season was mostly entertainment featuring some game-themed cartoon pieces. The second season went from a basic show on gaming and turned it into a game show (as in winning prizes game show). I would watch as much as I could before heading off to Elementary School each morning. The host of Video Power was a fellow who went by the name "Johnny Arcade." This show (as well as others) came at a time when gaming was booming and trending. For myself personally, this came some time after I got over my fear of video games. If gaming culture was going to become something special, "Video Power" surely provided this spark along with insight from other games.

You can probably find any number of videos on YouTube or something. I may feature some video material later in this post to give you a better idea of what Video Power was about.

Video Power: The First Season

Let's look at Video Power when it was just a show back in 1990. A number of game-themed cartoons made the base of Video Power. The show even featured insight and advice as to how to clear certain levels or anything of that nature.

Video Power: The Power Team.

Animated characters. These are animated pieces in which a team of characters from video games all team up to try to stop Mr. Big from causing chaos. Imagine a number of interesting characters along with a big truck making up this formidable team.

Video Power: Edge.

Tips and tricks on games are featured in this segment. These range from what we would call in today's culture as "pro tips" to certain cheats. Still, if you needed advice, you could get the advice you need granted you mailed the Video Power team. Remember- there was nothing in terms of personal Internet or some other connectivity back in 1990. So good old "snail mail" was the way you contacted the Video Power team.

IN CASE YOU'RE INTERESTED: If you want to see an episode of "Video Power," try this one- the very first episode! I must warn you- there are some old commercials and a lot of old memories that will make some of my older readers and visitors... well, old: 1990.10.01 Video Power Episode 01.

The first season of Video Power was surely an entertaining deal. However for a future season, the Video Power team wanted to try something a bit different. Next section coming up!

Video Power: The Second Season

In the second season of "Video Power," it went from an entertainment show to a game show. The same love of gaming was still there, but it is now about gaining advice as well as being humbled for being a dedicated gamer. Let's look at Video Power when it was a game show (as in winning prizes). Check it:

Video Power: Edge.

The Edge gives you some gaming hints on how to clear certain levels or beat certain enemies.

Video Power: Johnny On the Spot.

Those four contestants from the "Johnny On the Spot" segment play certain games trying to get the highest possible score or advance the furthest in one given game. The better two get to play in the next round, and the worst two are eliminated. This session lasts two minutes and two seconds. Judges look for certain factors in determining who will advance to play in the Video Power Challenge.

Video Power: Power Play.

Four contestants play certain games trying to get the highest possible score or advance the furthest in one given game. The better two get to play in the next round, and the worst two are eliminated. This session lasts two minutes and two seconds. Judges look for certain factors in determining who will advance to play in the Video Power Challenge.

Video Power: Video Power Challenge - Power Picks.

Contestants are asked five questions about games. These can range from general trivia about certain games to trying to memorize what song comes from what game. The first three questions include one music question. Each correct response to these questions are worth 10 points apiece. The fourth question is worth 20 points. The final question in this round requires one to identify whatever game is being played on a screen. The one who answers that fifth question wins a prize.

Video Power: Video Power Challenge - Final Power Play.

One last challenge to determine who will get to get goods from the Video Power mall. The remaining two contestants will play a final challenge worth 50 points. This is a session that lasts one minute and one second. The winner of the Final Power Play will get to go to the Video Power mall in The Run.

Video Power: The Run.

The Video Power mall is full of games, gaming accessories, and more. The winning contestant has to snatch as much as possible within the allowed time. Whatever is attached to the contestant is for that person to keep. If a contestant finds a certain specified item in The Run, that contestant will win a special prize. No matter what one picks up, the contestant has to find certain goods in the allowed time.

Video Power: Preview.

Now that I introduced you to the game show version of "Video Power," here is a little sample of Video Power:

^ AKG appearance on Video Power game show PT. 1

IN CASE YOU'RE INTERESTED: Do you want to see a full-length episode of "Video Power?" And do you mind checking out some old commercials in the process? Feel free to check out this video (provided for educational purposes).

