Californian Katy Perry made a big name for herself since "I Kissed a Girl." Her music is powerful. She is no bubblegum pop star. Her music and her personality are both distinctive and powerful. It's pop music that hits you hard and doesn't apologize for whacking you. Outside of her music, the young pop star is very beautiful and incorporates a fashion style more along the lines of vintage pin-up girl than any seriously modern chic. There is no one in the same class as one Katy Perry. This blog post is my post to discuss Katy Perry to my international audience.
This initial blog post is mostly a digest on Katy Perry. I may add more content to make it more interesting to read depending on traffic.
--- Katy Perry ---
Meet Katy Perry:
^ from: - Katy Perry's come a long way to go from nobody to an international superstar.
(some information provided by Wikipedia; most everything else is mostly personal comments)
Katy Perry made her grand debut in the pop realm in 2008 with "I Kissed a Girl," but her music career stems back to her teenage years and eventually into the recording artist realm in 2004. The (born October 25, 1984)-year old native of Santa Barbara, California, USA was born to two Christian pastor parents. Katy is one of the hottest pop stars today. Her style has a great deal of edge and personality unlike a lot of other recent pop singers. What I like most about her is that she is very beautiful. Katy Perry is one of the most charming young ladies in American music. I think what makes her different looks-wise is that while most go for sexy pictures, Katy Perry is more like a vintage pin-up girl, wearing a lot of high-waist stuff and various outfits. I'd say she's very vintage-driven in looks. Katy even admits being a huge fan of vintage chic.
To learn MUCH more about Katy Perry, check out Katy Perry's bio on her official home page.
Katy Perry in Style.

^ from: - This is a demonstration of Katy Perry's pin-up style. Note the cropped top paired with high-waist shorts.

^ from: - Katy Perry rocks some more pin-up girl chic with this lovely halter dress and a sweet pair of ankle strap peep-toe pumps.
To me, I have always considered Katy Perry more as a modern pin-up girl. Average female pop stars would be defined mostly by wearing skimpy outfits and being scantily clad. It's different for Katy Perry, though. Her style is more along the lines of vintage pin-up girl. In fact, I noted that her style is more vintage pin-up girl in my ever-popular blog post called "Pin-Up Girl Style." Part of this relates to her wearing high-waist bottoms. But on the real, her fashion style is very diverse.
Katy Perry has beautiful hair and a lovely face. Her hair is crafted so beautifully to compliment her sweet smile and diamond-like eyes. Katy Perry sparkles in looks as much as her music. She can do vintage glamour better than almost any other music star her age or younger. Or at least, those who dare attempt vintage glamour. It's vintage glamour done beautifully on a modern young lady.
Katy Perry in Music.
Katy Perry's music features various themes and tones. Three songs that immediately come to mind include "I Kissed a Girl," "Hot n Cold," and "Waking Up in Vegas." A very popular song of hers (and somewhat controversial) was a song called "Ur So Gay." This controversial song from 2007 basically helped put Katy Perry to the forefront.• "I Kissed a Girl" came in with a rather sensual and saucy tone. The overall music style vastly reminds me of the classic "We Will Rock You" from Queen.
• I then remember "Hot n Cold." It was when I heard this song that I began to respect Katy Perry for her electronica-style music. This song certainly had those electronic dance music tones.
• The final song I mentioned was "Waking Up in Vegas." This song had a real synergy of pop and rock. Her singing still remains powerful as the story plays itself out in "Waking Up in Vegas."
A song that resembled a somewhat different change of pace was "California Gurls." Of course, she can brag about California as a native Californian. Katy Perry's singing along with the smooth rhymes of Snoop Dogg made this song hot. I personally wish there was a hot song about us Houston people, but I digress. (Or what Houston artist/group is going to put Houston on the map with a hit song? Sorry... talking to myself! :D)
A song that's really stuck in my head sometimes is "Firework." The beats, coupled with her powerful singing, make this song memorable. I sometimes have this song playing in my head when I see fireworks. That's when I'm seeing fireworks shows or seeing the fireworks in videos of Gran Turismo 5 or whatever. Once Katy Perry gets to sing "Baby, you're a Firework..." in the chorus, you really sense the true power of her singing and the song itself in this great song. In a way, I even had "Firework" playing in my mind seeing all the fireworks on New Year's Eve 2010 as 2011 came rolling along. It is a VERY powerful song.
Since this song is played often times in my mind, perhaps this song should be played in your head to. I can make it happen! Have a look (and a listen):
^ courtesy of: KatyPerryVEVO on YouTube
The sixth season of "America's Best Dance Crew" is the Season of the Superstars. The crews that competed in Season 6 of ABDC faced some dancing challenges from Katy Perry featuring Superstar Master Mixes of her hottest songs. These provided a different twist to dance to as the crews of ABDC danced to her hit tunes.
--- My Favorite Songs of Katy Perry (all-time) ---
• Hot n Cold
• Firework
• Teenage Dream
I really respect Katy Perry and her music. She's really somebody different and distinctive. Come on, now- who can you REALLY compare Katy Perry to? Who has proclaimed that someone is the next Katy Perry? This young singer is awesome in her own way, and there is no one out there really in the same league as Katy Perry for what she brings to music and in style.
--- What I Would Tell Katy Perry (if she read this) ---
Katy Perry, I greatly respect you and what you bring to music. Haven't bought a CD or MP3 of yours, but I greatly respect your music. You are certainly one of the most different artists out there. Keep up the great work with all that you do!Would I Want to Meet Katy Perry (if given the chance)?
Sure, why not?That concludes this blog post. You can get social with Katy Perry by checking out these links:
• Katy Perry's official website
• a Katy Perry fan site
• Katy Perry on Myspace
• Katy Perry's Facebook Fan Page
• Katy Perry's YouTube channel and Katy Perry's VEVO YouTube Channel
• Follow Katy Perry on Twitter!
• Katy Perry on
And if you're interested in Katy Perry music, check this stuff out on Amazon:
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