Wednesday, July 18, 2018

John's Corner - Freelancing

John B. Marine | 7/18/2018 11:19:00 AM | | |
I grew interest in freelancing lately. In my "John's Life Space" blog, I posted two blog entries in partnership with BetterHelp. I haven't done sponsored blog posts much. When I did post, I would be paid for my posts. I have been blogging for a long while even before migrating to Blogger/Blogspot from Myspace. With no traditional 9-to-5 job, I have to do SOMETHING to financially profit. At least when I did certain paid posts, I got some money for my work. Recently, I was handsomely paid for my two blog posts on "John's Life Space" that I did in partnership with BetterHelp. If it was possible to gain such pay for posting quality posts, it means that I have discovered a different avenue of blogging which I never considered previously. I will explain much more about this topic as I welcome you to another installment of...

Johns Corner
John's Corner!

Freelancing Thoughts

When you are a freelancer or do freelance work, you don't exclusively work for someone. You basically take up offers or give offers towards things you want to be a part of. You usually work with a certain client and can still work with other clients rather than be totally tied to one entity. While I don't consider myself an "influencer," I do want to at least expose my material to the world.

Why I Did Not Consider Paid Posts Before?

The big reason why I didn't go with many paid posts or partner posts is because I am very selective with whatever money offers there are. I have always done blogging with the intent of providing content to the masses; NOT [necessarily] to make money for my posts. I always feel doing something for money means that you are posting for attention rather than providing something worthwhile to others.

A long time ago, I admitted that I wanted to blog for money and to make a living doing so. I didn't even see blogging as a "side hustle." I wanted to do this kind of stuff for real and financially profit from it. When you consider lucrative offers, you want to be careful. Some paid work and some paid offers can be very sketchy. This is also why I am cautious when people send me inquiries to post blog entries in my blogs for some money.

Some Past Offers.

There were posts I have done in which I was paid for posting. All I had to do was make a quality post including some of the individual guidelines suggested. I've done a few posts in my fashion blog (StyleSpace by JBM) and paid through PayPal for those posts. Of late, I did two posts for BetterHelp on "John's Life Space." I was even offered to have a blog banner run on my fashion/beauty blog. A number of my collaborative works have been with my fashion/beauty blog more than any of my other blogs.

Freelancing Considerations.

Since there are some sites that will pay you at least US$50 for posting quality material, I almost have been reluctant to find as many high-paying sites to post on. I was fortunate enough to take up on BetterHelp's offers. Even if it means I will be able to profit more than I ever did using Adsense and/or Amazon, so be it. I want to be able to make a living while even taking up on lucrative offers.

Getting these legitimate offers, however, is not easy. Someone has to care enough about my work to where they are willing to pay me to make quality posts about them and their work. I always make quality posts and feel it is paramount to establish my image and my purpose as a blogger. Even with some of the work out there and money left on the table, I don't consider myself an "influencer."

Since my blogging pace hasn't been as popular in recent years, I still keep going forward because I still love blogging and still feel I can contribute in a number of ways. I still want to take part in certain freelancing offers based on my interests and what I feel I can contribute to cyberspace. Blogging is not a traditional 9-to-5 job (unless doing so for any major companies). Even still, being able to make quality posts and get paid for doing so is what makes me feel happiest and feeling like I am contributing in a number of ways.

I am willing to take up certain interesting offers if introduced to me. So look at the "Media Kit" and all of the sponsorship material I have posted in all five of my blogs. Thank you for your interest in my work if indeed my work interests you. Thank you also for reading! Take care and be well.

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