And there you have it- Video Power: the Game Show edition.

Video Power: Final Thoughts

Video Power represented a culture change in gaming. While the popularity of gaming was nowhere near where gaming is today, at least this was a show that cashed in on trying to expand the popularity of gaming. It did so with an expressive individual who was every bit as interesting as the featured games. If you were a gamer back in the early 1990s (or granted you were born before the boom in gaming), this was a show that sort of spoke to you and captured the imagination. Shows like "Video Power" are every bit part of the greater picture of the history of gaming and how far we've come.

What If: A Modern Video Power? (Bonus Section!)

Imagine if Video Power, or some spiritual successor to it, existed today. What would it be like? How would such a show be paced? What games would even be featured?

I would have a number of issues with this entire thing. For one, the fashion faux pas of the early '90s would be long gone. My other issue is that you could probably look to various websites and videos for answers to gaming questions. Such a show would probably also allow for social media to weigh in whether it's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, Vine, or some other services.

People who would call in would want some advice in games like Titanfall, Minecraft, the Gran Turismo series, or any such games on console or PC (and maybe even mobile games). Imagine someone wanting some tips on the Candy Crush series or something. Or maybe someone would want advice on the Goat Simulator.

People could basically make their own videos about games rather than look for some animated series featuring popular characters. What if this modern Video Power took the game show route? People would have so many things to snatch from the Video Power mall if a contestant advanced to the final round. Could you imagine all the stuff for consoles and PC that people can snatch in today's gaming culture?

Another part of "Video Power" is a reflection of culture at its time. Around the early 1990s, skateboarding and inline skating were popular. So too were mullets and certain '90s fashion. Remember when it was okay for guys to wear neon shirts and neon shorts? More people got outside rather than play video games at home. So that was another element of life around this time.

It may also be possible you could have modern gaming personalities be featured and interviewed. You could probably see people the likes of Classic Game Room's Lord Karnage, PewDiePie, Captain Sparklez, or (someone I blogged about recently) iHasCupquake be featured and share their gaming insight. You could have other personalities like Adam Sessler, Morgan Webb, "FATAL1TY," and others; others who are gamers could even be on there such as Deadmau5.

Could a modern "Video Power" exist today? Not likely. It would be a tough sell to even try to emulate what Video Power achieved in its time on the air and to an audience willing enough to care.

What will I blog about next? You may not know. I may not know myself! So make sure to Subscribe and Follow to see more of my work when it becomes available. Get social with me across social media if you want to further show love for my work. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

A Salute to Ivana

John B. Marine | 8/27/2016 01:35:00 AM | | | | Be the first to comment!
Ivana of "a little place to call my own" has been a long-time supporter and visitor of my work. So I figured I would honor this Croatian cutie with this blog post. Ivana's blog features her fashion, travel, and art insights. There is a little of everything that this Croatian blogger offers to the online realm. Even still, I want to salute her out of love and respect. While I do get blog hits from Croatia (hello to any and all Croatians reading this post), I figured I'd do the nation proud by paying respect to one of Croatia's own in this "John's Blog Space" post.

NOTES: Because I've seen her under certain surnames, I will only refer to her as Ivana. To avoid any copyright issues, I will not hotlink any images.

A Salute to Ivana

This video gives you a little idea of Ivana and her voice and looks:

^ "Book review Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings"

To be honest, I like Ivana's voice. I was doing my research for this topic and came across this video. Anyhow, moving on...

Ivana is from Split, Croatia. I am not sure if I found the Croatian blogger's material or if she found me. Either way, I am pleased to come across her in some capacity. She runs a blog called "a little place to call my own." Her blog really is more than just about fashion. While fashion is a focus of the blog, she also shares some of her illustrations as well as travel insights. You know you are in for something special when even a post regarding some location is just as detailed as any of her fashion posts. So rather than just fashion, Ivana offers travel and art insight. While I haven't seen every last post of hers, I do check in at times to gauge her fashion style. Ivana's blog is available in both English and Croatian.

