Sunday, May 14, 2017

Live Stream Dream

John B. Marine | 5/14/2017 03:34:00 AM | | |
My #LiveStreamDream has come true! Through and with Open Broadcaster Software Studio (OBS Studio), I made my first-ever live stream. It was a learning experience for me. This blog post explains some things I learned. You will get some insight on me putting this all together and how I thought I did with my first live stream. So I first want to thank you for visiting my blog. Keep reading on for some of my thoughts in making my first live stream.

My Live Stream Dream!

Since joining Twitch early in January 2017, I became a regular on Twitch trying to find all sorts of material. I got involved with streams and even tried to find channels I liked. I had the dream of making my own live stream of some kind. As I was putting together material to make that dream come true, I knew I had a chance to be my own superstar. And unlike some things in my life, dreams were realized and came true.

I made the hashtag #LiveStreamDream to showcase my first-ever live stream. The point of the topic was to introduce myself and to showcase my blogging work. That was the topic I decided on when making my first live stream. As I selected my topic and thought about what to discuss, I went ahead and put the stream together as I was thinking about it. I even said a little prayer before starting my live stream. I was fairly nervous for the most part, but I eased into making my live stream as time went along.

In making my first stream, it meant some things went right, and some things went wrong. Here is an overview...

What Went Right...

The biggest thing that went right is that I managed to successfully stream something to Twitch. I also felt more confident using OBS Studio for live streams rather than OBS Classic. I used OBS Classic to make my GTR2 video project. Turns out, I may use OBS Studio for my streaming. Initially, I was never able to use OBS Studio efficiently. Turns out this program was made for streaming basically. So the amount of control was great in switching scenes and in designing my material.

What Went Wrong...

Twitch got the stream, but there were some main problems. I streamed my material to YouTube Stream Now, but I never saw it uploaded on YouTube. I gave out social media alerts, but a link to my stream was never posted. Because it was a live stream and because I didn't entirely plan on discussing my material in a cleaner manner, the usual sort of stutters happened in my stream. This also meant I was at a loss for words.

UPDATE: YouTube did feature my video. It just took a while initially for YouTube to save my stream to video.

My Grade for My First Live Stream.

I am going to give myself a B- for my efforts. If I can connect my material better, I felt my live stream debut would have been much more successful. I otherwise felt more confident as I went along. I tried to offer my video in kind of a 720p setting to suit widescreen formats. This is almost the question of, "if a tree falls in a forest, will anyone be around to hear it?" So if I posted a live stream, will anyone be around to see it? Since it was not linked from my Social Media alerts, nobody got to see me live or interact with me. I want to offer the opportunity to have people view my material and interact. I was unable to provide the kind of environment I wanted to make. And in so, I failed most in that department. At least now I have some Restream experience.

I do see myself attempting more live streams. When and on what topics remain to be confirmed.

Want to View My First Live Stream?

If you want to see my first-ever live stream as it happened, click on the link below:

#LiveStreamDream - The Start of a New Journey!

PLEASE be sure to offer your thoughts on the quality of my work. I may be able to make better material in the future. I am not sure how long my video will stay up on Twitch. So therefore, it's best you check it out now before it potentially could be gone.

For Future Reference...

To check out my streams on Twitch and YouTube (respectively), visit these links:

my Twitch channel
my YouTube channel (Live Stream link)

Other than that, it was a tremendous experience to do a live stream. I may try to make more. Make sure you follow my material to see more of it when it becomes available. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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