Tuesday, May 22, 2012

There's an App for That!

John B. Marine | 5/22/2012 11:15:00 PM | | | |
Ever realize how many applications there are for almost anything? A lot of people and groups make apps of all kinds of things for all kinds of things. We are all so connected to mobile devices and apps that there seems to be apps are for anything and everything. So because there are so many apps for things, we wonder... is there an app for that? What if you could make your own app to be used by many people? What WOULD your app be about? Would you charge money for people to download and use it? This is a Just for Fun post.

Because I can't find a decent-enough picture to borrow online, I decided to show a video to set the mood. So enjoy, players. Click on the link if you can't view Flash media:

^ "Apple iPhone App TV Commercial with Buy.com & Snaptell" (YouTube) - There's an app for that... or is there? What app would YOU create?

--- There's an App for That! Really? ---

In these postmodern times, we become so dependent on technology and resources that we need various tools and devices to life live and enrich ourselves. Devices like iPods and iPads have become more than just media devices; they have essentially become mobile computers. Apps have been offered for Apple devices as well as Android-equipped devices. You could enjoy the same app lovin' on any Android-equipped device (such as the Samsung Galaxy Player from a recent post) to enjoy apps as much as Apple users do.

Apps can range from useful material to fun. A useful app can give you details about certain items, travel information, or anything informative. A fun app can provide you a daily laugh with something funny. Maybe certain -isms from people would be what some people would have if they had their own app. Some apps can be very helpful- such as apps that track your workout or certain health concerns. Whatever the case, a good way to get yourself noticed and to keep up with cyberspace is to get yourself some quality apps for your mobile device.

I am still very compelled at just how many apps are available for mobile devices as well as for all their different purposes. We've come a LONG way as a society to rely on these apps for our devices.

--- What App(s) Would I Create? ---

Just like I don't release anything online if I think it will lack value, I wouldn't release an app unless I think it is something people will actually use and have value with it.

My Dream App.

An app of mine would probably consist of random knowledge based on blog posts of mine. An app of mine would even link you to ten random blog posts of mine across all three of my blogs. I may even link to ten random YouTube videos of mine. I would make it easy for my mobile users to connect with me and contact me. And of course, all of my most recent material can be accessed. The point of such an app is to get my material delivered to you daily. Everything would be updated according to the latest material in my RSS feeds. My latest 10 posts would be featured, but there would be an option to view as many of my latest posts up to the latest 25th post. Anything else could be searched. You could also search for the latest ten posts for individual labels featured in my blog.

Finally, since I've posted so many posts on so many things, I may have the app surprise my readers by... having the ability to view a random blog post of mine! Imagine the surprise of seeing one of my many blog posts! You may never know what post of mine you'll view. It may be something recent. It may be something VERY old. It may be on a topic you may or may not be comfortable reading about. I sometimes always wanted to try to surprise my readers and visitors by letting them see a random post of mine.

Of course, the interface would be colored in the customary blue and gold colors that define most of my online work. I probably could come up with different-colored interfaces to represent my other blogs. The point of such an app from me is for readers to keep up with my latest blog posts. Since I type a lot of stuff, I am not sure if my mobile audience would be able to really keep up with and stay interested in my content. The only thing I do know is that my mobile audience who may be trying to keep up with my online work.

I am not really known for crafting creative one-liners. Therefore, the idea of an app with some "John-isms" probably wouldn't surface. Of course... the blog would be free and available for Apple and Android users. Why would I want to rip people off for their money with a piece of crap app? And it isn't like an app of my blog (or any of my other work) is so special that it warrants profit. I can be cheap sometimes, but I'm not THAT cheap!

--- What App(s) Would My Blogging Friends Create? ---

My loyal blog readers probably have their own ideas for apps they'd create. The majority of other Blogger/Blogspot blogs I follow are fashion blogs, especially feminine fashion blogs. So I have to imagine some of my fashion blog friends would offer app(s) showcasing their style or offering some tips or random nonsense. There are a few other blogs that are NOT fashion blogs that I follow. For example, my online friend Arielle of "Actively Arielle: A Voice With a Commitment" would probably come up with an app offering daily advice and other material for those wanting some motivation or some help battling eating disorders.

I wouldn't put any of my blogging friends on the spot, so I really wouldn't know what app(s) I think they would come up with if they wanted to give those with mobile phones something cool to use. Then again, I could probably joke around about what they'd probably come up with.

--- Cross-Promotion and Other Reading ---

I hope you enjoyed my blog post. Here are some other blog posts of mine you might be interested in if you enjoyed this post:

"Apple Appreciation" - John's Blog Space
^ This blog post showcases my appreciation of Apple Inc. products. I even pay some respect to the late Steve Jobs.

"iPod Series" - John's Blog Space
^ You can enjoy all those little Apple apps to your iPod Touch or iPhone. While the post makes references to the iPhone, this post of mine is like an appreciation post of the iPod lineup.

"Take Your Pick - iPod Touch or Samsung Galaxy Player?" - John's Blog Space
^ Both devices have apps available for both devices. Question is... which is the better portable media player: the iPod Touch or the Samsung Galaxy Player series? Take your pick!

That's all from me. Thanks for reading my other posts if you enjoyed this one here.

So what app(s) would you create? What would you want to offer to those who have Apple-equipped or Android-equipped devices? Would you charge money for the app or offer it for free? What would YOU create to proudly respond, "there's an app for that?" Your comments are welcome. Of course, no spam (or other suspicious comments) are allowed. Thank you for reading!

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