There is no real concrete definition or designation of her fashion style. Not so much into trends, but she does a fine job putting together a lot of outfits. Most of her style is rather classy and modest. So nothing overly casual or overly elegant is featured. You can get an idea of her fashion style by looking at Ivana's LOOKBOOK profile.

The reason why I am honoring Ivana is because she has been a regular visitor and comments often to my posts. To show my support, I've offered this post as well as offering my respect to this lady. I am hopeful she can appreciate me devoting an entire blog post to her. Since "a place to call my own" isn't entirely a fashion blog, that's why I am featuring her here in my main blog rather than in my fashion blog, "StyleSpace by JBM." Either way, I am thankful and pleased to gain a loyal visitor. Not just a loyal visitor, but someone who offers some timely insight.

I know I say that "John's Blog Space" is a blog about anything and everything. If you were to categorize it as one specific kind of blog, JBS is a personal blog. It is a personal blog that has a professional feel to it and with professional material. Since this is a personal blog, I often times mix up topics and even offer differing topics. I may offer something educational in one post and then go and make something personal in another. All of this adds to the appeal of "John's Blog Space." Besides this sort of chatter, I find great importance in trying to pay respect in people all around the world. So it is great to try to provide honor and respect to others. One of my initial goals for 2016 anyways was to pay tribute to certain individuals as a means of celebrating people and showing respect to others. And of course... to offer something positive amid the various negativity online.

For More Information...

If you would like to visit Ivana's blog, click on the following link: a little place to call my own.

Could there be others I may salute in the future? Perhaps. I do hope you enjoyed this blog post and perhaps got to know a special individual online. On that note, thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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I Am Jazz

John B. Marine | 8/27/2016 01:05:00 AM | | | | Be the first to comment!
#IAmJazz on the TLC Network chronicles a transgender teen named Jazz Jennings. This Florida transgender features a number of issues in her life as well as dealing with everything from health prodecures to transphobia from others. This series has two seasons, and the second season recently concluded as of when I began the initial draft of this post (August 12, 2016). This is my own sort of review of "I Am Jazz" as well as thoughts on the issues discussed and thoughts on Jazz herself.

I am Jazz: All Thoughts

I Am Jazz
^ from: (hover over for picture credit) - "I Am Jazz" is new to me, but it completed its second season in 2016.

"I Am Jazz" is a TLC Network series that focuses on a transgender teen named Jazz Jennings. This past season in 2016 was the second season. I was intrigued to see what this was all about as I learned about Jazz previously in a past blog post. I couldn't believe her popularity would reach this level. The reason why I say this is because when I researched one of my blog posts long ago on transgenders, I came across a young Jazz Jennings talking about having a girl brain and a boy body. Years later, here is this 15-year old (at this time) transgender teen living life and dealing with a number of issues. You not only got to see Jazz as she is, you also get a glimpse of her personality. Even a lot of things I don't even think about in regards to transgender types are mentioned in this show. Among some of them, I heard of the testosterone blockers she has in her so she doesn't go back to being a boy. These blockers, however, even increase her eating habits and her appetite.

Jazz Jennings is completely real. She is no drama queen or feels she has to be the center of attention all the time. I feel very much how real and honest Jazz is. Nothing is phonied up. What I do get from impressions is just on the impacts on Jazz's body from different medical procedures and in using certain medicines and other products. I even think it is amazing the amount of support Jazz gets from her family and how well the family gets along. There are moments when the family bond is questioned, but for the most part, the support and unity of the family are amazing.

As if being among the LBGT community has its own dark side, what is appalling about this is all the transphobic material from others. Though I am not properly educated about LGBT issues, at least I have more tolerance and respect than a lot of the people Jazz has to deal with. I surely would be a concerned parent if I were the father of a transgender sibling and had to deal with the individual incidents like some individual who would post threatening, disrespectful, and transphobic comments. The one individual who leaves threatening messages (comments like "tranny freak...") needs to be locked up. For real.

Video Preview.

