Sunday, August 12, 2012

Central Asian Beauties

John B. Marine | 8/12/2012 07:16:00 PM | | | | | |
(UPDATED: November 1, 2016)

My Asian Beauties series FINALLY is updated with a new batch of lovely ladies to showcase. This time, I am mentioning beautiful women of Central Asia. These include the nations of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan. Asian ladies are in the spotlight yet again but with a new blog post. And let me tell you- I have had a very tough time coming up with this one. It may be one of the toughest "Beauties" blog posts I've ever done due to the lack of information and picture data I've tried to find on many of the featured names.


NOV 1 2016 - added another beauty (hint: Uzbekistan)

Asian Beauties

When most people think of Asian people and things, many people (understandably) think of Asia along the Pacific Rim and many of the outlying Pacific islands around Asia. In this series of blog posts regarding Asian beauties, I will showcase various Asian women as some of the most beautiful from this featured part of the world. I will be sure to feature many more lovely ladies from this certain sector of the world in more posts.

Once the series is complete, you may link to any of the following through the list below. Here is a look at the Asian Beauties series:

East Asian Beauties
^ beauties of Japan, Korea Republic, [People's Republic of] China, Mongolia, Taiwan, Macau, S.A.R., China; and Hong Kong, S.A.R., China

Southeast Asian Beauties
^ beauties of Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam

South Asian Beauties
^ beauties of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka

• Central Asian Beauties (YOU ARE HERE)
^ beauties of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Krygstan, and Turkmenistan

I may plan on doing Middle Eastern beauties separately. Either that, or I may include another blog post in this Asian beauty series to feature Middle Eastern ladies.

Asian Beauties: Central Asia.

Central Asia consists of five nations: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Krygstan, and Turkmenistan. I am familiar with only two of these five nations- Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Part of the challenge of blogging about this topic is in being introduced to and learning about certain nations I am not familiar with. It is also challenging because it is tough for me to find certain pictures or other media regarding such personalities.

How This Blog Post Works.

You will see certain ladies from the seven represented nations that make up East Asia. Here are the represented nations in order:

• Kazakhstan - ladies from Kazakhstan or of Kazakh descent.
• Uzbekistan - ladies from Uzbekistan or of Uzbek descent.
• Tajikistan - ladies from Tajikistan or of Tajikistani descent.
• Kyrgyzstan - ladies from Kyrgyzstan or of Kyrgyzstani descent.
• Turkmenistan - ladies from Turkmenistan or of Turkmen descent.

So let's get started! Some information on featured people were provided by Wikipedia searches. I may only make mention to certain ladies if I can't find pictures, websites, or videos on each featured lady. Don't forget that I may edit this post from time to time to update my material.

Central Asian Beauties

(THIS REGION: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Krygstan, and Turkmenistan)

Because I am most familiar with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan more than the other three nations, I'll start with these two. Before I begin, let me tell you something. This "Beauties" post was very hard for me because I could not find a whole lot of ladies to feature here, and the information I tried to use is just enough make a decent mention of each personality. I still tried my best to find anything on any of the ladies featured here. I hate disappointing people; and if I do disappoint you, I am deeply sorry. I've done my best. So let me share with you some lovely ladies from Central Asia.

Central Asian Beauties: Kazakhstan

Hello to all of my readers from Kazakhstan! I would like to share some of your lovely ladies in this blog post to this international blog. I know very litle about Kazakhstan, but I can somewhat find it properly on a map. The capital of Kazakhstan is Astana. Of the five nations featured in this post, Kazakhstan is the largest-size country of the five featured nations here. Now let's meet some of Kazakhstan's ladies!

Gaukhar Rakhmetaliyeva (Kazakhstan).

Gaukhar Rakhmetaliyeva
^ from: (best I could find) - Miss Kazahkstan 2007, Gaukhar Rakhmetaliyeva.
Miss Kazakhstan in 2007 is one (born: 1983) Gaukhar Rakhmetaliyeva. She is only the second-ever woman to represent as Miss Kazakhstan at Miss Universe since Dina Nuraliyeva (she represented Miss Kazakhstan in 2006).
MORE INFO: Gaukhar Rakhmetaliyeva (Wikipedia)

Zhanna Zhumaliyeva (Kazakhstan).

Zhanna Zhumaliyeva
^ from: - Zhanna Zhumaliyeva was crowned Miss Kazakhstan in 2010.
Born on July 26, 1987, Zhanna is a Kazakh model from Uralsk. She won Miss Kazakhstan 2010 as well as Miss World 2011.

Olga Tereshkova (Kazakhstan).

Olga Tereshkova
^ from: - Olga Tereshkova at the 2010 Asian Games.
This (born: October 26, 1984)-old is a beauty who is a solid runner from Kazakhstan. She runs 400-meter sprints.

Aibina, of "Aibina's Blog" (Kazakhstan).

