Saturday, January 2, 2010


John B. Marine | 1/02/2010 05:52:00 PM | |
Recommendation for Facebook friends: click on this note and comment on my full blog entry!

Individuality has one key word embedded: individual. So many people have their own preoccupations about what everyone should be. Anyone even remotely outside what society considers normal or acceptable are frowned upon by society. A challenge of society is being yourself... regardless of what anyone thinks. Sometimes, being yourself is subject to negativity. The most common negativity is in simply being ridiculed. The most extreme negativity is serious injury or death. When trying to establish yourself is the name of the game and when trying to be someone different in a world of fakes, just being yourself and having your own personality is worth some respect even if others dislike you. You should be responsible for you. As long as you're not completely anti-social or whatever, feel free to establish your own identity and style even if others disapprove of your personality.

Please be sure to check out my video here: "Individuality"
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