--- My Bloglovin' Universe ---
Welcome to this blog and my blogging universe! Before I begin, if you want to follow me on Bloglovin', please click on the link below to stay connected with my latest blog posts via Bloglovin':my Bloglovin page (www.bloglovin.com/johnbmarine)
If you want to follow individual blogs of mine, please read on. Each featured blog of mine has a brief introduction of each one along with links for you to stay connected with my work. Either click on the image or click on the link below the images to connect with my blogs via Bloglovin'. If you have a Bloglovin' account, click on either the link or image to each section and click "Follow" to follow my blog(s) via Bloglovin'. You may also me follow on Bloglovin' if you are using a mobile device and have the Bloglovin' app installed.
John's Blog Space on Bloglovin'.
"John's Blog Space" (which you are reading right now) is my main blog. The best way to describe JBS is that it is a personal blog that is not about any single subject. There is no niche to this blog. You sometimes may not know what I will blog about or when I will post. If just for the randomness of topics, this alone should be reason why you want to Follow JBS.Follow JBS on Bloglovin':

Or click this link: JBS on Bloglovin
John's Shop Space on Bloglovin'.
To decrease the workload on finding relevant items for blog posts on "John's Blog Space," I created "John's Shop Space." At its core, I created it with the intent that people would look at my alternate blog for shopping. It is a blog AND a store (because I'm too cheap to make a proper online store). I also didn't want to provide the impression that I was blogging for money. Despite this, JSS remains something you could look at and look for relevant items I've posted. With a lack of topics and interest for it, I decided to use this blog in more recent times to post product reviews.Follow JSS on Bloglovin':

Or click this link: JSS on Bloglovin
John's Gran Turismo Space on Bloglovin'.
My first "niche" blog was created on November 16, 2010; and it is all about the Gran Turismo series. Resources and commentary regarding the GT series are featured in my GT blog. I am trying to keep this blog within the confines of Gran Turismo, but I sometimes make mention to other racing games in JGTS. I still invite all of my Gran Turismo fans to join my GT blog.Follow JGTS on Bloglovin':

Or click this link: JGTS on Bloglovin
StyleSpace, by John B. Marine on Bloglovin'.
Nobody really cared about "John's Blog Space" until I started discussing fashion. For the longest, I've passed on the idea of making a fashion blog to please my fashion-loving audience. I eventually decided to start my own fashion blog on July 7, 2012. One of my first plans was to call it "John's Style Space." However, I didn't want to have two blogs with "JSS" as its acronym. To stay consistent with my love of stars and space, I initially wanted to name the fashion blog as "Style Space" while styling it as "StyleSpace." The name "StyleSpace" was taken by some blogger who hasn't updated it in a long while (and in another language, no less). So that's why the blog goes by either one of two names: "StyleSpace by JBM" and its official long title "StyleSpace, by John B. Marine."Anyhow, SS by JBM is my own non-traditional fashion blog. It consists of posts in the realm of "anything and everything" regarding fashion and beauty. I'll discuss almost anything regarding fashion ranging from the latest trends to certain looks. Everything is provided mostly in an educational format. My own comments on fashion are made in this blog in my own way.
Follow SS on Bloglovin':

Or click this link: SS by JBM on Bloglovin'
Once again, if you want to follow all of my work on Bloglovin', please visit: my Bloglovin page (www.bloglovin.com/johnbmarine).
--- Extra Comments ---
I personally want to thank everyone who even cares show up in any of my blogs. I am always looking for new ways to engage my audience while also making sure to provide great material for everyone. I value the company of any and all individuals who visit my blog and its content. Don't just come here and leave- if you loved my work when you visit, please let me know! You can chat with me on my Facebook fan page (www.facebook.com/TheJohnMarine), follow me on Twitter (@johnbmarine), and even circle me on Google Plus among other methods of communication. If you are on Facebook and have a fan page of your own, you can "like" my own Fan Page or put it among your Favorites for your own blog. I would appreciate your loyalty and respect.So please- I want my loyal audience to connect with me in any way if you love my work. I admire your loyalty even if you view my blog(s) as a guilty pleasure. Just please let me know if your time here (or in any other blog) was well worth it.
If you have Bloglovin', you now know how to connect with my blog(s) if you want to stay connected with my blogging work. So please Follow via Bloglovin' among other methods of following my work! Thank you for reading!