Thursday, August 16, 2012

YouTube App for the PlayStation 3

John B. Marine | 8/16/2012 08:00:00 PM | | | |
YouTube on the PlayStation 3 meant using YouTube XL. Now, there is a new PS3 app that lets you use YouTube on your PlayStation 3. The app is in its early stages. Therefore, any of my reviews or thoughts on it only apply to what it provides as of its first version. Any changes or modifications to the YouTube app after the date of this initial blog post (August 16, 2012 at 20:00 (or 8:00 PM Central [Daylight] Time) will not be reflected. This blog post is both a review AND a First Impressions assessment of the new YouTube app for the PlayStation 3.

--- YouTube App for the PlayStation 3 ---

The YouTube app for the PlayStation 3 is different from the YouTube XL app mostly made for TV. This app allows you to check out all of your favorite YouTube videos while also logging in to YouTube. You also get to enjoy checking out all of the latest videos as well as videos from your playlists and favorites. So all in all, you're looking at a more refined YouTube experience for your PS3.

At the moment, you can mostly just view videos and not do anything like... you know- upload videos, comment on videos, add videos to your playlists/favorites, and things like that. Things will likely change once YouTube starts refining the app some more.

--- Getting Started ---

To get started, you must download the YouTube app from the PlayStation Store. The download is free and takes up 22 megabytes of space on your PlayStation 3. Once it is loaded, all you have to do is install it and then go over to the TV/Video Services menu on your PS3's XMB. What happens next is that you must log in to allow YouTube to access your information. You will be given a code to input after you visit the link YouTube provides to you. Access that link to activate the YouTube app for your PS3, and then input the code given to you so you can use YouTube on your PS3. Once the code is registered, you will be allowed access to use the YouTube app automatically.

Those of you with mobile devices can use the PS3's YouTube app in conjunction with the PS3's YouTube app. Visit the link the app provides, and then input the code.

--- First Impressions ---

The app allows you to view the most recent content from your subscriptions, your playlists, your top videos, favorites, and more. You can even see the latest and most popular YouTube videos based on a number of categories. Your history of videos can also be accessed along with a look at your recent activity and a handful of videos recommended to you.


Actually viewing videos is a pretty clean process.

• To access the main controls when watching a video, press X.

• You can rewind and fast-forward the video from this menu. Or to quickly rewind or fast-forward, press L2 to rewind and R2 to fast-forward.

• The YouTube Search menu is also part of the viewing experience. Press Triangle to perform a search. At any time, you can input a few letters, and YouTube will search for videos based on the search term you use.

• Pause the video by pressing Start.

• View any other videos by pressing L1 to view a previous video in a line, or R1 to view the next video. You can also press left or right either with your D-Pad or your left analog stick to do the same respective functions.

• Press Up or Down to cycle through the different menus and video collections available to you. Depending on certain menus, this may lag up your viewing of a certain video, so be careful and only use these menus when you really have to.

• Press Circle to stop the video and return to the menu you previously were on.

• The right analog stick does nothing. The L3 does nothing either.

• To exit the YouTube app, press the PS button (or press and hold the PS button) and go to "Quit."

Fairly straightforward.

Video Playback.

Videos appear to run very clean on the PS3. Granted I don't have the world's finest Internet connection, videos appear in amazing quality on the PlayStation 3. I am not real certain about being able to change video quality or if you'll always have the highest-peforming video play automatically, but I've been very impressed seeing how some videos seem to run at a faster and cleaner rate compared to viewing YouTube on a computer or on a mobile device.

--- YouTube App: Final Thoughts ---

YouTube did a great job with this app from what I've seen so far. The things I would want to see change would be to perhaps let you change the screen size so videos could better fit your TV or monitor. I would probably recommend being able to use the PlayStation 3's keyboard feature for easier searching rather than by using the standard gamepad. I use a USB keyboard for typing in text easier, so I'd like that functionality for better searching and perhaps even for extra video controls.

From this initial build, the YouTube app runs very well. My test run of this app allowed me to view videos very well.

Have you downloaded the YouTube app yet for your PlayStation 3? If not, at least this blog post gave you a little insight on the new app. Learn more about the YouTube app from YouTube's own blog: Game on: Get the new YouTube app for PlayStation 3 (YouTube Blog). Thank you for reading!

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