Hailing from Kazahkstan's capital city- Astana, Aibina Yeshkeeva is a fashion blogger who shares her looks and outfits with the world. The young blogger is very beautiful with immense fashion charm and goddess-like beauty. Her styles can range from cute and casual to classy and gorgeous. I have continually admire and respect her for her sense of style. I think anyone into fashion blogs should give "Aibina's Blog" a visit. Her blog is bilingual with posts offered both in English and Russian.

You can see more of her looks by visiting Aibina's Lookbook page.

Alina, of "" (Kazakhstan).

(ADDED: January 20, 2013)
The beauty behind LifeisExpression is a lady named Alina. Alina Akhmetbek is a beautiful lady from Kazakhstan who resides here in my hometown of Houston, Texas, USA. Visit the Kazakh beauty's website by clicking on the header to this section.

That concludes beauties from Kazakhstan. If I find more, I'll update as many times as need be.

Central Asian Beauties: Uzbekistan

Time to talk about Uzbekistan. Hello to all of my readers from Uzbekistan! I know only one thing about Uzbekistan- its capital is Tashkent. Uzbekistan is south-southwest of Kazakhstan.

Nadiya Dusanova (Uzbekistan).

Nadiya Dusanova
^ from: - High jumper Nadiya Dusanova of Uzbekistan.

(Born: November 17, 1987)-year old Nadiya Dusanova is a high jumper. The native of Tashkent, Uzbekistan competed in the Olympics for High Jumping, but did not advance to the Finals. Her only triumph in representing Uzbekistan was when she won Gold in High Jumping at the 2009 Asian Indoor Games in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Milana Vayntrub (Uzbekistan).

(ADDED: November 1, 2016)

ATT or AT&T Lily Milana Vayntrub
^ from: (YouTube) - This is AT&T cutie Lily. But did you know this lady is Uzbek?

So maybe you don't know this name. But if you watch a lot of commercials on American TV, have you seen AT&T girl Lily? Lily in the AT&T commercials is (born: March 8, 1987)-year old Milana Aleksandrovna Vayntrub from Tashkent, Uzbekistan (the capital of Uzbekistan). Milana is a political refugee escaping from some of the many sanctions and such from her native Uzbekistan. I think Milana is very cute. I may not give you my list of favorite commercials featuring her, but Milana is surely a lovely lady. I just didn't know she is from Uzbekistan.

That's as best as I could do. Maybe I'll find some more to feature here in the future.

Central Asian Beauties: Tajikistan

And now, one of three of these nations I am not familiar with. Tajikistan is to the east-southeast of Uzbekistan. Hello to any readers who may be from Tajikistan.

Nilufar Sherzod (Tajikistan).

Nilufar Sherzod won Miss Tajikistan 2010 and Miss United Nations 2010. Pictures of her can be seen on Nilufar's ModelMayhem page.

Again- I'll feature more lovely ladies from Tajikistan if I find any or learn of any others.

Central Asian Beauties: Kyrgyzstan

To the north-northeast of Tajikistan is Krygyzstan. Its capital city and largest city is Bishkek, in northern Krygyzstan. Hello to any readers who may be reading this post from this nation!

Altynai Ismankulova (Kyrgyzstan).

Meet the winner of Miss Kyrgyzstan and Miss Asia-Pacific 2011- (born: 1989(?))-year old Altynai Ismankulova. A photo album of Altynai can be seen here: Altynai Ismankulova photos on

There's your Kyrgyzstan love! Maybe I'll find more to make this post more fun.

Central Asian Beauties: Turkmenistan

The final featured nation of the five is Turkmenistan. This country is north of Iran and south of Uzbekistan.

Elena Satushkina (Turkmenistan).

Elena Satushkina
^ from: (best I could find) - Miss Turkmenistan- Elena Satushkina.

I could not find any real information on Elena Satushkina to share with you here. Elena was 21 years old when she competed in China Miss Friendship International 2009, representing Turkmenistan. This is all I can unfortunately pull up about her.

That's all I could do for featuring Turkmenistan.

Like I said before- I wish I could find more to feature. My "Beauties" posts usually are pretty popular as I feature more people. It's just difficult to find even most of the ones I eventually featured here. Goes to show you that while the Internet has a wealth of information, you can only go so far with that information. I say I'd be pretty impressed with my efforts to bring you all at least SOMETHING to feature to keep this blog rolling. So that concludes my look at beautiful women from Central Asia as part of my Asian Beauties series.

In case you're wondering, I am working on and/or considering other kinds of "Beauties" posts. There are other different region-based beauties I want to focus on internationally as well as some non-region based material. Who knows what in the "Beauties" series I will focus on next? I'm sorry it's taken this long. I work on so many other posts that I sometimes don't make enough time for certain topics I know my readers would be interested in. I hope you appreciate my efforts to make this post even remotely useful and chatworthy.

Having said all of this, thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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