^ from: amazonaws.com - the aftermath of leaving a baby or a child in a hot car on a hot day for a long time can lead to tragedies like this.
These things just depress me. With highs expected to be at 100° F for Saturday and Sunday (as of the date of this blog post), I can only hope that parents are responsible enough to keep their babies and children safe from the heat. Again- these things just depress me. Is it that some people aren't mindful enough that they brought their chilren and left them in a hot car for a very long time, or is it that some people think babies and children can withstand being out in the heat for a very long time? Whatever the case, I'm always disappointed hearing stories like this.
My advice- be responsible, be mindful, and be smart. If you have babies or children with you on a hot day, don't leave them to be baked by the sun in a car for a long time. Maybe allow yourself ten minutes or so to check on your children. Remember- as hot as it can be outside, it can be even hotter inside a parked car. So be mindful of your children if they are in a hot car.
Thank you for reading. Please take care and have an amazing day!