Monday, December 4, 2017

John's Corner - November 2017 Updates

John B. Marine | 12/04/2017 10:30:00 PM | | | |
November 2017 has been rough for me. My grandmother passed away, and I had to go to a hospital to remove some abscess removed followed by taking antibiotics to treat an infection. I made a new blog but also missed lots of time. Regardless, I am fine. I want to say I am sorry for not being so active this November blogging. I am also sorry I haven't come up with more new material to keep my blogging work relevant and active. While I an can not assure things will change with the snap of a finger, I do feel I can try to offer as much material as possible to make up for lost time. So therefore, get ready for more content as I make it available.

Oh, and welcome to "John's Corner!"
Johns Corner

About That New Blog...

If you haven't visited my new blog, it is called "John's Life Space." "John's Life Space" (or JLS) is a blog about life issues. These are issues relating to a variety of life issues. Among others- life, love, parenting, intimacy, motivation, LGBT matters, and more. Most of you may know I've used JLS to discuss life issues before. Now, though, I want to make a proper blog to help people with various issues. While not every issue discussed may be for all audiences, my hope is to provide a positive space to offer my own help people who may need support and help. "John's Life Space" is my sixth-ever blog I created on Blogger/Blogspot and is currently my fifth blog that I run. So I now run an insane five blogs at present!

On top of that, my "John's Life Space" blog is dedicated in loving memory of my grandmother.

Visit "John's Life Space" Today!

Want to visit my life issues blog? If so, today!

I may explain further about what has happened in my life while also including more content in the future. Until then, thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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