When you make something, it is usually with the intent of reaching a certain audience and gaining a certain reaction. I mentioned making a video recently for the PC game "GTR2." That video was the work of months wondering how to get such a video uploaded and created. Just like some of my blog posts, many of them were the work of conceptualizing it for a long while (usually weeks to months to even years), but never getting around to making it. So being able to publish something is an accomplishment in its own right. Making my video was in trying to learn various kinds of software to eventually put my video together and publish it to YouTube. I put it all together in the end and am pleased for the most part making my first true game video. I then stated online that I did something I long wanted to do, and it was something I could say I accomplished among friends of mine online whom have done the same thing before.
There are still a number of things I want to do as a content publisher that I haven't yet accomplished. Among one of those was to make some kind of game. It was my goal when I bought an OUYA as a very early Christmas gift. Now before some of you ask me about why I wasted money on the OUYA console, it was because I saw potential in making a game. I also just wanted to try out this along with trying to learn programming. My heart is big enough to have enough drive and passion to develop some kind of material to publish. That even includes making a game for Android devices like the OUYA. As long as my interest remains strong, I can try to make the most of my visions and try to make them come true to make material people like yourself can enjoy (or hopefully enjoy). Your satisfaction is what I am after in the end.
Once you gain a sense of accomplishment in something you create, you feel you can do a lot more. It helps you to do more and be more productive. You are better served doing things that make you happy than to let your life pass you by doing very little to be or remain personally happy. Celebrate your achievements. Honor your victories. Gain a sense of accomplishment that will help you feel confident for a long time to come.
In Case You're Wondering...
Two things...First, if you have never seen the game video I mentioned, here is the video I created. Click on the link below the video if you can't view embedded media:
^ Coca-Cola Summer Speed Series - Road Atlanta
To learn more about this video, here is the blog post on this video: Summer Speed Series.
Second, to keep up with my creative works, visit my creative works blog John's Creative Space. I am mostly working on skins for cars in racing games along with slowly developing an ambitious eBook. I am also trying to get more experienced making pixel art. So visit this other blog to keep up with my creative works.
There is your positivity for the day. If you want to discuss this topic, here is something I can ask you...
What gives you a sense of accomplishment in what you do?
I know I haven't blogged a lot lately. That is mostly because I have been trying to work on some of my creative works material. Rest assured that I am not done blogging by any stretch. So be sure to stay with me and stay connected with my work to see my latest material. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.