Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Xiaomi Mi Box Thoughts

John B. Marine | 5/15/2018 11:09:00 AM | | |
The Google Nexus Player was my first Android TV device. It served me well for the most part in trying to play Android TV material. I once encountered the Xiaomi Mi Box. One advantage of this Chinese media device was better external memory. With the Nexus Player basically being obsolete, I was thinking of getting a new Android TV device to replace my Nexus Player. That device may just be the Xiaomi Mi Box. This blog post mostly shares my thoughts in regards to the Mi Box before I attempt to really try to get this device.

In case you don't know what the Mi Box looks like, here is a picture I found. Get to know the Xiaomi Mi Box:

Xiaomi Mi Box
^ from: www.walmart.com - This is the Mi Box from Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi.

One of the biggest flaws of the Nexus Player was how tough it was to get external memory to help with the only eight gigabytes of onboard memory (five gigabytes available). Unlike the Nexus Player, the Mi Box has a USB port to it. You had to have a certain cable with the Nexus Player to be able to use USB devices. That is one reason why I am considering the Mi Box. Another reason is just because I want a better-performing Android TV device. I think I can have a better chance to test an Android game freely and easily with the Mi Box than with the older Nexus Player. While I am not in the 4K era, the Mi Box is known for providing a solid 4K viewing experience for sharp visuals and impressive color quality. What could be a problem is that the Mi Box operates on Android 6.0 and not 7.0, so I may not be able to have the latest Android OS to work with should I get a Mi Box.

Whereas the Nexus Player looks like a huge hockey puck, the Xiaomi Mi Box has a more elegant appearance. It has even won awards for its design. The Nexus Player did allow for external memory, but you had to have a specific OTG cable to connect it to certain USB devices. The Xiaomi Mi Box has only USB 2.0 functionality. It is possible to get a USB hub to connect to the Mi Box for added USB functionality. I know I have some options and some leverage should I ultimately get a Xiaomi Mi Box.

If I do get a Mi Box, I will certainly look into getting external memory to expand its memory. I would probably prefer a 16GB external memory device. Having a 32GB Flash drive would be great, though I probably would not need that much space. I may even consider going back to playing "Real Racing 3" and build up my status all over again in that game by having more hard disk space. On the other hand, some people do suggest you get some kind of USB external memory 32GB or higher to use with the Mi Box. Most of the USB flash drives I've seen on Wal-Mart (or Walmart these days) cost no more than $10 USD. So I may not have to spend too much more money should I get myself a Mi Box.

The Xiaomi Mi Box is essentially a better-engineered Nexus Player. While you may not get as direct of material for it like you do with the Nexus Player, the Mi Box is just overall better to me in the long run. A lot of reviews for the Mi Box among owners have been fairly positive. So I am sure if I had the money to get one of these, it would be a fine investment. I will surely offer my thoughts in this blog concerning my thoughts and review on the Xiaomi Mi Box. So please stay tuned to this blog for more updates!

Blog posts have not been as frequent of late, but I'm still here. I am not giving up unless I fully believe I have done enough and said enough about a variety of topics. Maybe you own a Xiaomi Mi Box or tried one out. If so, I'd like to get your thoughts on the device. Regardless, make sure to stay with my blog(s) to gain my latest insights and more. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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