Here is a little preview of "I Am Jazz" and some of the challenges Jazz faces:

^ "Meet Transgender Teen, Jazz Jennings"

This gives you a little idea on some of the things Jazz faces.

Honest Thoughts on Jazz Jennings.

I honestly see Jazz as courageous and real. Say ANYTHING you want about Jazz, but she is completely real. I believe her when she mentions issues about trying to socialize with others or trying to keep herself healthy.

Honest Thoughts on "I Am Jazz."

Since this post was based on the second season of the show, I almost feel like wanting to see Season 1 of "I Am Jazz" just to see what all was mentioned in that season. Jazz is an entirely intriguing person. The respect I had for her previously only grew after understanding her challenges and what all she goes through. I can't help but be intrigued and impressed about Jazz and her life. Even if you couldn't care less about anyone or anything LGBT, at least give "I Am Jazz" a try.

I learned of "I Am Jazz" earlier this year. On a message board, someone told me of "I Am Cait," about Caitlyn Jenner. I had NEVER heard of that show since I have been so exposed to "I Am Jazz."

What I Would Tell Jazz Jennings (if she were to read this)...

Congratulations to you on how far you've come along. The respect I've had for you previously only grew after watching this series. You are very much someone people can draw inspiration to; let alone your fellow transgender teenagers. I wish you the absolute best moving forward in all aspects of life. Stay strong, stay brave, and stay beautiful (inside and out).

Would I Possible Want to Meet Jazz Jennings (if given the chance)?

I surely would. Unlike a lot of the people she's had to deal with, I am understanding and tolerant of LGBT matters. It would be a great honor to meet her if I had the chance.

For More Information...

Learn more about this show by visiting I am Jazz | TLC.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Internet Day

John B. Marine | 8/23/2016 08:13:00 PM | | | | Be the first to comment!
(UPDATED: August 27, 2016)

Internauts, unite! On August 23, 1991; the Internet was available for us regular folks through the World Wide Web. We've come a long way since. Can you imagine where we would be without the Internet, or at least consumer-level Internet access? Social media and blogging probably wouldn't exist. Shopping online probably wouldn't happen without the Internet. Online gaming probably would be a foreign concept. So I think this is one of the coolest deals going. It is really funny and interesting knowing what would or wouldn't be possible without the Internet and without the Internet being available to the general public-at-large. Let me share some retrospective on the Internet and how far we've come.


AUG 27 2016 - edited some details- it was a Packard Bell, not a Hewlett-Packard (HP) PC

My Internet Retrospective

The Internet is nothing new. Today's Internet goes back to somewhere in the 1960s or 1970s. The service just never became available to people until the 1990s. Since then, people have used the "Information Superhighway" for purposes ranging from actual research to entertainment and even... adult websites and other questionable content. And today in compiling this blog post, people who use the Internet were apparently called "Internauts." We would be in a much different place without access to cyberspace and the Internet. This even includes the likes of online gaming and other things. All of this was made possible the founder of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

So how far have we come and how much does the Internet mean to me? I'll share my own retrospective.

My Internet Memories and Timeline.

Where do I slot in with the Internet? Well when I first saw this little notice on Facebook this morning, I thought about my earliest experiences with the Internet. I could remember my brother taking me to the library at the University of Houston. I found myself trying to look up news and notes on "Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars" back in the mid-1990s. I remembered using browsers such as NCSA Mosaic and even Netscape. Oh, and there was also that browser called Internet Explorer that was also cool in its time.

Some time in 1996 or so, I would join America Online and have AOL as my gateway to the "Information Superhighway." My PC wasn't really spectacular even in its time, but it still got the job done. I had a Packard Bell PC with Windows 95, an 8 MB of RAM, and a 75 MHz processor. It also had a 14.4 kbps modem. That modem made great music trying to connect to the Internet. And so many times, I would try to feel happy to hit the Internet even while in my High School days. I was kind of feeling good at the notion of wanting to do something like online gaming. The landscape was surely different then on that front, but I do remember games like Quake 2 where as many as 32 players could all play at once in one level. Too bad I didn't have the PC to play that game then, nor did I have the money to try such a thing. I do still enjoy spending late nights on Friday and Saturday browsing the Internet. I even spent time in Chat Rooms on AOL and doing lots of Instant Messages (IMs) there. I enjoyed myself considering some of the knuckleheads I had to deal with from time to time. I even still used AOL for downloading material. That even included using AOL's own collection of downloadable material. I got things like stuff for games and even game demos like "The Need for Speed" demo.

