Friday, August 24, 2018

Wolfenstein 3D

John B. Marine | 8/24/2018 12:39:00 AM | | |
Wolfenstein 3D is one of gaming's most iconic franchises. Many imitators and challengers surfaced after Wolfenstein 3D hit the market in 1992 by id Software. Are you death incarnate? Get psyched! This blog post will give you an idea of this iconic game courtesy of me, John Marine. So let's do this!

Wolfenstein 3D

Let's get started with this post.

At some point, you have either heard of or played Wolfenstein 3D, or maybe both. Wolfenstein was no Johnny-come-lately in gaming. Wolfenstein 3D was actually one of the later titles of the Wolfenstein series with its 1992 debut. I first learned of Wolfenstein 3D some time in the mid or late 1990s on a CD featuring a lot of demo games. Wolfenstein 3D was quite impressive on PC. There would be ports of Wolfenstein 3D to systems such as the Super Nintendo, the 3DO, and even a version for the Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator (if you can believe it). A lot of the different elements of Wolfenstein 3D would be mainstays of a lot of first-person shooters that surfaced after this game. Among those are pseudo 3D sprites, push walls, secrets, and things of that nature. It also meant using mostly 128x128 bitmaps to lay out the level design. Raycasting techniques helped bring 2D to life complete with textured blocks and various object and actor placement.


In Wolfenstein 3D, you are Captain B.J. Blazkowicz, a prisoner of war deep within the belly of a Nazi stronghold during World War II. After killing one soldier, you are armed with a knife and that poor soldier's pistol as you try to shoot your way through the stronghold. It won't be easy with so many soldiers and other opposition trying to kill you the moment they lock eyes on you. Can you blast your way through the various floors of the stronghold and escape?

Wolfenstein 3D contains three episodes of gun-blazing fury. An add-on package called the Nocturnal Missions added three additional episodes for more insanity. I bought Wolfenstein 3D through either 3D Realms or Most of my time prior to getting the full game was with the demo to this game and even a sequel to Wolfenstein 3D called "Spear of Destiny."

Gameplay Basics.

Each level features a huge area to explore. You start off with a pistol and eight rounds of ammunition. Kill soldiers to acquire more ammo. Trust me- you'll need it. Be careful when firing your pistol. Chances are, you may have other soldiers in the area come towards you once they hear gunfire. So you can use your knife for when you don't want to cause too much commotion. In fact, it is possible to complete the game using only your knife.

Various items along the way will help you gain that needed edge. You can find a machine gun for better rapid fire action. If you are REALLY fortunate, you may find a chaingun for the ultimate enemy-wasting firepower. Pick up food items along the way to restore your health. The most healing is done if you find First Aid kits. Later levels will require you to find keys to unlock doors. Pick up loot scattered across levels to increase your score. More loot may be found through pushing walls to uncover more material and perhaps even secret exits. Speaking of exits, you complete each level once you find the elevator to go up to the next level. You complete the final level of each episode when you defeat a boss and head for the exit.

Your score for each level depends on three factors:

• enemies killed
• items found
• secrets found

To gain the best possible score, defeat every enemy and find everything in each level.

You start off with three lives and 100% health. You can actually find extra lives in some levels. If you are defeated, you can always use one of your extra lives to continue; however, you will return to the start of the level with only your knife and pistol. If all of your lives are exhausted, the game is over. It is recommended you save your progress when you can rather than have to go with the extra lives system. You can gain some extra lives with a high-enough score.

Final Thoughts.

Wolfenstein 3D was imitated and duplicated for a number of reasons. It set a standard that many games wanted to try to improve upon or better. The intense action and memorable gameplay made Wolfenstein 3D the iconic classic that it is today. Never before has a game like Wolfenstein 3D featured a handful of realistic graphics, impressive sound quality, and intense action. While you may be enjoying games today like PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Battlegrounds (PUBG), Fortnite, Overwatch, or any other first-person shooters of today; pay respect to one of the innovators of the first-person shooter genre- Wolfenstein 3D.

Video Preview.

This video demonstrates Wolfenstein 3D to you. Take a look:

^ Wolfenstein 3D

Maybe I interested you enough to get this game and be excited for it, even as a very old title.

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