Saturday, January 2, 2010

Layered-Look Sweaters and Vests

John B. Marine | 1/02/2010 04:27:00 PM |
(UPDATED 4/2/2010 with Amazon items)

It can be tough trying to put together a blouse and a sweater (or even a vest) for a complete look for the office. Enter the layered-look sweater. These layered-look outfits are an all-in-one appropriate look for the office. With the top part covered, it's all up to you whether to go with a pair of dress slacks or an office-appropriate skirt. And don't forget about a good pair of shoes and a few accessories.

Here is an example of a layered-look sweater:

^ from: - a layered-look sweater that combines a dressy blouse with a sweater for a one-piece look.

...and these are examples of layered-look vests:

^ from: - a layered-look vest for women from Sears.

Many people believe that these layered-look sweaters and vests are fake clothes since they are all stuck together. An obvious disadvantage to these is that since they are layered together, you can't use the shirt/blouse or the sweater/vest separately for other outfits and looks. These are good to wear if you don't have your own sweaters/vests or blouses/shirts to make this two-piece look. So should you ladies go for these? It's your call. I still think they are a lovely addition to office or semi-formal fashion, even if some others think these are fake clothes.

I will attempt to show some layered-look sweaters and vests on Amazon. For now, check out the ones below. Find one you like (if you like any of the following):

Click on "Read More" to see more personalized picks of layered-look sweaters and layered-look vests. But for right now, don't expect too much.

--- Layered-Look Sweaters and Vests on Amazon ---

NOTE: This section contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.
If you want some layered-look sweaters and vests, I want you to click on the items I have below in this section. And remember- order anything you like that you click on if it interests you.

NOTE: All sizes are Women's sizes unless otherwise stated.

^ This is a Medium-only layered-look sweater only available in black. The maker is Jones New York.

^ This is an X-Large Petite layered-look sweater. The details are very cute as I am a fan of ruffles. A lovely pair of career pants and some dressy pumps or sandals would make for a beautiful look.

That's all I could find relevant to this blog entry. So thank you for reading!
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