In about 1999 or so, my brother bought an eMachines computer to replace the aging old PC I had then. This newer computer had Windows 98, 32 MB of RAM, about a 233 MHz processor, and a 56 kbps dialup modem. That meant I would be able to enjoy using the Internet at faster speeds and try out more intense programs. There was a time when my brother and I used to try to connect to the Internet through the University of Houston's dialup system. There were two packages- one allowing you to connect for 30 minutes, and another to connect you for 4 hours. The 4-hour one would take longer since more people wanted to stay on for much longer. When the remnants of Tropical Storm Allison hit Houston in 2001, UH was all flooded and everything. So I was unable to get onto the Internet for about two weeks or so. It was still great to jump back online and enjoy everything. That even included a time in 2002 when I first introduced myself to Japanese pop music. I was listening to a service called Live365. I hated Live365 because it took so long to refresh everything. Then with a program called WinAmp, I came across an Internet stream called Japan-a-Radio. That got me even more into JPOP, and I was enjoying it without having to deal with the browser-based Live365. Besides this, I even had the opportunity to use computers at my community college to download material for games that would take ages for me to download at home. I used Netscape as my powerful browser for the most part. Most important in using Netscape was in the ability to make a Bookmarks file that was essentially an HTML file full of links.

Let's now fast forward to about 2005. I was absolutely surprised when I got a brand-new computer for Christmas. It was an HP computer with Windows XP. It also had about 381 MB of RAM, (I forget its processor speed), and a 56K dialup modem. I used the dialup for a good amount of time. This was also when I got my first bit of social media involvement. I began using services like Hi5 and Friendster because I was skeptical about joining Myspace considering all the news reports of people doing bad on Myspace. I then eventually got tired of Hi5 and Friendster and eventually did join Myspace. It was Myspace where I got to get involved with setting up blog posts through Myspace. Maybe Myspace blogging would fuel a future interest. Hmm... Then some time later, I would join a rival budding social media platform called Facebook in about October 2007. Playing a game like rFactor, some mods for that game couldn't be downloaded in a short amount of time. So I used the fast online access at my community college to download mods better. I also used their PCs to load Myspace pages faster. I had a basic-looking Myspace profile so I could view everything properly at home on dialup. I later got around to a few unique new layout then. I was finding myself using Mozilla Firefox and Opera. Of course, this was before Opera mostly became Chrome or became mostly Chrome-based. I even still have a copy of Opera 12.

However, some time in 2008 or so, it was a new experience for me with the Internet because after give-or-take 13 years of dialup, my family finally got around to having wireless DSL Internet. This meant I could use the Internet all day and not have to worry about having land-based phone lines disrupt my Internet experience. It also meant I could access websites much faster than with dialup. Having Internet at these speeds and available all day long meant I could then try things like YouTube and blogging. YouTube would take forever to load up on dialup. So that's why I would watch video after video in college before being able to confidently view videos on a fast connection at home. What about blogging? Well, as I was becoming more serious about blogging, I enjoyed being able to have the Internet available to me to be ready to upload a blog post whenever I was ready. About this time in the past, Netscape was discontinued as people were recommended to use Firefox instead. I think I still have the last version of Netscape.

In 2011, I bought a PlayStation 3. Even with my wireless WiFi Internet access, this was my first true experience with online gaming. I joined PlayStation Network and got around to doing some online gaming. This was all part of a new experience for me. I could use the Internet on my PC to access material while also using my PS3 to do some online interactions. My family was going from AT&T internet to incredibly fast Comcast Xfinity Internet some time later.

