Many people say they are bad bloggers just because they don't post anything in a while to their blogs. Really, I wish people wouldn't say that. Life gets in the way of blogging. It isn't like blogging should take over our lives. I will motivate people and help them to realize what REAL bad blogging is. There are some true "bad bloggers" out there who really fit the bill of what "bad blogging" is. You will learn from me what bad blogging REALLY is as opposed to what most people think bad blogging is.
--- "Bad" Blogging ---
The most common thing I read in certain blogs is that they are somehow bad bloggers just because they don't post often. Posting blog entries is a great thing to do any day of the week, any time of the year, and at any time of day. It should be something you should do with joy. You should only take blogging seriously if you are a professional blogger or are affiliated as a blogger with a major company. If you just work solo and don't have much in the way of doing blogging professionally or for money, you shouldn't have to put so much pressure on yourself.I really wish bloggers wouldn't call themselves bad just because they don't post often. I've encountered several blogs that haven't been updated for a long while. Some have either just one post or none! Some can't commit to blogging often, let alone regularly.
Common Signs People Give About Bad Blogging.
These are usually tell-tale signs most people have in regards to bad blogging. I hope I can provide some great advice to you all if you fall into any of these categories. So here goes:• not posting often
As I was learning about blogging, I have learned of it as a personal journal online. So if you don't post online often, you are somehow a "bad blogger" because good blogs are posted often. I post to no specific schedule, so I couldn't really care if I am supposed to post something new every day. Nothing I post in any of my blogs would be posted if it did not serve any sort of purpose. I am professional in my approach to posting material online- I will not post anything just to get a quick reaction. Post when YOU feel like it. If you don't post a blog entry every day or on a regular schedule, don't let it bring you down. Also, take into consideration that your online connection may not be 100% operational, or the blogging interface may undergo some maintenance. So post when you feel like it and when you feel like you can post something worth reading. Don't become so stressed about posting more often than when you really want to.
• nervousness
Being nervous is perfectly normal. Not knowing how to blog or what to blog about is perfectly normal. This can simply be cured when you realize that you have a chance to post something people will eventually read. People spend their time online; why not make it worth their while with quality content?
• having "blogger's block"
If you are a writer, "writer's block" is a common expression for not being able to create any material right away. "Blogger's Block" is my term for the blogging version of "writer's block." Trust me- this happens quite often for me at times.
• not knowing what to blog about
You have to be able to come up with something if you're going to post something. Don't post anything random- make sure you post something people will find some sort of purpose or enjoyment in. I don't do random. My topics may be random, but I just won't post anything just to get people to care. This blog is not a "take the bait" blog- everything I do is with a purpose, but at least I get an idea of what to post about.
So I've helped you with your issues. It is now time to discuss what REAL bad blogging is.
--- Then... What Is Bad Blogging? ---
You are NOT a bad blogger just because you don't post often or just because you just aren't good at blogging. Those things can be remedied. There are much worse characteristics of bad blogging.Bad Bloggers...
• ...Spam.
Some people post ANYTHING just to expect people to care. Some people unfortunately even get their blogs hacked, so you see posts on material no sane person would care about. I recently un-followed a blog because I kept seeing updated posts talking about fake college degrees and stuff. Some blog commentators simply find sites on the merits of suspicious searches. They try to abuse a commenting system by posting seemingly innocent content or encouraging words... followed by a link to a suspicious website. Some even have suspicious profiles where they attacked certain other sites. My thing is- if you even SOUND like a spammer, your comment will be deleted, and you will be blocked. It just doesn't add up for the majority of my loyal commenting audience to be spammers. Just DOESN'T add up!
• ...Lovingly Mislead People.
People have too much time on their hands when using cyberspace. This is basically taking the bait of a certain website/blog. Imagine finding something you are looking for through a search... but then when they reach that site, they reach a site that has all kinds of malware and questionable content. Bad bloggers basically set up these traps and don't care if any would-be visitors take any damage to their computers or networks. Again- bad bloggers do this and have little regard for others' feelings or satisfaction.
• ...Post Only as Attack Sites.
If you specifically set up a blog as an attack site, you are NOT doing us bloggers any justice. A blog is set up as a way to share text and/or images in a creative manner; NOT to simply attack others. You can set up roasts and grills and parodies of people if you are good at that. However, just simply setting up an attack site about someone is just NOT what setting up a website or blog is all about. You can express opinions and thoughts without stooping to the low of simply posting to make personal attacks. You can always report any blog or website that you think seems suspicious.
• ...Plagiarize.
There's nothing like taking somebody else's work and passing it off as your own. There's also nothing like taking things online without offering proper credit. This is a Cardinal sin in doing papers in school or college; it is just as bad doing this online. That is why I don't mind doing extra typing instead of just post about something online. If you wanted to find something specific online, you could just use Internet searches better and find what you are REALLY looking for. I don't mind typing. Not like I have anything else to do with my life. And if I do take material from other sites, I at least credit the source I got it from.
• ...Post Blogs Simply to Increase Search Engine Rankings (Business).
This pertains to the business side of blogging. One reason why certain sites are successful is because their material is ranked highly in search engines. When I was looking around my blog and looking up past comments and visitors, people post comments based on spam searches. They don't care about the actual material- they just post something and leave behind a link to some website. If you are going to post a link to a website, that's fine. Only as long as it is a legitimate website and not some site designed to bring down your page rank (or PageRank), a link back to your site or blog is always welcome.
So you think you're a bad blogger just because you don't post often or anything? At least you now know what REAL bad blogging is compared to what you call bad blogging.
I hope I've cheered you bloggers up if you're down. I do what I can to help others. Thank you for reading!
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