Wednesday, June 13, 2018

FIJI Water

John B. Marine | 6/13/2018 01:54:00 AM | | |
Water is water. However, @FIJIWater is something quite different. FIJI Water is artisan water from beautiful Fiji that claims to be untapped from humans and factories until you unscrew the cap. Over time, I admit I have had FIJI Water many times in the past. I figured I would blog my thoughts on FIJI Water. So welcome to "John's Blog Space!"

FIJI Water

Here is a look at FIJI Water:

Fiji Water
^ from: - Fuji Water - "Earth's Finest Water."

FIJI Water is still just drinking water. However, Fuji Water is different in it having such a fine taste to it. Each bottle of FIJI Water comes in a clear bottle along with a dark pink hibiscus flower on it and a blue panel discussing what makes FIJI Water special. You can buy them in single bottles or even in a pack of six. REALLY love FIJI Water? Try packs of 12, 24, and even 36 bottles of FIJI Water!

FIJI Water is smooth and has a refreshing taste to it. There were times my family used to drink tap water. I usually liked tap water since it tasted better than any spring water. FIJI Water reminds me of tap water, only much more nutritious. Once researching this topic, I came across something specifying what was processed and what is natural. Fiji Water was on the "natural" side of food and drink from an article I read online. All I know is that the water is refreshing and natural. I don't know about health benefits or anything regarding FIJI Water.

While I do enjoy drinking FIJI Water, there is one downside- price. A bottle of FIJI Water can be more expensive than several other bottled waters. So FIJI Water can be seen more as "luxury" or "gourmet" water. A single bottle of FIJI water can cost at least $0.50 USD to $1.00 USD more than a lot of other average bottled waters. You could even order a bottle or a pack of FIJI Water online.

Final Thoughts.

If you never tried FIJI Water before, you should try some. The water has a great taste and flows nicely. It is water that is as beautiful as Fiji itself. Almost any kind of water is helpful considering it is the warm weather seasons as of the time of this blog post. You can always have certain processed waters, but FIJI Water is an excellent taste experience while also making sure to keep you hydrated.

For More Information...

To learn more about FIJI Water, please visit, or go to its online store at

FIJI Water: Online and Bonus!

Maybe you liked my review and thoughts on FIJI Water that you want to support me. Well, I came up with these items below. Have a look around and show your continued support if you are inclined. Buy some for yourself or for some other people. NOTE: Availability of these items may vary:

- FIJI Water: single bottle

- FIJI Water: 6-pack

- FIJI Water: 12-pack

- FIJI Water: 24-pack

- FIJI Water: 36-pack

Bonus Material!

Once for my creative works material, I designed a FIJI Water car. Take a look at this skin I designed for a car in a game:

FIJI Water Super V8 SuperV8
^ from: (JohnMarineDesigns - Automobilista Game Mods) - This Super V8 car in Automobilista was designed with my livery from FIJI Water.

Yes- the turquoise on this livery was meant to be sort of the same blue color of Fiji's flag. I even tried to incorporate some pink as part of the look of FIJI water bottles, especially the pink flower on the bottles.

This concludes another blog post to "John's Blog Space." I hope you enjoyed my work. Subscribe and Follow my work if they interest you. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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