It was 2012 when I bought a Samsung Galaxy Player 3.6 portable media player. Not only was this my first Android device, it was also my first mobile device I've ever owned. This portable media player has WiFi connectivity, so I found importance in having such a device. It meant I could access cyberspace even when not on my computer. That was one thing I wanted to take advantage of in case I am unable to use the computer to access the Internet. A year later, I'd get the Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2 portable media player. Again- another device to enjoy Internet access away from the PC. I then got my first tablet PC when I got a Hisense Sero 7 Pro for Christmas in 2014. Again- another mobile media device with WiFi access. A tablet PC is more practical.

In 2015, I bought my first PC. I carried over the faster wireless adapter to enjoy the faster speeds on my current PC. I have been enjoying my experience with the Internet and the various ways of accessing the online realm. The versatility of using the Internet and such has been nothing short of amazing.

Now you have an idea of my Internet history. Now for some final thoughts.

Internet Day: Final Thoughts

Suffice to say, we would be in a much different culture without the Internet and without personal access of the Internet. Even seeing websites in their past form shows the real evolution of how far we've come since the World Wide Web was open for business and usage since its 1991 debut. Our lives have changed a great deal since consumer-level access of the Internet was established. In addition, certain companies would not be as profitable or versatile without the Internet. So we owe a whole lot to the Internet and of World Wide Web founder Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Be sure to pay respect to the pioneers of making the Internet available to common folk like you and I. Even my own online work probably wouldn't be possible. Don't forget to imagine what life would be like without Internet access, and be thankful for what Internet access has provided to us all. Appreciate the Internet and how far we have all come.

With this reminicing complete, I conclude this blog post. Now you know how I feel about how far we've come with the Internet. Feel free to comment if you like. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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Friday, August 12, 2016


John B. Marine | 8/12/2016 01:15:00 AM | | | | Be the first to comment!
@iHasQupquake or "TiffyQuake" is a very popular gaming personality online. Besides gaming, she is also kind of a fashion blogger. I figured I make this blog post about this amazing lady. So get ready to delve into the realm of iHasCupquake. It is a realm that is pink and purple and pretty [awesome]. Here is my blog post on this fine personality. Welcome to "John's Blog Space!"


Here is one Tiffany Michelle Garcia, better known as "iHasCupquake":

iHasCupquake or Tiffyquake
^ from: (Twitter) - One Tiffany Garcia is "iHasCupquake."

I first learned of iHasCupquake when I was looking up videos on the independent/indie game "VVVVVV." The first thing I respected about "TiffyQuake" was her beautiful voice. And of course... her unique personality is what I then became fond of. From Minecraft to The Sims series to more, iHasCupquake is surely one of the hottest YouTube personalities to date, let alone one of the hottest gaming personalities. Her sassy and playful tone to her videos make them fun to watch. I haven't seen a majority of her videos, but the ones I have seen are anything but disappointing.

One of the main reasons I've grown to love iHasCupquake besides her videos is her look on life. How she generally has grown to love everyone has really made me appreciate Tiffany as a person. I learned of this part of her persona watching a "Draw My Life" video about iHasCupquake.

Video Samples.

Get to know iHasCupquake a bit. Check these videos out:

WERK IT - My Idol App... (Embedding was disabled)

^ Draw My Life - Ihascupquake

What I Would Tell iHasCupquake (if she were to read this)...

I enjoy your videos. You do an amazing job with your material. Never a dull moment. More than just your gaming videos, I enjoy your personality and your outlook on life. You are all around awesome. I think your voice is wonderful, as is your personality and energy you give in your videos.

Would I Like to Meet iHasCupquake (if given the chance)?

Sure! Wouldn't you want to meet someone whom you think is totally awesome?

For More Information...

Love you some iHasCupquake? Well get more of her material from these links:

iHasCupquake on YouTube
Tiffyquake, iHasCupquake's blog
iHasCupquake on Facebook
Follow iHasCupquake on Twitter!
iHasCupquake on Instagram

I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

That's all for this one. Subscribe and Follow my blogs to keep up with the latest material from me. Please have a great day/night. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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